Title: The Zball
Name:Mr. Syther
Part: Prologue
E-mail Address:Danfarson@cs.com
Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon though most of this stuff is mine, the pokemon and most of the attacks aren't mine and so on.......
Mr. Lewis's 6th grade science class was at Limestone Point, a place where strange fossils have been found....... John Caro was silently taking his shovel and digging at the soft ground. Suddenly, John hit something hard. "What the hell!?" he said in confusion. The ground he had struck was hard as brick. Then John found out shit....it was brick (Duh!). The ground beneath him cracked "Damn...." John said under his breath. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" John fell through the stone ground. "John!" Sam, John's best friend yelled. Everyone in the class face's turned to the dug up ground. Underground John struggled to get up. He could tast the blood in his mouth "Ugh." He felt his forehead, a long cut came from the side of his face down to his chin. "Ugh, man thats going to leave a mark" " Where the heck am I anyway." He looked around "Damn...I can't see a thing." He walked blindly in the dark cave. He tripped over something. "Woah,
Ow...." He looked to what he tripped over. It was a golden ball ... about the size of a baseball. There was a large letter Z carved into it. He carefully picked it up. "Huh... Hey what the Woah!" He quickly flew into the air and crashed into the cold, hard roof of the cave "Ugh....errrrrr ahhhhhh!" he screamed as the roof gave way, cutting him, his shirt, and many other things. Then he accidentally dropped the golden ball which separated into 2 parts one flew up and connected to his ear, the other sprouted chains and flew up and wrapped around Sam "Ugh...." The as if thing could get worse a blinding Flash appeared where the ball used to be making the whole world into into a radioactive sun John could feel his life being sucked away from him when suddenly the part of the Z ball that connected to John's ear glowed and John was teleported to well I can't tell you now but did the same thing happen to Sam?! The answer is Yes:)