[Huh...wha?] Ash groaned as he opened his eyes. He no longer felt sick, but he felt very weak. He couldn't see much around him, but he forced himself to stand. Right now he wished the flames on his back weren't black, because they gave off no light. He stepped cautiously forward, on the ground which wasn't quite level. It seemed to go down and then up, kind of curved. Suddenly the horn on his forehead struck something, a wall, and it was made of metal. Maybe there was a door somewere. Ash continued to walk along the wall, but it just curved in a circle, and there was no door. Now Ash began to panic. He couldn't see anything, he couldn't find a way out of, well, he didn't know were he was. It felt like a metal prison. Intinct took over and before Ash knew it, he was trashing around violently, attacking the walls and jumping around. A strange feeling suddenly overcame him. It was like he was bing turned into water for a split second, and was moving somewere, though he didn't know were. He continued to thrash about even when he felt back to normal. "Woah, take it easy Rapidash!" A voice said from behind him. Ash paid no attention to whoever it was, he shot a flamethrower into the air angrily. Right now he was out of control. "Ivysaur, Sweet Sent!" He heard the voice call again. A strange pink sent rushed over him and he felt completely relaxed. He sighed with relief and he no longer felt overcome by rage. He turned and saw an Ivysaur, but this one had an orange flower on it's back insteed of a pink one, the leaves were yellow and it's skin was also orange, insteed of blue. Ash looked behind the Ivysaur and saw someone he thought he'd never see again. It was Docter Wiseman, the man that had been trying to capture a rare Noctowl until Ash came along and caught it. He was a collecter of rare Pokémon. "Well it's good thing Ivysaur was here or you may very well have knocked off my head with all that thrashing about. I didn't think you'd hate Pokéballs that much, but I'm afraid you'll have to get used to it" Dr. Wiseman said. Ash shook his head. [You've got to be kidding] He thought. He'd been captured? And worse still, by this guy? [No way, I'm dreaming. All I have to do was poke myself with...Ow! Nope, still not waking up] Dr. Wiseman watched curiously as the Rapidash poked itself repeatedly in the knee with his horn. "What on earth are you doing?" Ash groaned and looked at his knee, which had begun to bleed. [Ok, so maybe this isn't a dream after all] He thought and sighed, looking up at Dr. Wiseman. [Uh, I'm afraid theres been a mistake. You see I'm...] "I'm sorry but I haven't the faintest idea what your saying" Dr. Wiseman said scratching his head. "Are you hungry?" Ash was about to respond when he stomach grumbled loudly. He lowered his head embarrassedly. Well for now Ash had no way to communticate with him and he was really hungry, so how could he refuse a meal?
Pretty easily. [More stinken Pokémon food?] Ash moaned as it was placed in front of him. Dr. Wiseman turned back to his own food, which was really nothing but a montain of toast. [He's not going to eat that all by himself, I'm sure he won't mind sharing] Ash thought as he grinned somewhat evily. Ash snuck up behind him and tapped him on the left shoulder, quickly jumping to the right and snatching up a few slices of toast and quickly eating them. He smiled as Dr. Wiseman turned back and looked confusedly at his smaller amount of toast. But Ash was still hungry, so he quickly tapped Dr. Wiseman on the shoulder. When he looked at him he pointed his horn in the other dirrection, making him look away. He quickly snatched up the remainder of the toast and ate it. "Rapidash that was mine!" Dr. Wiseman said angrily. Ash smirked and trotted away towards the forest surronding them. "Were do you think your going?" Dr. Wiseman asked, taking out the Rapidash's Pokéball. Ash stopped and looked back. [I'm going to find my friends] He said, starting to walk away, not noticing the Pokéball. At least, until he heard the words, "Rapidash return" The strange feeling came over him and the surrondings became blured. [I hate Pokéballs] And thought. Suddenly, a yellow blur emerged from the green of the forest and just before he was returned into the Pokéball, he heard a voice call "Pikapi!"
To Be Continued -----------
ok, theres just another little chapter for you Rapid Ash fans. This was just to show how the person who caught him was and what Ash thinks of Pokéballs. He doesn't like either! Heehee, welp, guess theres not much else to say 'cept please review and slán! |