Stray Not from Thy path
By Baronpoison
Part 3
Heads down, eyes averted to the blowing sand, we took our first steps into the desert. Baron threw his hood over his head. His greasy black hair was hidden from view and his dark eyes watched the road ahead carefully. There wasn’t really any point, all we could see was sand, sand and yes, more sand. Well, occasionally rocks would crop up unexpectedly in front of us but other than that the trip was more boring than…well… more boring than you’d expect a trip through a creepy desert to be. Eventually, the stone lined path we had been following gave way and vanished into the sand. “We’ll just have to use the sun as our guide.” Grunted my master. Cautiously, we plodded slowly towards the setting sun. The heat was unbearable. It penetrated the thin parasol Baron was using to shade us and burned my tender skin. All at once, a wild Cacnea, eyes rolling and mad through the heat, leapt into our path. “Cac! Cac! Neacac!” it moaned as Baron snorted and strode meaningfully past, but Cacnea wasn’t going to give up. The green pokémon jumped up at Baron and jabbed its sharp spikes into his back. “Ga! Get off you stupid li’l-” Baron lost his temper and began flinging water at the offending pokémon amid much swearing. In his rage he forgot that we were the party that needed water the most and that it was exactly what Cacnea wanted. We pokémon stood on the sidelines, not wanting to interfere with our masters obviously controlled and sensible plan unless he gave us direct orders to. He could waste water if he wanted, we could all survive perfectly well without water for much longer than he could. “Busk.” Snorted Combusken abruptly. Electrike and I nodded in agreement. At that moment Cacnea turned, released its spiky hold on Baron, winked at us and trundled off into the sand, leaving the defeated trainer to slump to the ground, empty water-flask by his side. “Trike. Lekt!” chortled my companion. Slowly, Baron stood up and turned to face us. The setting sun threw his dark face and hair into deep shadow and his prominent nose stuck out even more. “I see you don’t respect me.” He spat “but from now on, you do as I say. No questions. I tell you to battle, you battle. No choice. GOT IT?” we nodded meekly. He tossed his head back and, with that, set off into the dropping sun.
Gradually, the sandstorm became fiercer and the wind more violent. Behind Baron, we mumbled in hushed whispers; “Trike. Lectri. Ke ke!” ’Baron is a fool, the storm is to violent, we must stop.’ “Com. Ken ken busk I com ken?” ’I agree, whose going to tell him?’ Silence. “Piiiin….” ’I guess I will then….’ “Pin pin. Pin pin pin gulp.” Baron turned to look at me, “Stop at the next shelter? Are you mad! We must reach Lavaridge by dawn or perish here!” I glared and fell back into line with my companions, my mind bubbled against his foolishness, oh how I wish he could see past the end of his abnormally long nose… Eventually, however, the storm was too much for even the mighty Baron to bear. Over his shoulder he shouted “You were right. We must stop at the next shelter.” Thus we plodded on with more hope than before. “the next shelter” was not too far away, three big rocks stacked one on top of each other with a little entrance in the side. We stepped in and began to set up camp. Fatal mistake number one. Baron lay down and commanded “Don't leave the cave. Make a fire and explore if you must but don't leave the cave.” So, Combusken gathered some twigs from outside and set light to them with a quick flame-thrower. Combusken and Electrike each took a stick and we began to explore. Fatal mistake number two. The cave was very narrow and very deep. It was about ten feet high and the rocky roof was flat and slimy. But, being adventurous and fearless like we are, we pressed all the way to the back and explored all the walls. Fatal mistake number three. Most of the walls were pockmarked in a very strange and unintelligent way. Very primitive. Baron could have read the signs but we didn’t think to wake him. Fatal mistake number four. On the back wall, there was a very clear sign. Red blood daubed into a triangle and inside it, written in the ancient language of the humans and the language which all pokémon understand, monish. It read; Oshiba-Ist Nada Tueno! Danger-Do not touch! However, we did not heed this most obvious warning. Fatal mistake number five. It was a very cliché moment, the second Combusken’s fiery fist touched the red sign, the whole word seemed to cave in. Around us, masonry fell in huge chunks, smashing the wall into fine powder. Baron leapt from sleep and to our side- ever “faithful” more likely to afraid to be alone without his prized pokémon. The revealed area behind the wall was shallow, about three feet in depth and the width of the original area. The dropping stones soon stilled and the dust settled, letting us see the damage we had caused. The entrance was sealed from us, along with our provisions and the fire. We were trapped in the secret chamber. All alone. Well, not all alone… from the darkness something watched us…
In the midst of the inky black darkness, two red eyes burned. Very close to the ceiling and rather far apart, suggesting that the owner of the eyes was big and bulky, thus more than likely more of a match for us in battle. A black shadow passed over the eyes as if the thing was coming forwards…out of the shadows stepped a pokémon. A Trapinch. We chuckled inwardly, how could we have been afraid of such a weak, harmless and, quite frankly, rather cute pokémon!? But the eyes remained. Whatever it was back there was waiting. Waiting. “Tra?” called Trapinch nervously. Baron glanced down at us and smiled “Combusken.” He said in a clipped tone. Combusken sprang forward, victory immediately on the cards as it swung a low blow across the Trapinch’s oversized head and knocked it out. Baron flicked an empty pokéball from his belt and threw in nonchalantly at the Trapinch. He had not noticed the red eyes still remained staring at us. But, between us and the darkness, Combusken seemed to swell with pride. How could it swell at the defeat of such a pokémon? Surely the only emotion to be feeling was shame, shame that it had been commanded to destroy one so weak and had done so effortlessly. A blue glow seemed to surround my masters first pokémon… I raised a stubby arm and shielded my eyes, the glow was blinding! All at once, the glow faded and, in the place of Combusken stood a tall and menacing Blaziken. “BLAZIKEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!” it roared, and the roof shook with the deafening noise. Baron cheered and clapped his muddy hands. “Oh well done Blaziken, my first fully evolved pokémon! See that guys?” he smiled and turned to us, showing what might have been a shred of kindness in his heart. The feeling of general goodwill didn’t last long. Out of the shadows stepped the owner of the eyes. Towering over us it stared, unblinking. Blazikens cry faded to a squeal of fright. Something had found us.
