Chapter 11
"Oh, no! Kom!" I shrieked. I struggled and my chair spun.
"I wouldn't do that, child. You might fall down and hurt yourself." He chuckled and left the room. I sighed and gave up. I examined the room. This was a really a big room. It sort of looked like a warehouse. What was I going to do? I was stuck here in fear of falling.
Just when things couldn't get any worse, the rope holding my chair started to crack, or untwine itself. In simpler terms, it was breaking.
"Somebody help me!!" I screamed. The thin threads that bound the rope together started to rip apart one by one.
"I'm not THAT heavy, oh gosh sakes. Somebody help me!!!" I was getting really desperate. I swung my legs making matters worse. Then I plunged.
I fell at a quick pace and I felt all the hair on my head jerk up. "Aaauuugghhhh!!!" I screamed hysterically. I'm too young to die!
Whoosh! The moment I reached the ground, my chair immediatley slowed down and came to a nice quiet stop onto the floor. What the?
{Are you alright, Kristy? I hope that did not frighten you.}
"Alakazam! Boy, am I glad to you! What took you so long?!? Untie me!" The rope around me loosened itself and fell onto the ground.
"Thanks, Alakazam...but I have a confession."
{What is it?}
My eyes welled with tears. "Horace pressed the button so that Kom dropped into a tub of molten lava causing him to burn to death!"
{Don't be silly.} I felt a pat on my head. (Kom escaped the moment they drugged you. He's getting help and I was sent to protect you.)
"Really??" I dried my eyes and beamed (at nobody because I still couldn't see Alakazam).
{Is there anything you're missing? Did you tell them anything? What do you know?}
"Oh, can't you turn visible? It feels weird talking to air."
{This is a precaution. So if they intrude, they won't suspect that I'm here.}
"Oh, fine."
{Did you tell them anything?}
"No. I don't think so. But I got a lot of stuff out of Horace, the leader." I poured out the events to Alakazam, including the dropping of Kom into the lava. "That might have been just a dummy of Kom. It didn't move and it was too far away for me to see clear enough. The tub of lava is right over there." I pointed to the lava under the spotlight.
{It did confuse me to see Mewtwo. It surprised me that he didn't notice me. Perhaps he lost that ability when his genes were exchanged with the dog.}
"Maybe. I'm still sort of clueless. But can you help me find my bag and egg?" My bag, egg, and belt of Pokeballs materialized in air and was slowly lowered to the floor.
"Oh, neat!" I put on my belt.
{I found it on my way here. They had left it where it was when they drugged you and Kom managed to escape.}
I felt my egg and was relieved to find that the blanket I had wrapped around it kept it warm.
"So what do we do?" I rubbed my egg.
{We wait.}
"We wait?!?" I kept my voice low because I didn't want to Horace to come barging in if he heard me. I especially didn't want to meet Mewtwo again. One encounter was enough. Then I finally noticed that my elbow was neatly wrapped in a long strip of cloth. Not that it really mattered. I rubbed my egg.
{Yes, we wait. Kom is already in the building. He's a few stories above us.}
"So we're underground?"
My egg grew warm and it bounced. "Yipe!" It bounced and fell onto the floor before I had a chance to catch it. Purple puss oozed out.
"Oh, no!" I cried. "I'm sorry, egg!" I picked away the egg fragments and left the purple blob on the floor. "Well, it was your fault for bouncing. If you hadn't been so eager in hatching, I probably wouldn't have dropped you!" I stared at the purple mess.
Then a pair of eyes popped out of the blob.
"AAuuuugggghhhh!!!" It sprouted eyes!!!
{Lower your voice, Kristy.}
A line seemed to magically be drawn onto the purple blob.
"Ditto..." it cooed.
My mouth dropped wide open in surprise. Ditto mimiced me by opening his mouth wide and it crossed his eyes. It was still young so it didn't really know how to transform into anything or anyone yet.
I giggled. "You're so cute!"
The purple blob giggled, too. "Ditto!" he laughed like a baby and his voice seemed so different from the one on the tv show.
"I wonder what you're saying." I took out my translator.
"Ditto!" it cooed. Only gibberish came out of my translator.
