Chapter 2
The ground shook and some buildings became transparent. Some people became transparent. Animals became transparent. They sank into the ground the same way the Pokemon had come up in the beginning. I even saw a bird fly right through and into the ground. But Pokemon continued to remain solid and they didn't sink into the ground. I was on Kom the whole time. Then the shaking stopped.
"My hometown is back to normal! Your planet must have left. It must mean that the star the black hole sucked was too powerful and the black hole couldn't suck it! So the star is rejected and flying away to continue going supernova somewhere else, thus neutralizing the effect." Kom was hopping all over the place.
I had no idea what he was saying, but I managed to understand one thing. Our planets were no longer mixed and I had come to the Pokemon World instead of Earth.
"Then what am I doing here?!?" I shrieked.
Kom stopped jumping and looked at me.
"That is true. Why are you still here?"
"I asked you first!!"
"Do you daydream alot?"
"Do you daydream alot?"
"Uh, I suppose. But what does that got anything to do with this?"
"Do you daydream about Pokemon?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Then that's the answer."
"Oh...ok..." I nodded my head, then I stopped myself. "Wait, wait, wait, hold on! What? WHAT?? HOW?!?"
"I rarely daydream. I'm more of a realistic person. You were on me when the earthquake started-"
"I tripped, for pete's sakes! Is that a crime now?!?"
"-so our bodies were in contact. When planets blend, it's not likely it happens all nice and clean. You saw what happend to that Pizza Hut and the Pokemon Center. We both had to go either here or there. I had a stronger ground of the Pokemon World so you had no choice but to get pulled here."
"What? I'm here just because I daydream?!?" This wasn't soaking in. "What about my family? Will time be stopped there?"
"No, it will continue. The Pokemon World has probably lost its share of people, too, and we're not frozen."
"Oh, no." I moaned. "My family will be worried sick! Where will I live? When will I get to go back? Do I have to wait for another Solar Bend thing?!?" Then I scrunched my face and pushed Kom. "It was you! You planned all of this! You told me to come over and...oh! -sob- but it was me who tripped!!! Why am I such a klutz!!" And I cried right there.
"Calm down! It'll turn out fine! Uh. Perhaps Bill will have a solution to this problem..."
I immediately stopped crying. "Bill! Of course! Of coouur...but what's he going to do?"
Kom raised his eyebrow. "You know Bill?"
"I think so. You're talking about that mad scientist that has green hair, right?"
"He's not mad! He's brilliant! He invented the Pokemon PC System. In fact, he's been making a time machine and has made great progress."
"A time machine?? But I thought you said time can't be contained so there's no such thing as a time machine! You're just contradicting yourself!"
Kom smiled at this remark. "Time can't be contained. Bill is tackling it from a different point of view. He's no ordinary scientist. He's capable to thinking things that our minds cannot even begin to grasp. He can create things and embarass those famous scientists that put things down as impossible. He's more than just a genius."
"He's smarter than Albert Einstein and William Shakespeare put together?"
"Who are they?"
"Just the geniuses of my world. So you're saying that when Bill finishes the time machine, I won't have to worry about worrying my parents. I just have to worry about ever making it home in the FIRST PLACE!!!!"
"Yup. That's one problem down."
"Well, THAT soothes my nerves."
"Cheer up. Bill's time machine works, it just can't get back into or ahead far enough to make a big enough difference."
"What do you mean?"
"Bill's machine can only take him back or ahead of time in five minutes. Last year he could only go either way for thirty seconds."
My face must have went pale because he started to look worried. "It took him 365 stupid days to get his time machine to go through time in 5 minutes! Excuse me, but that's not exactly very good progress!!!"
"Well, it's already a miracle that he's created a time machine. The idea itself is wonderful. You shouldn't be expecting too much. I mean, if you were suddenly to sit down and create one, would you be able to? Bill is quite pleased with his progress so don't go shooting him down when we get a chance to meet him."
