Chapter Seven - Loadsa Legandaries

From atop Phoenix Mountain, a pair of red eyes glared out from the shadows in a cave at the rising moon. Dark Raikou narrowed it's eyes as the moon rose higher and higher. It had been dark for an hour or so now, but Dark Ho-oh had told them to wait a while after sunset before leaving. It turned and lept down the tunnel, barely making any noise at all.

It entered a clear part of the cave and approached Dark Ho-oh, bowing with respect.

"Asemble the others" Dark Ho-oh ordered when Dark Raikou had told it how high the moon was. "Time to finish what we started centeries ago..."


"So we have to stay up all night long?" Rick asked Ash, looking out of the cave they were resting in. The cave was situated a short walk away from the foot of Phoenix Mountain, but was very well hidden.

Ash nodded. "Well the Dark Legandaries only come out at night, so we're safe any onther time of the day as long as the sun is up" He explained.

"Do you think Ho-oh will be back soon?" Misty asked. "I mean, if the Dark Legandaries find us we won't stand a chance"

"Misty, take it easy, everthing'll turn out ok" Ash reassured her.

Misty just shook her head. "I don't know..."


In the darkness of the night, Ho-oh flew over Johto, followed by Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia and Entei, who ran along behind them. "So were do you think we could find Suicune or Raikou?" Ho-oh asked as it swooped down and landed in a clear meadow for a rest.

Lugia landed next to Ho-oh and folded it's wings. "Suicune usually hangs around Ecruteak, but Raikou could be anywere"

"Great..." Ho-oh frowned. "I hope Ash and the others are ok"

Entei heard Ho-oh and ran up, stopping in front of it. "I could search for them while the rest of you get back to the humans"

Ho-oh smiled. "Thanks Entei. Are you sure you wouldn't mind?" When Entei shook it's head Ho-oh turned to the others. "We better get moving, we don't know what Dark Ho-oh is planing" And with that, Ho-oh spread it's huge wings and took up off the ground. "You know were to find us" Ho-oh called back to Entei as it led the other Legandaries in the direction of Phoenix Mountain.


The Dark Legandary Birds flew across the sky, blending in with the darkness of the night. The leader of the group was Dark Lugia, Dark Ho-oh flying behind it. "Those legandaries have to be around here somewere, or at least the humans" It said to itself, searching the area.

Just as the Dark Legandaries flew over a mountain and out of sight, Ho-oh poked it's head out from a forest. "Coast is clear" It whispered, pushing it's way out of the forest trees and into the air. Lugia, Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos followed and they all flew in a circle. "Keep your gaurd up everyone, theres lookin' for us" Ho-oh warned as it turned and continued to fly towards Phoenix Mountain.


"Wait" Dark Articuno stopped and turned to look behind it.

"What is it?" Dark Ho-oh asked, flying back beside it.

Articuno flew up a little higher and saw, over the slooping mountain, a rainbow coloured Pokémon flying in the opposite direction. "There they are!" It said, spotting Lugia landing near a cave entrance and walking in.

Dark Lugia flew up just in time to see Articuno's tail feathers disappear into the shadows. "Good job" It said to Dark Articuno. "Let's go get them..." It whispered, flying forward with a great burst of speed, the other Dark Legandaries followed.


Ho-oh swooped up and above the others as it reached the cave that Ash and the others were waiting for them in. "Keep going, I'll go see if the Legandaries dogs areon their way" It said. The others nodded, landed and, with Lugia in the lead, walked into the cave an into the darkness.

Ho-oh turned as Articuno dissapeared into the cave. It flew fast, but before it got far, a large black figure appeared out of the dark sky in frount of it. Ho-oh stopped as Dark Lugia glared down on it. Ho-oh made an attempt to go in a different direction, but was faced with Dark Ho-oh. It was surronded!

"Attack!" Lugia ordered. Dark Moltres was first to respond to this, lunging forward with a Drill peck at one side, while Dark Articuno charged from the other with a peck.

Ho-oh flapped it's wings hard and grinned as it watched the two collid beneath it. It figured now was the time to call the others, but before it got a chance, Dark Zapdos flew forward and used a Drill peck, driving into Ho-oh's shoulder. Ho-oh cried out in pain as Zapdos released a thundershock, sending electricity through Ho-oh's body.


"Ash, whats wrong?"

Ash was on his knees, gripping his shoulder tight and trying to hold back all of the pain going through him. "Ho-oh' trouble" He forced out before, slowly, the pain of the shock subsided.

Lugia stepped forward. "Let's go help"

"Your not going without me" Ash said stubbornly.

Lugia seemed reluctant at first, but smiled. "Alright, let's go"

"Can we come to?" Misty asked.

"Pikapika!" Pikachu agreed.

"No way, your going to stay here" Lugia ordered with a settling glare. It nodded to the others and spread it wings, but before it took off and looked back at Pikachu. "And don't even think of following us"

Pikachu frowned and folded his arms as the Legandaries and Ash left the cave. [No fair, they get all the fun]


Ho-oh reared back and released a flamethrower on Dark Articuno, who dodged and struck Ho-oh in the side with it's beak. Ho-oh was then struck in the back on the head by Dark Ho-oh. Dark Raikou jumped up from the ground next, firing a thunderbolt at Ho-oh, who dodged with a Protect attack.


Ho-oh opened it's eyes and looked up. "Lugia?" Ho-oh spotted the blue and white Pokémon flying towards it, behind it flew Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, below were Entei, Raikou and Suicune. Ash was with them too, riding on Lugia. "What took you so long?"

Lugia smiled as it flew up next to Ho-oh. "Just be glad we're here now" It said as the rest line up on either side or Lugia and Ho-oh and the Dogs lined up a little forward from them on the ground.

Ash looked around him as he mounted Ho-oh insteed of Lugia and finnally noted how many legandary Pokémon were there. There were two Ho-oh, two Lugia, two Moltres, two Articuno, two Zapdos, two Raikou, two Entei and Two Suicune. Sixteen Legandaries? All about to fight? This was going to be a fight to remember.

The Dark Legandaires lined up across from the others, in a similar formation. Both glared across at eachother, the beating of their wings the only thing filling the air. Ash was starting to think he was breathing to loud because it was so silent.

"You didn't have to come" Ho-oh said, just loud enough for Ash to hear.

"I know, but your not the only one who has a score to settle with Dark Ho-oh" Ash explained. "That, plus the fact I didn't want to sit by and do nothing"

Ho-oh smiled back at Ash but quickly turned his attention back to Dark Ho-oh. "Well, what are we waiting for? Christmas? Let's get the show on the road!" Ho-oh announced.


To Be Continued


Well there you have it, chapter 7....finnally -_-;; Sorry it took so long to get up a not so good chapter, but I have some idea's for the next chappy that are hopefully good. Welp, please review and hopefully I'll see ya next time!
Bay Bay!