Coordinator’s Love
Cheer-- Claire’s Jumpluff
Drew-- 12
Lara-- 12
A/N: I was a little excessive on that disclaimer. Oh well. Part three starts here! Oh, BTW, I got rid of SKS’s name because she isn’t in this chappie (don’t know who SKS is? Read last chapter’s bottom A/N) I know it’s supposed to be not ever, but I’m weird.
(At the contest hall)
Narrator: Our heroes find that in the Pokemon contest, May has drew herself some tough competition! Let’s go back a few seconds…
Announcer: Now, we will match up the best 8! Go to the locker room to see who you are battling.
May looks for her picture. She sees it next to…
May: Drew???
Drew: Hmm. Prepare to lose!
(Back to present)
Announcer: Our first battle begins in 10 minutes. It is between May and Drew!
May: May the best coordinator win!
Drew: I will!
Ash: Good luck May!
Pikachu: Pi pika chu! (Yeah good luck!)
(At the battlefield)
Announcer: Send out your Pokemon!
May: Go, Beautifly!
Drew: Go Roselia!
Beautifly: Beau ti fly! (Time to win!)
Roselia: Rose li! (No way!)
May: Beautifly, use Tackle!
Drew naturally WOULD’VE done something to dodge, but his mind was elsewhere…
Roselia: Rose! (Drew!)
Drew: Wha--huh?
May: What’s up with Drew? Why didn’t he dodge?
May: Beautifly, use String Shot to tie up Roselia.
Drew couldn’t focus on the match, he could only concentrate on one thing-- no, one person. Wait! He should concentrate on the match…
Roselia: Rose, rose! (Hello, Drew!)
Drew: Sorry, sorry. Roselia, use Magical Leaf!
Drew: Why did I space out like that?
May: What’s up with Drew? He’s spacing out or something…
May: Dodge it! Then use Gust!
Beautifly: Beau… ti.. FLY!
Beautifly attacked Roselia and he fell to the ground. Drew lost major points.
Roselia: Rose! (No!)
May: Drew, let me ask you a question.
Drew: Sure.
May: What is wrong with you? You aren’t paying attention! When I saw I was paired up with you, I thought I would get a challenge. All you’re giving me is a bore. What’s up?
Drew: Well… I don’t know why either.
May: After I beat you, I want to talk about it.
Drew: Fine, yeah, fine. Now, Ro-- what?
Roselia had fainted!
Announcer: And May is the winner!
Drew was VERY, VERY upset.
Drew: Roselia, return.
Roselia returned to its ball with a flash of red light.
(The contest would take to long, blah blah, so I will just say May got second. I know what you’re thinking. ‘WHAT??? 2ND???’ Lara crushed her into the concrete. No, I don’t mean literally. Claire got 3rd, while Drew got 8th.)
(Back at the locker room)
May: I didn’t think you’d REALLY be here.
Drew: Well, something told me to listen to you. So I’m here.
May: What is bothering you?
Drew: Well, it’s like this. It’s kinda hard to explain…
May: Well, then at least try!
Drew: I’ll try. When I’m around this certain someone, I feel different. Like, I feel all shaky and it’s hard to breathe. Also, I get this weird feeling-- weird, but good-- you know?
May: I get what you’re saying. So, who is this certain someone?
Drew: Well, it’s…
A/N: I decided to end it here. Everyone should know who it is! This should be a cliffhanger for people with a dino brain. Hahaha…