Ahoy! Bones the friendly pirate captain is here! Since I finished my general Pokemon fanfic and my AAMRN this will a JAJRN fanfic. In other words a romance novel between Jessie and James of Team Rocket.
Disclaimer: You already know I don't own Pokemon. Some people think that Jessie and James are not in love with each other. But the truth is they are.
By Captain Bones
It was a beautiful sunny day at a park where Ash, Misty and Brock were relaxing. Little did they know Team Rocket was spying on them. As they got closer they had a confessed look on their faces when they saw Ash and Misty looking at each other smiling.
Jessie: Hmm that's strange.
James: Your right Jessie, Just look at them.
Meowth: Why are dey staring at each other like dat?
Jessie: It's because they love each other.
James: Yeah! I remember now.
Meowth: It's when we's captured dem without the big twoerp.
A/N: It happen in the episode named "THE POKEBALL PERIL".
Begin Flashback
Meowth: We caught our self's a couple of love boirds.
Ash: You must be crazy! We not in love.
Misty: Not even in a million years!
Ash and Misty looked away from each other and blushed.
Meowth: But your blushing.
Jessie: Kissy Kissy Kissy.
End Flashback
Meowth: Dat was a long time ago.
Jessie: They do love each other. But their afraid to admit it.
James: Example please.
Jessie: The red head is afraid that if she told the twerp, he will reject her.
James: That means they are both afraid of rejection.
Jessie: That why they won't admit that they love each other.
Meowth: Yea just like you's and James.
Jessie and James: (With angry faces) You must be crazy!
Misty: Hey! Was that Team Rocket, we just heard?
Ash: It's them alright.
Jessie: They heard us
James: We better hide.
Before they could Meowth stepped on a rock.
Meowth: Meouch!
Misty: Their over there.
Ash: Pikachu Thunderbolt!
Pikachu: Pikachuuuuuuu!
Pikachu's thunderbolt attack made Team Rocket scream in pain. Then there was an explosion.
Team Rocket: Look's like Team Rocket's blasting off again!
Wobbuffet:Wobba Wobba ***ding***
Brock: Hey what happen?
Ash: Pikachu just got rid of Team Rocket.
Brock: Oh.
Somewhere in the forest
Jessie: That was a mistake.
James: We didn't do our motto.
Meowth: I shouldn't have opened by big meowth.
Jessie's Wobbuffet popped out of it's pokeball
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Jessie: (Angry) Get back in your ball!
James: What do we do now Jessie?
Jessie: Good question.
Meowth: I tink we must find another way to capture dat Pikachu.
James: How?
Jessie: I'm not sure.
James: I think we will never be successful on catching Pikachu.
Jessie: What are talking about James?
Meowth: Yeah. Team Rocket never gives up!
James: We tried and tried and tried again. But we failed every time.
Meowth: Dat's true.
James: And we keep on blasting off again.
Jessie: That's true too.
Meowth: Dat doesn't mean we can just gives up.
Jessie: And beside if we keep trying, we will win.
James: But that will take a long time Jessie.
Jessie: I don't care how long it takes. We will catch that Pikachu and give it to the Boss!
James: Then let's find the twerps and try again.
Meowth: Dat's right.
Team Rocket: Team Rocket's dashing off again.
They laughed after saying that sentence.
3 hours later
Jessie: This can't be right.
James: We been walking to where we blasted off for hours.
Meowth: Ya. And no sign of da twerp trio, and neither Pikachu.
Jessie: Where can they be at this very second?
James: Maybe they left after we blasted off.
Meowth: But which way?
James: I don't have a clue.
Jessie: Come on! Let's get in our meowth balloon to find them.
James & Meowth: Aye. Aye Jessie.
Team Rocket flew above the area and didn't have any luck.
Jessie: Any sign of them yet?
James: Nothing
Meowth looked around and saw a town.
Meowth: (turned to Jessie and James) Hey look yous guys a town.
Jessie: Your right Meowth!
James: It is a town!
Meowth: Wes might find dem twoerps in dere.
As Team Rocket flew above the town in their balloon they found Ash and co. entering the pokemon center.
Jessie: I have an idea.
James: What is it Jessie?
Meowth: Ya. Lets hear it.
Jessie: Hears the plan while there asleep we'll sneak in their room and grab pikachu with rubber gloves.
James: But Jessie we won't know what room there in.
Meowth: Unless we look through da windows.
Jessie: That's a brilliant idea Meowth.
James: Your idea is brilliant too Jessie.
Meowth: So what do we's do now?
Jessie: We must find out which window to look through, open it and grab Pikachu.
James: Okay
Meowth: Got it.
Jessie: And it must be done tonight.
That night
Team Rocket found the window which leads to Ash's, Misty's and Brock's room.
Jessie: It's this one.
James: We'll wait until their asleep.
Meowth: And we'll capture Pikachu.
As they looked through the window they saw Ash and Misty looking and smiling at each other again. While Brock was not in the room.
Jessie: Look they doing it again.
James: Your right. They might tell each other there felling at any moment!
Meowth: But where is dat big Twerp?
