The Flames of Destiny
OK here is my disclaimer: I don't own pokemon others do (you know who you are), I only own Richard and the other characters in my other stories. So don't even try to sue me! I have no money anyway.
< >: Pokemon speech
Chapter3: We’re off to see the, what?
It was noon the next day when they entered Achiva City. Tired they entered the pokemon center and as Richard collapsed on the couch Ashley gave the chars to the nurse. Richard looked around lazily at his soundings this center was huge. He had been to a lot but this one always amazed him. It was so high-tech and had many doctors, rooms, and even a small dinning facility. It was a very welcome change to the one in Fire Town bigger, nicer, and newer. Back in town they had an old wooden formally abandoned movie theatre with one receiving room and one OR. Needless to say if two monsters were at death’s door one was walking through it. He remembered the day his father had to make a choice between a male rhydon and a nidoqueen. He was the only pokemon specialist in Fire at the time before Dr.Brown came to aid him. Richard remembered how the trainer of the rhydon broke down after father told the two he would save the nido. His logic was that the female could reproduce so he saved her, but the first offspring was to be given to the rhydon trainer.
"Richard…hello Richard!"
The teen broke out of his daydream.
"What?" Richard said annoyed he’d been broken from his thoughts.
"Sorry," Ashley said sitting right beside him, "I wanted to see the letter again."
Richard sighed and picked up his backpack off the floor. He took the envelope out and opened it. Ashley watched as he took some papers out and carefully opened the top one. He handed it to her as he got up.
"I got to get something to eat want to come?"
"Not now I’ll meet up with you later." Ashley said not even looking up at him.
Richard turned and went to the elevator to go down to eat. Ashley looked at the letter:
Deer Richard Johnson,
I have come to the knowledge that you are indeed part pokemon. The samples of the blood your parents sent me prove that. If you have now come to this realization or your parents have not told you rest assure that you are of a different race. I request your company at Stone Mountain in three mounts. At that time you will be given the full knowledge of what you are and how your race will alter the course of the earth’s events. Sense you are of age your body should be going through some drastic changes, some may not be pleasant and other’s will. IN any case this is just your body getting ready for its final transformation. Soon even in your human form you will be able to do attacks, this should tell you at least what type you are or even in some cases exactly what pokemon you are. Also your mind will be developing. You will soon feel as if you have two minds, two sides to your personality. One will be human the other will be pokemon. Your pokemon half will have some natural instincts and feelings you have never had before. BE CAREFUL! Don’t ever suppress either of the two minds or it will stunt your growth. Instead force them to work as one, then and only then can you obtain the true power inside of you. Well, I hope to see you in three months. If you don’t know the way here there is a map in closed with the password to open the stone gate on top of the mountain.
See you later and good luck,
Dr. Thomas Dorcel.
Ashley folded the letter and unfolded the map.
[Stone Mountain is on Brown Island, that’s along way from here.] She thought.
Then she noticed the password that the letter talked about. A single word, a simple one but when she looked at it sent chills down her spine. She didn’t know why but some how the word echoed in her mind over and over again reaching in to the depths of her soul.
"Finished?" Ashley looked up startled and saw Richard eating a hamburger.
"Yea," she said handing the letter and the map back to him.
Richard took then and put them in the front pocket of his backpack.
"I wonder why I didn’t get one," Ashley said getting up and snatching the half-eaten burger from Richard.
"Don’t know maybe it got lost in the mail," Richard said with his mouth full of meat.
"Don’t do that, didn’t your…"
But she was cut off when one of the nurses came up to them. With out a word he handed one pokeball to each of the teens and left. They walked out of the center and released Flare and Alex.
<Well, are you two ready to go! > Alex said as soon as she reformed on the ground.
Ashley looked down at her small red companion and laughed.
"You don’t even know where we are going."
<So, you know the way lets get going! >
Well, our heroes are off, but what awaits them ahead and what will they become in the future. You will only know if you read on. BigRai
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