I sighed. "You have a point there. But what if Bill continues at this rate? I'll be DEAD before he'll get his machine to take me back in a year! Or what he does finish it in 10 years? My parents won't recognize me!"
"He'll probably continue working on his youth pills later. He laid it down five years ago when the idea of working on a time machine amused him."
"What if he suddenly had heart attack and DIES?!? Who'll take over his work and let me go HOME?!?"
He frowned. "You're too pessimistic and you act as if the world revolves around you." He picked up the Pokemon translator I had dropped and handed the newer one to me.
It was then I checked my attitude and found that he was right. He called Stantler and I called Smeargle back into his Pokeball. Kom handed me a plastic bag and I put my stuff in it. He said he'd get me backpack later. We both got on Stantler and Stantler trotted off towards the fields.
Towards Kom's home.
Kom's house wasn't far away so it probably took us fifteen minutes to get there. It was more like a ranch. A Miltank ranch.
"Nice place you got here." Miltank to the left, Miltank to the
"Thanks. It's been handed down for generations."
"Mmmm." I scanned the area. It was as big as my eyes could go so it was probably a couple of acres. "So your parents sell milk for a living?"
His face darkened. "No, my grandparents sell the milk. We aren't the best and we have competition. My parents are dead."
I could read his every emotions at that time and they were bad. But he checked himself and his face flushed back to its original color. "Did your parents death have anything to do with this ranch."
Kom remained calm. "No."
"Were they killed?"
"Who did it?"
"By a Pokemon!!" he snapped. He bit his lips. "Please stop asking these questions."
Just then, a wrinkly woman walked out from the screen door of the house. Her hair was pure white and it was tied up in a bun. She was wearing a faded blue dress and some hiking boots. What probably caught my eye was this fabulous deep jade brooch that she was wearing around her neck.
"Koko!" She opened her eyes the widest she could under those wrinkles and squealed. She grinned the widest grin she could and ran straight towards Kom. She hugged him and didn't let go till his face looked like a prune.
"Glad -gasp- to see you, too, -gasp- Grand Mama!"
"Koko's back!" She squealed again. "Abe! Koko's back!"
An old man wearing a fisherman's hat stepped out. He wore some faded overalls with a fade orange T-shirt underneath. He squinted through his spectacles and cupped his hand to his ear. "What's that, Cookie!?!"
She cupped her hands to her mouth and shouted, "Koko's back!!!"
"I know that!! But what did you say before that?!?"
"That's what I said!!"
"Say what? What did you say before that?!?"
"I didn't say anything before that!!!"
"What's that?!?"
"I said Koko's back!!!"
"I know that!!! But what did you say before that?!?"
This went on for an hour and must have happend all the time because Kom ignored as if it was nothing and went inside the house. I stayed there listening to them screech at each other and wondered why Kom wasn't deaf yet. By the time everything was all set and ready to go, we were inside the house and about to introduce ourselves with a cup of tea.
Kom explained how I was from a different world with an occasional "What?!?" from Abe. Of course, Kom and 'Cookie' had learned to ignore this and continue on with the conversation.
"Oh, Kristy. You shouldn't worry. You'll love it here. I just hope you don't worry about living with a pair of ole humbags like us. We sure can use an extra milker, but it'll probably degrade you if anyone found out so that wouldn't be a good idea. It's a shame you have no way of getting back."
"What?!?" Abe, of course.
"Thanks for your sympathy, uh, Cookie. Is that your real name?"
"What?!?" Abe.
"Of course not! It's Sarah. You can call me whichever makes you feel more comfortable."
"What?!?" Abe.
"Oh, shush, Abe! I'm trying to talk to the young 'un!"
"What?!? Yer mouths er movin' and I can't hear a thing! I bet yer whispering evil thoughts about me! You and yer evil thoughts, ahoy! Inserting evil thoughts into that gerl's mind. Giving her nightmares of me, you evil minions! I bet yer telling her of me lighthouse back when I was a lad!"
Sarah rolled her eyes and smiled. She leaned over to Abe's ear and screamed, "Time to go to bed, Abe!!!"