"Oh. I guess you're too young to know how to talk yet." I put away my translator and tried to pick up Ditto. Amazingly, it all stuck together and it felt like a pillow instead of being all spread out like spilt milk. He laughed.
"You're just so cute!" I rubbed my face to it and it squealed a high-pitch laugh.
{Kristy, someone's coming. You better stop playing.}
"Huh?" I immediately called Ditto into a Pokeball.
The door burst open. It was Horace.
"I..." he stopped himself. "How did you escape?!?"
"Umm... hello." I wiggled my fingers at him. I couldn't do anything else. The only door that would let me out just happend to be blocked by Horace's sorry ass - Mewtwo walked in from behind him - and Mewtwo...
"Mewtwo, tie her-"
"Wait! Hold on!" I interrupted him.
He looked at me in a confused way. "What?"
"Umm, uh..." I didn't know what to say! My mind was at a blank!
Thank goodness Alakazam was there. Before I had a chance to react, both Mewtwo and Horace were knocked together on the head. This knocked out Horace, but not Mewtwo. It angered him and all he could see was me. Somehow, his little brain managed to put something together and all it said was that I did it. He paced slowly towards me.
"Umm, Mewtwo. I can explain. Hehehe. Umm..." Alakazam, help me!
He walked towards me and raised his hand. I felt myself lifted from the ground. "Help!!!"
"Ponyta, Fireblast!" I heard a familiar voice. A hole burned itself into the ceiling and I saw Butterfree and Noctowl lower Kom to the ground. He called out Ponyta, Totodile, and Stantler.
I was immediately dropped as Mewtwo's attention turned to the newcomer. I felt myself slow down as I reached the ground.
"Go, Smeargle and Sunkern!" I didn't dare call out Ditto. It was still too young.
"Butterfree, Sleep Powder! Stantler and Noctowl, Hypnosis!" exclaimed Kom.
"Smeargle, Ponyta, use a joint Fire Blast onto Mewtwo!!" I called out.
Mewtwo was unaffected by the Sleep Powder and Hypnosis, but the joint Fire Blast managed to only take away about a third of his HP. This was bad because since Smeargle and Ponyta joined their Fire Blast, the attack had quadrupled (compared to a single one).
Mewtwo roared and blast a beam of ice at Smeargle. He narrowly dodged it.
"Smeargle!" he exclaimed. The fur on his back were blue from the ice.
"Sketch that Ice Beam!" How did Mewtwo know that? "Now blast it back at him!!" This lowered his HP so that he had about half left.
Mewtwo's body glowed a faint violet color. He was recovering!
"Ponyta, Smeargle, use joint Fire Blast, stop him from recovering!" Ponyta and Smeargle let another one go, but it wasn't as powerful as the first one. They were tired. The good news, was that it had stopped Mewtwo from using Recover.
"Noctowl, you're the fastest flyer. Go back up and check to see if Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy are still up there!" Noctowl flew up with haste. "Totodile! It's your turn! Unleash your Water Gun onto Mewtwo!"
"Sunkern! Leech Seed while Mewtwo is occupied Totodile's Water Gun!"
Before Totodile used is Water Gun, Sunkern blew a Leech Seed onto Mewtwo. The water from the Water Gun, not only hurt Mewtwo, but it watered Sunkern's Leech Seed so that it got stronger. Sunkern only got stronger by a little bit before Mewtwo teared it out and used Psychic. Both Ponyta and Smeargle were raised and dropped. Alakazam counteracted the atack by lowering them to the ground slowly.
Mewtwo used Ice Beam on Ponyta before he got a chance to reach the floor.
"Ponyta!" Kom screamed and I saw fury rise from him. "Butterfree, Tackle! Stantler, continue with your Hypnosis! Where is Noctowl?!?"
Mewtwo started using Recover again and he was unmoved by all of the attacks.
"Smeargle, Sketch Recover!"
"What are you, crazy? Use Fire Blast on Mewtwo!"
"Smeargle, do it!" Smeargle obeyed me and ignored Kom. This infuriated him.
Mewtwo used an Ice Beam on Sunkern. He sparkled like a blue sapphire and lied sideways on the ground.
