on our last episode every body ended up in mata-nui
takanuva: i am takanuva who are they tahu
tahu: the r friends
tofind out more go to Bionicle Mask of Light and BIONICLE Homepage now back to the story
gali: tahu who r they really how did they get to our island
kopaka: if he says its his friends then its his friends
pohatu: what does it say lewa
lewa: they said the rahi r infected again and the borohk borohk-kal and therakshi and makuta
takanuva: i thought i defeated them
isaac: i know but they want u that is why i need u to go with us
kopaka:well take care of them while u get out of here
tahu:ill stay to
isaac: no i need u with me
mysteriousturaga:toa remeber ur unity
onua:turagavakama what are u doing here i just to need to remind u the barogh are here to
lewa: uhoh got call the boxers and i think the exo-toa armer might be in handy
tahu:good bye
ok it might sound cheesy but i doing this one really late and i know ash didnt really talk hey its a cross over right so review me