"Gary, I challenge you to a match," Kamon said.
A boy, 17 years old with redish brown hair and a purple long-sleeved shirt on, with jet-black pants and brown boots was standing on top of a trainer's box somewhat like Kamon's. It was small and circular, but it didn't was elevated about 10 feet above the ground, though, by a think pole. The same went for the opposing side. The rest of the indoor stadium as much like Kamon's also.
"That's nice," Gary said.
"Er…what do you mean, that's nice?" Kamon asked.
"Well, that's perfectly fine if you want to battle me. I don't care." Kamon sensed a bit of cockyness to Gary's voice. Kamon's face tensed.
"Well, Gary, I'm going to tell you something. I came over here to beat you, not to take your criticism, sarcasm, and rather rude remarks. Now, hurry up and send out your Pokémon before I do!" Kamon came back.
"Okay, okay! Calm down, man. Well, Pidgeot, go!"
"Delibird, come out! Use your Blizzard attack!" Kamon commanded. Delibird blew snow and ice crystals at Pidgeot, but he quickly dodged them.
"Ha! Trying to take my Pidgeot early, huh? Won't work, kiddo. Pidgeot, Steel Wing attack on Delibird!" Gary ordered. Pidgeot divebombed Delibird, and struck him with his ferric wings, a reasonably good hit.
"Delibird, Ice Beam!" Delibird turned around and blasted a beam of frozen water at Pidgeot, when something very unexpected happened.
"Pidgeot, Mirror Move!" Gary yelled. Pidgeot returned the attack back at Delibird, going mediocre damage.
"Delibird, Icy Wind, and then a Blizzard!" said Kamon. Delibird blew an freezing gale at Pidgeot, lowering his speed just enough for Delibird to get another attack in. Delibird then created the snowstorm, an K.O. Pidgeot.
"Wha-what? My Pidgeot!" Gary exclaimed, recalling his Pokémon. "Well, Arcanine will finish you, won't you? Arcanine, go! Use Flame Wheel to finish Delibird off!" A ring of fire surrounded Delibird, and then engulfed him, finishing him off.
"Delibird, return. Corsola, go! Use Hydro Pump!"
"You won't learn, will you? Don't try to use the overpowerful attacks on me so early. Arcanine, Extreme Speed!" Arcanine sped around the room, dodging multiple cannon fires from Corsola.
"Corsola, Surf, now!" The wave of water rushed over Arcanine and did a lot of damage, but not enough to knock it out by far. "Okay, now use a Rock Slide!" said Kamon.
"Arcanine, dodge it!" said Gary. Arcanine leapt around the room, using his speed to try and avoid the rocks. He was hit by one, however, and lost some speed, and was therefore hit by several more. "Now, Arcanine, use Take Down!" Arcanine rammed into Corsola, making her fly into a wall, but Arcanine did damage to itself, also.
"Corsola, another Surf!" Kamon said. Corsola twirled around for a second, while yet another crest of water rushed over Arcanine, doing a lot of damage.
"Arcanine, try a Fire Blast!" Arcanine blasted a wall of flames at Corsola, burning and almost knocking her out.
"Okay, good, Corsola. Now, finish Arcanine with a Spike Cannon!" said Kamon. Spikes flew at Arcanine, doing minimal damage but just enough to K.O. it.
"No! Not my precious Arcanine…return. Okay, I know who I'm gonna choose. Exeggutor, go! Egg Bomb, now!" The Psychic-and-Grass-type Pokémon emerged from a green Pokéball, a Safari Ball, and proceeded in using the attack Egg Bomb, a mediocre attack, but did just enough damage to knock out Kamon's Pokémon.
"Corsola, come back," Kamon said. Hmm…Kamon thought, I could easily use Typhlosion, but what if… "Snorlax, go! Use Fire Blast!" Snorlax came out, sparkling. Exeggutor, being the slow Pokémon it was, could not dodge the Fire-type attack. "Good, now use Body Slam!" Snorlax slammed its massive bulk onto Exeggutor, paralyzing it.
"Darn it," said Gary, "Exeggutor, Psychic, now!" Exeggutor used its telepathic powers, creating a blue aurora around itself and Snorlax, and then with a flash, Snorlax took great damage.
"Snorlax, Amnesia, and then a Blizzard!" Snorlax increased its special defense, and then launched the ice and snow at Exeggutor, knocking it out.
"Wow. Not only is your Snorlax shiny, it possesses great strength. Exeggutor, return. Gyarados, go! Thrash and then a Hyper Beam!" Gyarados started lashing out and striking Snorlax, doing an incredible amount of damage. After Gyarados stopped his rampage, he then cured itself with a Mint Berry. Just then, he launched a gold beam from his mouth, making Snorlax fly into a wall and, with a huge explosion, almost knocked him out.