"Sunkern!" I tried to pick up Sunkern, but it made my fingers go numb.
Mewtwo used Psychic onto Butterfree and Totodile and slammed them into the wall. They fell and both didn't get up.
"We're fighting a losing battle here, Kom! Mewtwo's level is too high!"
"No, I won't give up! Alakazam, why aren't you helping?!?" This was a bad move because this finally made Mewtwo notice Alakazam's prescence.
Mewtwo somehow made a bag of flour appear and it exploded like dynomite. I saw Alakazam's vague outline. This was another loss. He blasted Alakazam with an Ice Beam, but Alakazam effortlessly teleported to a different place. Suddenly, Mewtwo blasted an Ice Beam at Stantler. I saw Alakazam run towards Stantler and take her damage.
"Stantler!!!" She cried in a shocked voice. We didn't have our translators on, but I could guess what she said, 'Merlin!!!'. Alakazam fell and to make matters worse, once Alakazam was down, Mewtwo blasted Stantler, too. Smeargle was the only one left up. This made him an easy target so before Smeargle could do anything, Mewtwo used Psychic on Smeargle and slammed him to the wall. Smeargle slowly slid down and fell.
"Oh, no!!" I was shocked. What do we do now?
Mewtwo used Recover and then he walked to us. Both Kom and I backed away.
"Ditto!" One of my Pokeballs suddenly glowed and fell to the floor and a purple blob appeared on the floor.
"Ditto! Get back!" Suddenly, Ditto slided to Mewtwo's feet and touched him. It became Mewtwo. It smiled gleefully. It toddled to me and held my hand. Then it looked back at the real Mewtwo.
All of this confused Mewtwo. He stared at Ditto. They both had light blue eyes. The only way I could tell them apart was that Ditto didn't have any scars. Ditto smiled and walked to Mewtwo.
I didn't know what to say. How do I warn Ditto without letting Mewtwo know?
Mewtwo slapped Ditto. Ditto had a stunned look in its eyes and it rubbed its face. It cried bitterly and turned back into a purple puddle. I called Ditto back to its Pokeball.
All of this gave us enough time so that Noctowl could lead Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny to us. Luckily, Officer Jenny brought the K-9 Army. All 24 Growlithes used Fire Spin on Mewtwo. This surrounded and knocked him out.
"Are you all ok?" Officer Jenny ran up to us. "I'm surprised you managed to stall for so long. Good job, kids." She winked at me.
"Oh, the poor Pokemon! You shouldn't have fought them so
hard!" scolded Nurse Joy. About six Chanseys started to use SoftBoil
on all the Pokemon. One by one, they got better. Two of the Chanseys
healed Kom's and my wounds.
"Oh, yay! Sunkern! Tracer! I hope you didn't get mad at me for calling your Smeargle the whole time!" Sunkern bounced onto my shoulder and Smeargle hugged me. "I'm so glad you're all ok!"
"Good job, Noctowl, Butterfree, Totodile, and Ponyta. You did good." That was probably the first time I saw Kom cry.
Alakazam and Stantler were reunited and I noticed the star on Alakazam's head was gone.
"I think this belongs to you." Kom walked over to the couple and tied their translator back on Stantler's neck.
"Oh, where did Officer Jenny and the Growlithes go?" I asked as I suddenly noticed they were gone.
"They went to go track out the others." answered Nurse Joy. "I don't think this one guy took care of everything." She pointed to Horace. He finally stirred.
"My head...what the?" Alakazam immediately tied Horace with some rope (the one that had tied me up). "Let me go!"
"You bad person! Hurting Pokemon like that!" She slapped him.
I laughed. I was just glad this was all over. I called out Ditto and introduced it to the rest of my Pokemon.
"Nurse Joy? Do Dittos have any gender?"
"None that we know of. They probably do, but we can't tell. It'll have to tell you itself."
"But it's still a baby."
"Well, you'll have to wait, won't you?" she smiled.
I sighed happily. I was just glad the day was over. I kind of saved all Pokemon and I found a way to get back home. What more can one ask?
===End of Chapter 11===