Part 2 ---- Mew's Prophecy Misty walked shiftily pass many grave stones; she never liked these kind of places. In her hand, she held at excided Togepi, obliviously not knowing what's going on. On her shoulders, Pikachu perched silently as it tries to make out the words written on all of the tomb-stones. "We're here, Pikachu." Misty stopped in front of grave-stone. It reads: Ash Ketchum, 2588-2605. There are some flowers piled on the cement, mostly are white. Pikachu jumped off Misty's shoulder and landed softly in front of the stone. Its tiny black eyes began to moisten; it sat down on the cement and let its ears droop. Misty kneeled down and placed many Poke-Balls next to Pikachu. These were all of Ash's Pokemon he caught before he... He would probably catch a lot more if he was still here. Misty's eyes began to moist as memories slowly crept back to her. She broke down into a silent cry as she covered her face with her cold hands. Seeing its mother cry, Togepi's smile disappeared, looking as if it also remembered something. Misty heard foot steps behind her. She quickly wiped away her tears and dried her face. She didn't want to be seen crying, even if it's over someone she truly cares about. She stood up as she heard the foot steps grew loader and closer. She slowly turned around, seeing Gary followed closely by May and Duplica. "Gary, May and Duplica. What are you guys doing here?" Misty masked her voice with an unusually coolness, hoping them had not realized she had been crying. "The same can be asked for you." May walked passed her, not catching the scowl Misty had gave her. She laid some flowers on the grave-stone, joined by Duplica. Gary stood there in silence. He sighed as he took his necklace, he grasped it for a few seconds, and then he lightly tossed the necklace among the flowers. Under his breath, he said something was not audible. Misty watched the three of them as she collected the Poke-Balls into her bag. She would much rather prefer that only she and Pikachu were here, but they were also Ash's friends. She stood up and dusted her cloak, prepared to leave. She then heard another pair of food steps coming closer. "Brock and Tracy." Misty greeted with a faint smile on her beautiful but sad face. These were her closer friends that she haven't seen for quite of while. "Hi Misty." Both of them said in unison, without much emotion in their voices. Tracey had laid a sketch book where Brock had put a Boulder Badge on top of it. They are stood in ring of silence, observing each other. Pikachu jumped on Misty's shoulders, looking at the others in silence. Pikachu sniffed the air, as if detecting someone's scent, then its pointy ear perked up. Misty, also has a feeling that they are not alone, had consulted Pikachu on this matter. "It feels weird huh? Almost like if he's here." Pikachu nodded hopefully. "Almost?" "Ash!" Misty screamed in surprise as she literally saw a gray shadow appeared in front of her, taking the form of Ash. Pikachu shared the same reaction as Misty as it looked both confused and shocked. "Missed me?" The black shadow smiled. "It is really you, Ash?" "You're back, thank god!" "What happened?" "How?" The others joined the shocked Misty and Pikachu and then fired many questions at the seemingly happy Ash. Ash didn't answer these questions as he examined the many things he received from his friends. Ash's friends grew in suspense as Ash continued to stay silent. After going through all of the things, Ash turned back to them. The happy smile disappeared from his shadowy face, and it was replace by a grim face. "Mew, come out already." A small purplish-pink Pokemon flowed out from nowhere, a pink bubble of psychic energy surround the small Pokemon. The humans watched in amazement as Mew flowed around them all. Moving next to the shadowy Ash, Mew had suddenly Transform itself into Ash, except it's not in the shadowy form. "Hi guys," Mew-Ash said in the exact voice like Ash's. The six humans seemed really impress by their luck of seeing a Legendary Pokemon. Ash, the real one, however was not quite impress by his own exact counterpart next to him. He folded his arms and said in an annoyed tone, "Just tell them the prophecy and we can all get out of here." "Very well." The Mew-Ash flashed golden purple once, then revert back to its original form. Instantly, a reddish-pink energy bubble surrounded it. "Come out Melody, I want you to hear this too." The gray shadow said. A girl with dark red hairs that reached down to her waist, quietly emerged behind an unusually large grave stone. Misty stared at her; stared at her with a weird expression on her face... The prophecy began. When the Chosen One perishes, When the war ends; people cherishes, As day is swallowed up by night, A second war shall begin. The one chosen by destiny, Shall embark on her greatest journey; To obtain the eon Pokemon. If the eon Pokemon shall ever fail, Hearts will be broken, Sacrifices will be made, All hope is lost, The dead is revived with a gentle kiss, As the world turns to mist... The prophecy ended. Everyone stayed in silence, then to everyone's surprise, Ash turned to ask Mew. "What the heck does that mean?" Ash flew towards the Psychic Pokemon as it sent out a Psychic message out to everyone. Time will tell. Unsatisfied with the short and unspecific answer, Ash questioned in the same annoyed tone he once had earlier, "You hunted me down and brought me all the way here from Purgatory just to tell me this?!" Mew looked pretty upset by this. The small Pokemon flowed in midair for a minute or so, then another Psychic message find its way into the humans minds. The important thing now is to choose. Choose someone that will cease the destruction of madness. This person will be called The Chosen One. "But I am already a Chosen One," Ash asked, still not seeing any connections with the prophecy. "How can it be two Chosen Ones at the same time?" But Ash, you are not alive anymore. Another Chosen One must take your place and stop the destructions in the future. The world is falling apart... "What do you mean?" Gary asked curiously, sensing the importance of this matter. "And how will we choose another Chosen One?" It has been already chosen. "Who's the Chosen One?" All this time, Misty had held her voice, even with all her curiosity. She silently cursed at herself for this sudden outburst, as heads turned to her looking curiously. Mew too, had its head turned to Misty, then Transformed itself to Ash once again. Misty's not sure if it is Mew's idea of a joke when she took a step back from the Mew-Ash. In a duplicated voiced of Ash's, Mew said with a tooth grin that resembles Ash's, "You are the Chosen One, Misty." "What!" Misty and Ash said in unison. The looked at each other, then turned away. With a flash of golden purple, Mew-Ash reverted itself back to Mew form. A psychic message had surged into everyone's mind. It has been already chosen by the Eon Pokemon. The Chosen One with her guardians must obtain the Eon Pokemon to stop total destruction. "Stop! Please stop!" Misty put her hand around her head, trying to drown out the message delivered by Mew. "This is too much! Is this some kind of cruel joke or something?!" Misty continued on, not knowing the pressure that's stressed over her. "There is no second war, and there won't be any... I don't want to be the Chosen One, I just want to..." I am sorry, oh Chosen One. Take some time to think over this matter, but you must promise me to come back here with your decision in one week. Misty didn't know what to think any more, she weakly nodded her head as she tried to get up, but failed. A warmed hand gently warped itself around Misty's wrist and pulled her up slowly. Misty looked up to see Ash; a tear slowly rolled down Misty's aquamarine eyes as a memory struck her. Misty fainted, into Ash's arms, with a sad and bitter face... I felt sad that day, I donno why, but I just did. Maybe it's because of seeing Misty crying again, or maybe it was the dreadful future is coming nearer... I can't stay in Purgatory forever... One day, I have to choose between the two worlds. I am confused by my emotions, the same emotions I thought I had left behind me the day I left her. My mind is so foggy... I hope I won't choose wrong. To be Continued. What do you think? I thought it was pretty good. I already finished part 3, so if you want to read it, it won't take me that long to post it. Please reivew the fic, it really helps.