It was vaguely humanoid in appearance, but made up of large rocks, piled one on top of each-other. Its two intelligent red eyes gleamed from the centre of the topmost rock which passed as the creatures head. Below the eyes, many more red gems swirled in a circle, forming the edges of what seemed to be a mouth. Inside the mouth, two great ugly pointed teeth gnashed together menacingly, they were tinged slightly red and my better instinct told me it was not just a reflection of the eyes. Slowly, it lumbered towards Blaziken and bent its great body to get a better look. “Rooooock!” it bellowed, throwing back its massive head and waving its arms in the air. Suddenly, as if on cue, the roof above Blaziken’s head gave way and tumbled downwards towards the newly evolved pokémon. Showing what may contribute as a brain, Baron threw Blazikens pokéball high into the air and returned it, just before the rocks hit the ground. Releasing him again, behind our mysterious opponent this time, he yelled “Flame- thrower! Full strength!” Blaziken opened his mouth and let rip the most dazzling, most intense burst of fire imaginable. The pile of rock was engulfed in flame which raged and roared for a moment before fizzling away. The enemy stood there as before, not in the least harmed. Oh great…I bet he’s resistant to poison and electric as well… I thought. Swiping out with a long hand, it hit Blaziken in the side of the head and knocked it clean into the air. Baron glumly took out a pokéball and recalled it. Almost immediately, Electrike sprang forward and sunk his teeth into the leg of our adversary. As usual, I was left to the last. The pokémon didn’t even seem to notice Electrike’s stunning display of bravery, “Regirock!” it cheered, obviously overjoyed at defeating Blaziken. Regirock. Typical, I had heard of these pokémon, legendary and among the most powerful in all Hoenn. And, being rock-type, they were resistant to fire, normal, electric, and poison. Just our luck. Why couldn’t Baron have picked a shelter infested by a deadly swarm of Wurmple?! Then Regirock noticed Electrike and kicked out with a massive foot. My comrade went spinning and hit the wall. Dazed. “Electrike, that’s enough!” Baron took out a pokéball and my last remaining team-mate was recalled. That left just me. Lumbering, Regirock turned to face me. “Regi?” it asked curiously. I gulped. I was in for it now. Raising its hands it swept them across its face and suddenly, a whole cascade of rocks came tumbling towards me. Luckily, I landed in the middle of them. In a sort of clearing. Regirock came stumbling over and knocked the boulders out of the way, revealing my form, prostrate on the floor, hands covering my head. I waited for the blow that was sure to come. Help came in a most unlikely form… “Pinch?” Regirock turned around and I saw, through a gap in his rocky legs, the newly caught Trapinch dancing around blowing sand in my enemy’s face. “Rock!!!!” Trapinch squealed and fled back into its pokéball upon the command of Baron. Swiftly, before Regirock returned to deal with me, I leapt high into the air, landed skilfully on my opponents back and let rip with the only attack I knew would work; rock smash. The force from my tiny fists was unbelievable. Regirock toppled and just managed to regain it’s balance. I was thrown off the back and onto the floor. The rock pokémon whirled and lumbered towards me, anger blazing in it’s red eyes. I leapt into the air again and landed a rock smash in it’s face. It blinked. Twice. And then the light of it’s eyes went out. It began to topple. I was trapped, wedged against the back of the cave with nowhere to go. “Pokéball!” A red and white blur flew through the air and a light engulfed Regirock. The pokéball rocked. And again. And again. Then once more. Finally there was a soft ding and Baron cheered with immense joy. “I GOT REGIROCK!!” Well, two pokémon in one day, he was bound to be pleased. “Pin, pin gul! Gu-pin pin?” But we’re trapped! How are we going to get out? Baron smiled. “With a little help from Rocky.” He opened the pokéball and out came the freshly caught pokémon. “Rocky- use strength to push the boulders away but don't squash our provisions.” Regirock turned, confused at being given orders so confidently. “Ro-oh- oh-ck.” It shook it’s head dolefully. “Regi.” The final word was uttered quietly, almost un-hearable. Regirock swung its massive fist towards Baron, making a sizeable crater in the wall where his head had been a moment earlier. Baron threw himself to the floor and the fist hit the wall again. Closer to home this time. “Regirock- return.” The pokéball opened, glimmered and shut again, Regirock sealed inside. Fortunately for us, Regirock’s raging fist had done enough damage to make the wall easy enough to clear. Once through, Baron grabbed the provisions, stamped out the fire, and set off into the desert. Me by his side. “Gulpin?” Can’t I take a rest in my pokéball? “Ofcourse. You’ve earned it.” Smiled Baron.
“Lavaridge. There it is.” Baron had released us all (with the obvious exception of Regirock, I had a feeling he was going straight into storage until Baron had enough badges) at the edge of the desert and we stood now, staring across and the vast expanse of the city. “Gul.” “Ken!” “Tri-ike.” “Pinch?” Baron smiled “Yes-Lavaridge- the home of Flannery’s gym.” He drew in a deep breath, as if what he was going to say next was hard for him “Lets get going…” smiling broadly, he took the first big step into the city of Lavaridge.