"The…the Focus Band worked! Yes! All right, Snorlax, finish Gyarados off with a Thunder!"
"A one-hit knock-out," Gary remarked, "that's all you've been trying to do, and its not working. And it's not about to, either."
"Well see," Kamon responded. A sheet of lightning came down from the ceiling and then crashed down on top of the blue serpent Pokémon. Because of the double-damage, Gyarados was also almost knocked out.
"Ha, I told you." What Gary didn't realize was that Gyarados was also paralyzed. "Gyarados, finish it with a Water Gun!" Gyarados used the small Water attack, and knocked out Snorlax.
"Okay, Snorlax, return. Electabuzz, go and use Spark!" Kamon's Electabuzz used the shocking attack and knocked out Gyarados rather quickly.
"Hmph. Gyarados, come back. All right, Alakazam, it's your turn!" Gary said, using the Psychic-type Pokémon. So far all of these Pokémon Kamon had seen before. "Alakazam, Psychic, now!" With a flash of light, Electabuzz took some serious damage.
"Electabuzz, Hyper Beam, now!" Kamon commanded. The gold beam was launched at Alakazam, doing a whole lot of damage; almost enough to knock him out.
"Alakazam, Recover while Electabuzz is recharging! Good, now use a Thunder Wave!"
Now that Electabuzz was paralyzed and Alakazam was almost at full health, Kamon doubted seriously if he could win or not.
"Electabuzz, Thunderbolt, now!" Electabuzz was unable to move, letting Alakazam get in a final attack.
"Finish it," Gary started, "Psybeam, now!" A rainbow-colored beam struck Electabuzz, and knocked her out.
"Come back, Electabuzz. Now, Umbreon, I choose you! Use Faint Attack!" Umbreon hit Alakazam with the Dark-type attack, going quite ome damage.
"Alakazam, Seismic Toss attack!" Alakazam at first tried using its Psychic powers to throw Umbreon into a wall, but that failed. Instead, he picked up Umbreon and then hurled her across the room, doing mediocre damage. "Okay, now another Recover!"
"Umbreon, Toxic, now! Then follow up with a Confuse Ray," Kamon said. Umbreon poisoned Alakazam with liquid poison, and then a shimmer of light fell on top of Alakazam, confusing it.
"Um…er…" Gary stuttered. He didn't count on an attack he couldn't Recover from. "Alakazam, Dynamic Punch attack, now!" Alakazam hurt itself in confusion, leaving time for Umbreon to use another attack.
"Now, finish it with a Faint Attack!" Kamon yelled. Umbreon disappeared from view and then reappeared behind Alakazam, and knocked it out with the Dark-type attack.
"You defeated my Alakazam by predicting what was going to happen and finding a weakness, more like a flaw, in my attacks. I would have never thought of that. Good job. Now, Alakazam, return. As my final Pokémon I'm choosing Umbreon! Go! Use your Mud-Slap!" Gary's Umbreon kicked mud into Kamon's Umbreon's face, lowering her accuracy but doing minimal damage.
"Umbreon, use your Confuse Ray!"
"Protect, and then a Toxic!" Gary commanded. Kamon's attack was deflected, and then his Umbreon was greatly poisoned.
"Umbreon," Kamon started. Man, he thought, this is going to be a total strategical battle. Umbreon's attacks aren't good enough to inflict major damage on eachother. Darn it! Well, Kamon, this is a real test of strength. I'm taking the experience of beating Koga and Janine into this battle. Here we go! "Umbreon, Mean Look, and then another Confuse Ray!" Umbreon made sure Gary's Umbreon didn't escape, and then confused him.
"You sealed your fate, Johto boy," Gary remarked. "Umbreon, your Mean Look!"
"No! Quickly, a Baton Pass!" Gary was taken back by this attack. He figured that if Umbreon couldn't retreat, then how could she use Baton Pass? Just then, it occurred to him that Baton Pass keeps both Pokémon's status's while the user gets switched. Kamon was smarter than he thought. The Pokémon Kamon sent out: his Typhlosion. "All right, Typhlosion, you know what to do. A Dynamic Punch attack, now!" Typhlosion punched Umbreon, and with the impact of the explosion plus ramming into a wall, Umbreon was knocked out. Kamon had won.
"Oh my! My…my Umbreon…return. Well, Johto boy, I mean, Kamon, you proved yourself against all of the Kanto Gym Leaders. You have prevailed through all challenges, and you have won. Congratulations," Gary said. He handed Kamon the Earth Badge, and sent him on his way. Kamonthen went back to the Pokécenter and healed his Pokémon, took out Golem, and then headed straight for
Mt. Silver, and his final challenge.