Disclaimer: I DO NOT repeat DO NOT own Pokemon.
This is your average DrewxMay story with Brendan on the sideline oh! And may and Brendan Have split up about two years ago and the story is in sinnoh
May was angry, angrier than usual. Max brought up May’s and Brendan brake up. It was over a pokemon battle between may and Brendan won using Sceptiles Leaf Blade on Blaziken. It was a critical hit and blaziken was already weakened. Brendan acted all high and mighty and they both agued for about an hour until May got so angry they broke up. May and her family’s move to Heartthome had been difficult. But it all wasn’t bad. May did like the new style of contests and her reputation from Hoenn helped She sometimes saw Ash as he was progressing the sinnoh pokemon challenge. May who was still terrorising Max for bringing up the brake up. Settled down Slowly.
Later that night as she was watching TV she saw a shocking newscast Reporter “ Yes Drew the Drew is coming to hearthome city early tomorrow morning. Fans are camping the night out just to see him.” May stared at the television. “Drew that insensitive jerk, he just can’t find a way to stay away from me.” “Drew will perform in a contest tomorrow evening”continued the news flash. May smiled to herself mischievously, “hmmmm, tomorrow may be a good day for a little revenge on that sorry boy. May turned of the tv and went to sleep. Waiting for tomorrow to come
Drew was sitting quietly in his chair, thinking about the contest tomorrow. It might be tough he thought this is my first time in sinnoh. He hoped the contests were a bit harder. He settled back in his recliner and falling asleep when he thought of “May!” he gasped “she lives in hearthome doesn’t she, I’ll guess I’ll visit her if I have the time.”
Brendan was sitting on his bed looking at photos of him and May “May” he said with a melancholy tone. “I have to win her back no matter what.” It was only about 7o’clock in Hoenn, yet it was midnight in sinnoh. “That’s it tomorrow I’ll go see may” he said confidently “That’s okay with me but how you going to get there” said Professor Birch walking up the stairs “Dad!” said Brendan in shock. “I guess I’ll guess I will fly” said brendan “Okay, but tell me the day before you go I have a present for you” mischievously si Brendan Dad and with that Brendan started Packing.