Pokémon is owned by Nintendo, Creatures Inc. and GAME FREAK Inc.
This is my first attempt at a fanfic. Comments can be sent to Burori17@aol.com. If you must flame then give good reason.
Plant Life
Everyone should know who and what they are. No one should have to live without knowing those two things. But we have to. We are different from any other creature on the planet. But we were not always like that. Once we knew what we were. We were just simple reptiles with blue skin and red eyes. Then the spoors came and changed everything. They seemed to seek us exclusively. Whenever one of them landed on us we grew strange plants on our backs. They changed us in ways that can never be reversed. Then the humans came and saw us with an animal’s body and a plant on our backs and called us pokémon. They said that the plant blooming must be our form of evolution, but it was nothing more than the plant taking more of our life force. Now we can never just be simple reptiles again. We are almost extinct now because of the humans. They took all of our young and trained them to fight but we cannot live with out being in the wild. Maybe one day when we are all dead the humans will realize the truth about the plants. But until that day we will be know simply as Bulbasaur.