Coordinator’s Love
Claire--10 (That’s MEEE!!! Well, not my real name, but anyways. Not my real age either ;))
Cheer-- Claire’s Jumpluff
Drew-- 12
Disclaimer: DO NOT OWN POKéMON!
A/N: I may add more characters as I go! Hehehe, this is my first shot at an RN, so be prepared for a horrible fic :o. Well, not really, but try to enjoy it. If a spell any cities or Pokemon names wrong, don’t chop my head off!
{Back in Mauville City}
Narrator: Our heroes find themselves in Mauville City to catch a Pokemon Contest in Verdanturf! May is nervous, but she feels ready.
May: Are we there YET?
Ash: Be patient, we’re almost--
Brock: I think we’re…
Max & May: Lost.
Voice: Cheer?
All: Huh?
Voice: Oh, hello! I’m looking for Cheer --that’s my Jumpluff. Seen her?
Ash: No, sorry.
Voice: Oh well. I’m Claire, and I recently started my journey with Cheer when she was just a Hoppip.
May: Great! I’m May.
Max: I’m Max.
Ash: Hi! I’m Ash.
(Brock goes into girl mode)
Brock: Hello lovely lady. I’m Brock, your--
Max: All YOU are is away from her.
May: Sorry, he has a tendency to do that.
Claire: That’s fine. I really don’t mind, a boy used to chase after me.
Ash: Wh--
May bonks him on the head.
May: What he means to say is ‘Wow. That’s different.’
Claire: Well, where are you going?
May: To Verdanturf!
Claire: For the contest?
May: Yeah. How--
Claire: I’m going there. Right, Cheer?
Cheer: Jumpluff, jum! (Yes, definitely!)
May: Me and my Beautifly (sorry for bad grammar, but they say that in the show!) are going there. And winning!
Claire: Don’t think so. See ya around. Hey, do you know anyone named Drew?
May: You mean that obnoxious, self-centered--
Ash stops May.
Ash: Yes, we know him.
Claire: Okay, just wondering. See you tomorrow. (That’s the date of the contest!)
All: Bye!
(The next day, at the Pokemon center)
Max: Pre-contest jitters?
May: N--no!
Ash: Don’t worry. You’ll do fine.
Brock: Yeah, he’s right.
Pokemon voice: JUM PLUFF!
All (except jittery May): Look, its Claire and--
May: WHAT?!? What is HE DOING HERE???
Male character: Hmm.
His Pokemon: Roselia, ros!
Male character: Look who’s here.
May: DREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drew: Isn’t that sweet. You still remember my name.
He throws May a rose.
Drew: Don’t get your hopes up; I only came here to see Beautifly.
May: Well, NOW YOU CAN GO.
Drew: Don’t think I’m not entered in this contest too.
But inside his heart he knew the true reason why he had come to Verdanturf…
A/N: First part down! Oh, by the way, as I am writing this I have just sent in part 3 of Know the Unknown. Interesting, huh. Oh, by the way, the last part of this part was based on one of the episodes of Pokemon aired in America on Kids WB on Oct. 30, 2004. I quoted them EXACTLY (well, almost). Bye for now!