"Attack is still rising sir" The scientist said to Butch as they scanned Ash's power once again.
Ho-oh groaned. This wasn't good, and if it kept rising things could get seriously ugly. It had to find a way out, before it was too late.
Suddenly, the scanner began to make a loud beeping sound, like an alarm.
"What's going on?" Butch asked in confusion. He looked at the screen and saw the power level could no longer be read, it was going over the top. He looked around at the scientists. "Do something you fools!" He yelled, but the weren't listening. Unlike Butch, they knew the danger that might occur, and they began to try and convince Butch that the should either leave of destroy Ash. "Fine, kill him for all I care, he's on no more use to us" He said finnally.
Pikachu lowered his ears sadly and looked down. [Ash, please be ok...] He said in a low voice.
Dr. Deon mumbled "Coward," and made his way to the unconcious form of Ash. He knelt next to him and lifted him arm to inject the poison while his fellow scietist's watched on nervously. He didn't see what was wrong, the kid was unconcious. Or so he thought... Ash's eyes shot open suddenly, glowing a bright red color. The seringe shot out of the docters hand and flew into the air, floating above them for a second, before coming down and driving into the scientists hand. The needle came out of the mans hand and drove into the floor of the cage. As Dr. Deon yelled in pain, Ash stood up, eye still with a faint red glow in them, and grinned down at the docter in an evil way. He held out his hand and placed his palm on the mans forehead. Red sparks flew around his hand and around Dr. Deon for a few seconds before the man fell to the ground, lifeless. Ho-oh had jumped up and had it's wings slightly outstreched in surprise. "Look what you've done you fools!" It yelled at the scientists, looking at them with a menacing glare. Ash's evil red eyes swiftly moved around the room. His vision was much more focused than before and so was his hearing. He faced the door of the cage and closed his eyes again, a soft glow surrounding him. The bars of the cage began to bend slightly, before they rapidly broke and flew across the room, hitting a few people. Ash opened his eyes and spread the wings of his back. Before he or anyone else knew it he was flying near the top of the lab, looking down on everyone else. One of the Rockets released a Jolteon and ordered a Thunderbolt attack to be used. The dog-like Pokémon obeyed and released a stream of electrisity towards Ash. Ash didn't look like he was going to move, but when the electricity was only cemntemetres away, he seemed to dissapear for a second, reappearing a short distance away. It wasn't teleportation, but at the speed he was able to move it was just about as good. He raised his hand above his head and a red ball of energy formed in it. He tossed it downwards and it struck the ground, causing an explosion. The last this Ho-oh saw was a red light before it struck it's head against the back of the cage when flung back by the attack, causing it to get knocked unconcious.
The rockets in the helicopter aimed there guns at Ash as he spread his wings again. As they pulled the trigger he flew upwards, narrowly dodging each shot fired at him, but seemed to be doing it with little effort. He flew forward towards the helicopter at a high spead, flying past it at a high speed, a line of energy following him. When he was a short distance away the helicopter, it split in half before exploding. Ash turned and watched the flaming remains fall to the ground, an evil grin spread across his face, before flapping the raven black wings of his back to bring himself higher as he flew away.
Ho-oh groaned and opened it's eyes. "What? Whats going on?" "Thats what I'd like to know" Rick said as he knelt beside Ho-oh's head. "Were's Ash?" He asked. Ho-oh rose up and shook it's head and looked around. The lab was completely destroyed by the blast, and so had the cage. It looked down and noticed the blast must have destroyed the electric collor around it's neck was no longer there. It sighed and looked at Rick. "I'm afraid I don't know, he left" Misty, who had been standing not to far away, spoke up. "He left? Without you?" She knew that wasn't Ash's attitude, something was wrong. "Well Team Rocket have done something to him, and believe me, your not going to like it..."
"He doesn't understand. His powers have grown to much for him to handle and he can't comtrol his mind nor his actions" Ho-oh explained. "He only has one instint now, and that is to destroy. To destroy anything...or anyone"
To Be Continued -----------
Bay Bay! Bayleef adorable_chickorita@hotmail.com www.geocities.com/hoohsflame