Pokémon is owned by Nintendo, Creatures Inc. and GAME FREAK Inc. The characters of Magus Mindbender and Amy Mizuno are my creations. If you wish to use them then please ask my permission first.

This is the first part of my fanfic series. Comments can be sent to Burori17@aol.com. If you must flame then give good reason.


The Adventures of Magus Mindbender

Episode 1: The Beginning of a Legend


It is ten years before a young boy from Pallet Town named Ash Ketchum gets his starter Pokémon and begins his journey. This story is about another young boy who is starting his Pokémon journey. He is from originally from Saffron City and moved to Pallet Town three years ago. His name is Magus Mindbender and his goal is to become the greatest Pokémon Master.


A young girl with medium length red hair and a toned body walks up to a small house and knocks on the door. An older woman with blond hair opens the door.

The young girl asks with a smile, “Hello ma’am is Magus ready yet?”

“Happy Birthday Amy,” she responds, “I’ll see if he is ready yet. Would you like to come in?”

“Why thank you Mrs. Mindbender, I would love to,” Amy says sweetly as she walks past the older women and enters a nicely furnished living room.

As Amy sits on the couch, Mrs. Mindbender goes up the stairs and down the hall to a closed door. Knocking on the door, she says, “Magus, Amy is here, are you ready yet?”

“Just a second Mom, I'm almost done packing.” Shortly afterwards, the door opens and a young boy with black hair and deep violet eyes dressed in black pants and shirt, carrying a purple backpack walks out. “I’m all ready to go Mom.” Together they walk back downstairs.

Seeing them arrive, Amy jumps up and walks over to them. “Hey Magus, all set for our journey?”

“You bet Amy. Bye Mom, I’ll call you when we get to Viridian City.”

With a slightly worried expression on her face, Mrs. Mindbender says, “Be careful and try to stay out of trouble.”

Giving his mother a hug, Magus responds, “Don’t worry Mom, me and Amy can take care of any pokémon that attack us.” Upon saying this, he opens the door and walks out with Amy following behind him.

“So Amy, what pokémon are you going to choose as your starter?” Magus asks as they walk away from his house.

Amy looks over at Magus and says, “A Machop of course. It is my favorite pokémon.”

“Just thought I would ask,” Magus replies as they cross the road to get to Professor Oak's lab. Turning back, Magus sees a car speeding towards him. As Amy watches on in horror, the car flies through where Magus had stood. Looking around for Magus, she spots him in a tree about twenty feet farther down the road.

Running over, she looks up and asks Magus, "How did you get up there. I was sure you were about to be run over."

Freeing himself from the branches, Magus drops to the ground and turns to Amy. "I have absolutely no idea. I saw the car and was sure I was about to die when I felt this surge of energy and was stuck up in that tree."

Shaken, they continue towards Professor Oak's lab and arrive without any further incidents. Knocking on the door, a man in a white lab coat and graying brown hair opens it and says, "You must be Magus and Amy. I have your pokémon inside, if you please follow me."

Entering, Amy and Magus see that the interior is a cross between a quiet home like any in Pallet Town and a state of the art scientific laboratory. Following Professor Oak farther in, they reach a case with a number of pokéballs on it. Turning to them, the professor presses a button to unlock the case and gives them a short rundown of the pokémon available. "As an experiment, the Indigo League has decided to increase the number of possible starter pokémon. We have one from just about every type. So which pokémon do you want Amy?"

Without hesitation, Amy reaches in and picks up the pokéball with a small fist symbol on the front. "I want Machop," she states matter-of-factly, then walks off to the side to let Magus look inside the case.

Looking around the case, Magus begins to reach for the pokéball with a blue water drop on it, but stops suddenly. Looking confused, Magus’ hand changes course and instead, grabs the pokéball with a small purple eye on it. Sounding as confused as he looks, Magus says, “I think I’ll take Abra.”

Closing the case and locking it, Prof. Oak walks over to a nearby table and picks up two pokédexs and ten pokéballs. "This is a pokédex. Think of it as a kind of encyclopedia of pokémon. These, as you most likely know, are pokéballs. They are used to capture wild pokémon and are one of the most important things a trainer can have."

Thanking the professor, Magus and Amy take the items and leave the lab. Walking to the town limits, they stop and look out back towards Pallet Town. Turning to Amy, Magus says, "This is the last time we'll be in Pallet Town for quite a while." Saying this, Amy and Magus turn away from their home and walk off to a path filled with danger and adventure.