Jessie: You mean Brock.
James: How did you know his name?
Jessie: When we stolen a ditto they told us their names by imitating us.
James: I remember that now.
Meowth: Meowth too.
A/N: That was in the episode DITTO'S MYSTERIOUS MANSION.
Begin Flashback ...Again
Team Rocket sees Ash, Misty, Brock and Duplica wearing the same Team Rocket uniforms.
Ash: Prepare for trouble!
Brock: And make it double double!
James: (Angry) Grrr Quit imitating us.
Misty: To protect to the world from devastation!
Duplica: To ignite our people within our nation!
Jessie (Angry) This is insulating.
Ash: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Misty: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Ash: Ash!
Misty: Misty!
Brock: And Brock.
Duplica: Duplica that right.
Brock: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!
Duplica: Surrender now or prepare to fight all of us!
Pikachu: Pika Pika (That right).
End Flashback
James: I remember now.
Meowth: Hey. I's can hear dem talking.
Jessie: Let's listen.
Inside the room
Misty: Ash.
Ash: Yes?
Misty: There's something I need to tell you.
Ash: All right.
Misty: I..I love you.
Ash: Misty I love you too.
They move closer to each other.
Meanwhile outside
James: Look at this.
Meowth: I tink dey are going to kiss.
Jessie: This we gotta see.
Back inside the room
Ash and Misty kiss until Brock came in and saw them.
Brock: Well it's about time, I knew you were in love from the start.
Ash and Misty: How?
Brock: Never mind. It's getting late.
Ash: I guess your right.
Misty: Good night Ash.
Ash: Good night Misty.
Ash, Misty and Brock went to sleep.
Back outside
Jessie: Good their asleep.
James: Finally they know their secrets.
Meowth: Now is our chance to steal Pikachu.
Team Rocket discovered that the window was unlocked.
Jessie: When we open the window be very quiet.
James: OK
Meowth: Right.
After the window was opened Team Rocket went thought the open window to get inside the room.
Jessie: Be careful, we must not wake up da twerps.
James: (Putting rubber gloves) Right, and Pikachu neither.
Meowth: (Quietly) Dat's right.
James carefully grabbed Pikachu and went through the open window again.
Jessie: Great work, now let get out of here.
Before Team Rocket started to run Jessie's Wobbuffet came out of it's pokeball.
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet
Jessie: Wobbuffet! Back in your ball!
The noise woke Ash, Misty and Brock up.
Ash: (Yawning) What was that?
Ash looks on the other side and discovered that Pikachu was gone.
Ash: Ahh! Pikachu!
Meowth: Dem twerps heard us!
James: Run!
Brock: What's wrong Ash?
Ash: Pikachu is gone!
Brock: Gone?
Misty: Hey Ash, look out there.
Ash, Misty and Brock looked out the window and saw Team Rocket.
Ash: Team Rocket!
The trio grab their stuff and left the pokemon center to go after Team Rocket.
Meowth: Hey yous guys lets climb dat hill.
They climbed the hill until they reached the edge of a cliff.
Jessie: A dead end!
James: It's a long way down.
Meowth: At least we still have Pikachu.
James: Meowth! How are we going give it to the boss?
Pikachu woke up.
Pikachu: Pi? Pika Pi!
Jessie: Well. It look like Pikachu finally woke up.
Meowth: Did you's sleep well?
James: With those rubber gloves on, your thunderbolt attack are useless.
After saying that Ash and co. found Team Rocket.
Ash: Pikachu!
Meowth: It's dem twerps again.
Ash: Give me back my pikachu!
Jessie: Prepare for trouble you loss track.
James: Make it double your never getting it back.
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
James: To unite all peoples within our nation!
Jessie: To denounce the evil of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie.
James: James
Jessie: Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light.
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight.
Meowth: Meowth dat's right.
All of a sudden the ground below James's feet began to break apart.
James: What's happening?
Suddenly the ground broke and James began to fall.
James: Ahhhh!
Meowth: James!
Before James can fall even father Jessie grabbed his hand and Pikachu broke free James's other hand.
Meowth: Pikachu is getting away!
Jessie: Forget Pikachu help me save James.
Ash, Misty, Brock, Pikachu and Meowth watches as Jessie pulls James to safety.
James: (surprised) You saved me Jessie.
Jessie: That's what best friends are for.
Meowth: Ya even team members.
James: But Jessie.
Jessie: James I never thought I would say this, but I love you.
James: Jessie, I love you too, Meowth was right.
When Jessie and James got closer to each other they quickly kissed.
Ash: It looks like Team Rocket had the same secret you and me had Misty.
Misty: Yeah.
Jessie and James broke the kiss when there was a flash.
Jessie and James: Huh?
Meowth: (Holding a camera) Dis picture is perfect for da Team Rocket picture book.
Jessie and James: (Angry) Meowth!
Meowth quickly ran off.
Jessie and James: (Chasing Meowth) Come back here!
Meowth: Were dashing off again!
Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu laughed as they watch Team Rocket running away.
The End
Captain Bones signing out.