Rick jumped back. How did Dark Ho-oh survive?
The Ho-oh rose up, Solis Sword still sticking out of it's head. "You think I can be defeated that easily? Well think again" There was a glow and the Solis Sword shot up and hovered above Dark Ho-oh. Dark Ho-oh glowed red and soon was fully healed. It looked up and grinned at the sword, then flew up and grabbed the sword in it's beak.
Rick shook his head. "No, don't!"
Too late, Dark Ho-oh snapped the Solis Sword in two, causing half the blade to fall to the ground. Dark Ho-oh tossed the other half of the blade, along with the hilt, to the ground also.
Rick looked at the sword. It was his only weapon against Dark Ho-oh and now it was broken. How was he to defeat it now? He looked at the six Pokéballs on his belt. There was no way his Pokémon could take on a Legandary Pokémon, no matter how well trained they were.
Rick heard an explosion behind him and looked back.
The door into the HQ had been blown open and from the dust, Pikachu came into view, followed by Bayleef, Bulbasaur, Totodile, Cyndaquil and Noctowl. Behind then Misty walked out. They all walked over and stood beside Rick, looking up at the Ho-oh, wo was looking at them strangely.
Rick put his arm infront of Misty. "It's to dangerous"
"I'm not gonna let it get away, not after what it did to Ash" Misty said. She threw three Pokéballs to reveal Staryu, Corsola and Poliwhirl.
Pikachu's cheeks sparked and the other Pokémon stood beside him in a line. They wanted to battle too.
Before anyone could do anything, there was a bright glow. Rick looked to see it was coming from the Solis Sword. From the broken end of each half, a white mist came out. The mist floated into the sky and formed the shape of a Ho-oh. There was a blinding flash and a White Ho-oh appeared, and erie glow came from it's feathers. It began to glow again and soon it was nothing but a large glowing bird with now face or anything. It split in half and the two beams shot around.
Rick had to close his eyes as the blindling light shot past him. When he opened them again they were gone. "What was that about?"
Dark Ho-oh looked around for the beams of light as well but shrugged when it couldn't see it. It turned it's attention back to Rick, Misty and the Pokémon. "Time to battle"
Pikachu narrowed it's eyes and got down on all fours.
Rick looked at the Pokémon and nodded. He took out six Pokéballs and realeased a Charizard, an Umbreon, a Raichu, a Kingdra, a Scizor and a Venasaur. He ordered all his Pokémon to line up beside Ash's Pokémon and they obayed.
Misty's Pokémon lines up beside Rick's and prepared to attack.
Rick pointed at Dark Ho-oh. "Go get it!"
Pikachu and Raichu shot off two Thunderbolt attacks, Bulbasaur, Venasaur and Bayleef sent a Razor leaf attack, Poliwhirl, Staryu and Corsola used Water gun while Totodile and Kingdra used Hydro Pump, Charizard and Cyndaquil used Flamethrower, Umbreon used Night Shade, Scizor used Slash and Noctowl used Confusion.
Dark Ho-oh grinned and brought up a barrier that knocked all the attacks back at the others in one huge blast.
The Pokémon didn't have time to move. The attack hit them head on and they fell to the ground, weakened.
Misty and Rick ran over to check on the Pokémon. The Pokémon weren't knocked out, they were just stunned at being hit by all that power at once.
Dark Ho-oh looked at them. "You humans and Pokémon have been thorns in my wing long enough" It reared up and prepared to used a Fire Blast, one powerful enough to kill them all.
Rick would have moved, but his stubborn attitude and the fact that he didn't want to leave the Pokémon made him stay were he was.
Dark Ho-oh was about to realease it's Fire Blast when it recieved a jolt of pain in the stomach. It stopped the attack and looked down to see Pikachu standing again, who had just used a thunderbolt. "You dare attack me? You will be the first to go" Dark Ho-oh used a Psychic and lifted the Pikachu off the ground.
Pikachu strugled but there was no way he could move.
Dark Ho-oh flew a little farther away from the others and slammed Pikachu into the ground, paralising him. "You'll make a tasty snack" Dark Ho-oh flew forward, beak open, ready to grabbed the small Pokémon.
Pikachu watched, terrified, as the giant bird closed in on him. But just as Dark Ho-oh was a few feet away from him, he felt as though someone had grabbed him, someone who was moving as if they knew agility. He felt his tail hit the side of Dark Ho-oh's beak as he was pulled out of the way just in time. Everything around him was a blur as whatever had caught him didn't stop. There was a sudden jolt as Pikachu noticed they came to a hault. He sighed and looked up at what had saved him. Pikachu's eyes went wide. "Pikapi!?"
To Be Continued -----------
Bay Bay! Bayleef adorable_chickorita@hotmail.com