The huge shadow roared loudly again. Then they saw what it was as it came out of the darkness...
It was a blueish- green Pokemon with orangish - yellow flames on it's back. It was so beautiful. The colors were really blended in and it could take your breath away. And it looked so strong and so stable. Those eyes could stare right through you...
"Woah! What's this Pokemon?" Ash cried. He pulled out his Pokedex.
Slayma, the fire-water Pokemon. More information for this Pokemon is temporarily unavailable. The Dexter reported.
"What?! How can there be a Pokemon that's fire AND water? It's impossible, fire's week against water," Misty twitched.
"I dunno....well, remember that Rhydon near by that lake a few weeks ago? It swims in the water, so..." Ash started.
"Well, that Rhydon worked itself to be able to take those attacks...this Slayma was born like that! That's just too weird!" Misty retorted.
ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAR! The creature growled again. It started to spin around really fast, making a tornado.
Ash, Misty and Pikachu screamed. They were lifted in the air, holding onto each other tight.
Narr: Remember that episode when that S.S. Anne ship wrecked and Ash and Co. (plus Team Rocket) were out in the ocean? The Gyarados used dragon rage and Ash & Co. held on to each other tight while spinning in a circle.Yeah, that's what's happening again w/ Ash, Misty, and Pikachu, except a little different.
~~~A few moments later.....~~~
Ash slowly opened his eyes which didn't take long for them to adjust. He sat up and looked around. He saw Misty, Team Rocket {Narr: how'd they get in the scene? oh well. Ash didn't care, he knows that they are somehow always with them, even in weird situations. Scary huh?}, and.........the expression on his face changed quickly.
"Pikachu? Where are you?! PIKACHU!" Ash shouted.
Misty woke up and saw Ash pacing around the small area of the cave and smiled. (He's so cute). Then she frowned when he heard him calling out Pikachu's name.
"PIKACHU?! PIKACHU!!!!" tears started to form in his brown eyes.
(Misty 's Thought: Oh no, not Pikachu.)
"Hey, will ya shut-up? We're tyin to sleep here!" Meowth growled angrily while half asleep.
(Ash's Thought : Wow...~drools~ She's so caring, and hot when she's mad....)
Narr: needless to say, yep that was corny too. ;)
Ash got out of his daze. "Yeah, so go away and be off with your useless wantings for happiness."
Jessie and James also woke up, just right after hearing Meowth's complaints, and hearing the 'twirps' insults.
"HEY! AT LEAST WE HAVE GOOD SENSE OF PRIDE!" Jessie screeched."Oh yeah...."
"Prepare fro trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devestation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
Ash motioned for Misty to follow him and she did. They started walking towards an opening of the cave that lead them to another area, wanting to get away from the rest of their motto.
"Hey! Where are you going?!" James asked angrily.
"Why do you care? Pikachu's not here. And I'm sick of your motto," Ash called back still walking away from them.
"Grrr...."Jessie said trying to ignore the motto insult. "Well, so? What if Pikachu's not here? We can just have your other Pokemon then!" Jesse took out her Pokeball.
"GO ARBOK!" she called.
"GO VICTREEBELL!" James called.
"VIIIIIIII!" Victreebell squealed. It almost ate James.
Narr: ewww....
James finally got out of Victreebell and saw the 'twirps' with Bayleef and Staru.
"Bayleef! Use your razorleaf!" Ash called.
"Baaaaa-leaf!" Bayleaf said while using the attack.
Team Rocket yelped in pain.
"Staru! Use swift!" Misty called.
Once again, Team rocket yelped in pain.
"Arbok! Poison sting!" Jessie said.
"Weezing! Sludge attack!" James also said.
The two Pokemon were hit by the enimies' attacks.
"Bayleef!" Ash cried, seeing his Pokemon was attacked by poison sting.
"Staru!" Misty grieved.
Bayleef and Staru got up strongly.
"Yeah!" the preteens said in unison.
"Ok, Bayleef, use vine whip!" Ash called again.
Team Rocket was flung against a wall.
"Alright Staru! Finish it off with a water gun!" Misty pointed.
"Team Rocket's blasting off again!" they called, after making a hole in the cave's ceiling.
Narr: The cave's pretty huge, so Team Rocket hadn't exactly flew out of it yet.
"James! Meowth! You dimwits! You've could've done better!" Jessie complained.
"So could you!" the two shouted back.
They went their seperate ways.
Narr: hmmmm......
Brock sat at the bench of the Pokemon Center in Mahogany Town.
"I wonder where those two are...." he said.
Here come's Nurse Joy.
Narr: oh brother. Well, back to Misty and Ash.
"Ash! I'm tired! I know we need to find Pikachu, not to mention Togepi," she said frowning more,"but we need to rest. We can't keep on going and going like this."
Tears came to her eyes.
"Hey! I miss Pikachu too, but it would be a better chance to find them if we rest alittle. That, or collapse!" Misty sobered.
Ash looked at her sympathetically. (Oh crap. I made her cry. stupid stupid stupid! Now she'll never like me, and worse, I HATE seeing her sad.)
Ash put his arm around the crying girl. "I'm sorry Mist. Let's rest," he said sweetly.
She smiled at him and nodded.
The both layed down next to each other and fell asleep with smiles on their faces.
Well, that's it for now. Part 5 will come up later and it will have more spice in it. I'm not getting much reviews, and that's ok, this IS my 2nd fanfic. L8ter ppls! ~Daring Warrior~