Disclamer: I don't own pkmn, only those rich drawing people do.
The Past of Mine
Part 1 Oh, it was 1960 somethin.
"My life, well i guess you could say it was somewhat good, not all of it but most. I have stories, lots of em, some good some bad, some happy, some sad, eather way i wish i could change some of em. But all i have today, a beautiful son who is a talented pokemon traner, a husband who loves me more than life, a nice little home, and a good life all come from this.
I was born in Donegal, Ireland in 1962. The time of my birth was 5:00 am. I was the second child of my family, Robert my older brother who was born in Londen,England came before me. My parents were excellent parents by the names of Nina and George O' Connell. Robert was older than me being born in 1959, but despite our age we were close, very close to each other and rarely had fights. I was born into a wealthy family. We lived in a mansion in Londen and travled to Ireland often to visit relatives. I came two months early, that's how i was born in Ireland, they were visiting relatives and i was the surprise. My life in Londen was good, i did not speak English though i spoke in Irish, we all did, but they all knew how to speak in English, i didn't. I attended a private school for both boys and girls and had many friends. My hobbie was riding horses, i loved horses more than anything and i still do. My profession was performing, i loved to sing, act, and dance, so naturally i took many classes. Ah, yes life was good my family, my horses, my music nothing could go wrong.
some years later i was 7, and little did i know, i was about to lose a whole year of my life. It was a typical morning, i had to get dressed for school and do some last minite studying for an exam. I stood up and suddenly i felt dizzy, the blood rushed to my eyes blocking my vision. Tightly i gripped my dresser and bent down, i was almost positive i was going to vomit so i ran for the loo as quickly as i could. But nothing happned, soon as i got to the loo i felt fine except for a slight tickle in my throat. I looked in the mirrior i looked normal no paleness nothing. Curious, i thought to my self, better not tell mom or da about this they would worry to much. So i said nothing idiot that i am i wish i did. Days later i was sick with a high fever and an awful cough. One day i was walking down to the kitchen to get some wather my throat was so dry. That's when it happned i suddenly felt like sizzling lava and dizzy spells grpied me one after the other. I tryed to stay alert but no use suddenly my world went black.
The next thing I remerber was wakeing up in a hospital with a blond haired docter looking down at me with a worring face. "Were am I ?" i manged to scratch out. the doctor explained to me that i was sick very sick and in the hospital. My parents and borther were nutcases they didn't know what was going on eather. We all learned in time that i had Diptheria, an awful fever that can kill without medicine. This hospital had no Antitopsion, the medicine to kill the fever. The doctor explained that the medicine was very expensive and Diptheria was not commen in Londen and so it was never ordered for. The clostest and lass expensive place to get Antitopsion was Unfortantly America, why did it have to be so far away? And of couse it was winter and winters in England are VERY cold and tons of snow. It would be hard but the doctors promised they would get the medicine for me along with my parents vow to pay any amount of pounds I needed. The rest of this story is from what my parents told me. I had gotten so sick that I had fallen into a coma and was put in intensive care. I don't remerber anything at all naturally bacause i was not awake. The medicine was having a hard time getting in and my time was running out. When the medicine arrived, i don't know, but it did and once given to me it i did wake up from time to time but not much. If only the medicine had come in sooner would i not be in such a deathly state. I did not awake untill year later.
I remerber wakeing up to dozens of flowers in my room of every kind and ton's of presents still in there wrapping. My mother was sitting in a chair by my bed dozing. "Mother?" o breathed. She was instantly awake and began hugging me and kissing me. "Why do i have presents mom?" Tere was a note of distress in her voice. "It's your birthday darling" "It is? Wow am i really eight years old?" Her face frowned. "No honey your.....you......your nine." I didn't say a word i was speech less. "No.....no.....NO! Your wrong......wrong im eight not nine!" Honey, Honey.....calm down....yes you are nine youve been nine sence Febuary and it March now....1964. I was so shocked that i fainted again. When awoke everything was explained. I had been in a coma for two year because of my fever the medicine had helped but it was mostly me who fought. A month later i was relased from the hospital and on my way back to a normal life. I was the same sort of. The fever left me weak and when ever there was something going around i would get it first. I went to the doctor regulery for a month after my release to make sure i wasn't sick again.
It was now 1969, I was 14 years old and the sixtee's were drawing to a close. And i lived my life sickness and trouble free my life was back, untill 1972.