A Brief Moment in Time
Part 13
“You didn't say there would be guards you little twerp!” exclaims Jesse. We had slipped into the forest we had just passed through.
“Yea! Now how we’s gonna sneak in to the tower?” asks Meowth.
I sigh. “Okay, so it’s a little different than what we though. We’re just going to have to change our plan a little.”
We had planned to sneak into the city at night and try to reach the radio tower. That would be the most likeliest place the Executives would make as their main headquarters. I don’t know why they’re complaining. All we were going to do is use their balloon to make a quick short cut into the tower. They weren’t even going to break a sweat. But they claimed to be experts at being sneaky.
But I hadn’t, and still don’t, know what we’re going to do once we were at the Radio Station.
Whatever it was, I was willing to risk my life, and my Pokemons’ lives, to see their plan backfire and Team Rocket destroyed, at least, the Team Rocket from the future.
I was willing to die to save everyone if I had to.
“We don’t have time to wait until dark to sneak in. Who knows what they could do with that time on their side.”
“But if we go out there now we’ll be sitting ducks!” roars Jesse.
“Except they won’t see us.” I smile evilly (sorry, it’s habit).
“HUH?!” says the group of trainers.
“Slash and Moonlight can use a Faint Attack on one person each. No one will be able to see you. They can walk you into the city, unnoticed, hide in a dark ally while they come back and get the rest, two by two.” I pause before I make my next suggestion.
“Or just two of us can go. Slash and Moonlight can take two to the Radio Tower, find the master, and ten battle to the death. End it once and for all. Once he is dead the others will be too scared to do anything but flee.” And hopefully die hiding from my wrath.
“Rose?” I turn to Ash. “Are you really willing to kill people?”
I stare at Ash, hard. “They’re not people, Ash. They’re monsters.” My eyes narrow at him. “Do you know how many people they have killed? And they didn’t even think twice about it. Thousands of people have died because of him. Why? Because of his greed to be the best and the only one that is the best?”
I shake my head, mostly in terror. “I don’t think he even deserves to live for what he has done.” I look up at him once more. “Yes Ash. I am serious about killing him. And anyone else that gets in my way of killing him.”
I finish and the others don’t speak. Mostly out of pure horror. They don’t realize that even I have killed people... just because of him.
“Ash I want you to go with me. You are the most powerful and wholehearted trainer I have seen in a long while. I can use your help, because I am definitely going. And even Professor Oak asked you to go.” Please don’t refuse his request, Ash. He was the most important person in my life.
“Well...” He looks to Misty for help.
She met his gaze then turns it to the ground. Good. She knew he had to do this. “Ash, I lvoe you. I don’t want you to get killed. But... but you have to do this...”
“That’s right Ash.” He turns to me once more. “You have to do this. You’re the chosen one. Remember? It is you that has to protect this planet. Because Team Rocket will take over if you don’t stop them right here and now.” I grab two black Pokeballs from my red sack.
“Slash! Moonlight! I chose you!” My friends beam out of their balls and stare at me for the command. They had been listening, they knew what was going on.
“Either way... I’m going. With or without you.”
Please, please come with me Ash. I need yoru support. I’m not sure if I can do this without you.
Ash began to pick up Slash, but stopped, a hand had grabbed his arm. “No Ash.”
Brock? What are you doing?
“You go back to Ecruteak City I’m going.”
“But Br-”
“You hear me Ash. I’m going.”
“No you’re not Brock.” I say a bit loudly. He was being very rude. What has gotten into him?
“Yes I am. I have to make sure you don’t kill yourself.” He grabs my hands with both of his, then looks at me, straight in the eye. “You will if I don’t go.” The intensity in his voice grows.
“I love you Rose. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
I look at him a moment. He was serious. Dead serious. I wish I could tell him I feel the same. But I... I can’t...
I cock an eyebrow. I had no choice but to act the opposite of what I feel. I jerk my hands away.
I scowl at him. “Don’t talk about things you don’t understand.”
The look on his face... it was like someone had slapped him, hard.
Brock... please forgive me...
I turn back to Ash once more. “Ash. It’s now or never.” I pick up Moonlight.
“Moonlight! Faint Attack, now!”
“Umbreon!” And we’re enveloped in a shield-type cover. It will keep us from being seen.
“Everyone. Go back to Ecruteak City and wait for us. We’ll be back as soon as possible.” I had assumed that Ash was going. He had no choice, but I wanted him to feel like he had at least had one in the matter.
After he had hugged Misty for a long minute he picks up Slash.
“Slash, Faint Attack.” And he too disappeared from sight. I grab his hand, which was a little tough, and we start walking tothe gate, concealed.
I look back and see Jesse, James, Meowth, both Pikachus, Misty, and Brock start on their path into the forest to Ecruteak City. Sorrow fills my heart at the sight of our dearest friends, yes, even Jesse and James, parting from us. Part of me did not want to believe that they were actually going. I silently remind myself that they will be safer in Ecruteak, and I feel slightly better.
But part of me held onto that unease. Something felt wrong.
But... what?
I shake my head and decide to ignore the feeling.
It’s just my worry, I try to reassure myself.
It doesn’t work.