I grabbed my ears. Too late. My ears racked with pain. Kom, on the other hand had already prepared himself and was looking smoothly at his grandparents. But Abe(who should be the one with in great pain) didn't budge. "Aw, Cookie! You just want to fill the young 'uns with things about me, ME! I know you, Cookie. I know you!" He gave her the stinkeye.
"Time to go to bed, Abe!!!" This time I prepared and my ears didn't hurt(he, he, he).
"Aw, Cookie! I'm not tired. I don't wanna go to bed. I don't wanna. You can't make me." He was indignant. I couldn't help but laugh at how he sounded like a child. Bad move.
"See? See?!?" He pointed an accusing finger at me. "She's laughin' cuz you told something about me, ME!"
Cookie nudged Abe and kissed him on the cheek. Abe's face immediately softened. "Give me another one!"
Cookie kissed him on the cheek again and smiled.
"Yer one sexy dame, Cookie. Yer my queen. I'll listen to only you and ain't no one takin' you away from me. Give me another one!"
She kissed him once more and laughed. He giggled madly like a schoolboy and hopped off to change. He came back out in his jammies that was filled with rockets. He was wearing one of those pointed sleeping caps that has a ball of fuzz on the end. He held onto his teddy bear and called out. "Cookie, I sleep fer you only!!!" He giggled madly and went off to bed. That was really weird and freaky.
Sarah grinned, showing all of her crooked teeth. "There's gonna be a meeting fer all of yer kind, Kristy. It was on the news." She got up and started picking up our cups.
"Where, Grand Mama?"
"At the warehouse next to the Pokemon Center."
"Thanks, Grand Mama."
"Oh, that reminds me, where is your Smeargle that Kom's been telling me, Kristy?"
"Hmm? Oh! I nearly forgot about him!! I opened my plastic bag and took out the pokeball containing Smeargle. I threw it onto the floor and Smeargle was lying on the floor, sleeping. Sarah squealed and picked him up. He opened his tired eyes and was surprised to suddenly see an old lady holding him.
"Aren't you just adorable!!" She smiled and put him onto the counter to open the fridge. She took out a slice of blueberry pie and laid it in front of him.
"Smeargle!!!" He grinned happily and knew this lady was his friend. He gulped it greedily and drew another one for Sarah.
"Will you look at that! Isn't he just clever? Quite the gentleman, too! I'll put that back in the fridge and save it for you for some other time."
Smeargle just grinned drowsily.
"What's his name?"
"Umm. I don't know. I haven't thought one yet."
"I'll help you! about Clever?"
Smeargle liked it, but I didn't.
"How about Hungry?"
We both didn't like that one.
"How about Sketcher?"
"No, that sounds like a shoe company I know of, Sarah."
I liked it and Smeargle did, too.
"Tracer it is!" I said. "From now on, I'll call you Tracer instead of Smeargle. That way you'll know I'm calling you instead of some other Smeargle."
"You all better go to sleep. The meeting's at nine in the morning tomorrow and it's gonna take you a while to get there. Kom, go get the hammmock ready for Kristy. It'll be comfortable for you. And Smeargle can sleep with you there."
"Smeargle!!" Tracer cried in frustration.
"Oh, I forgot! I mean Tracer." She smiled. When Kom had finished setting up the hammock, he came back out and they chatted for a while. Tracer and I went to go sleep on the hammock. From there, I could still hear Kom and Sarah whispering.
"She's such a sweet lady. You won't forget to buy her a backpack and some nice clothes. The poor child must be scared. She's probably thinking of her family right now. Here's some money."
"It's okay, I got some. But, Grand Mama, when does the meeting start again?"
"It starts at nine o'clock, Kom. I'm so glad you're okay after those earthquakes. It was pretty scary."
"Yeah, well, thanks, Grand Mama. You've been great." I heard a kiss. "Good night."
"Good night, Kom." I heard a click and the lights were out. This house might have looked old fashioned on the outside, but it was full of high tech equipments inside (Like a computer I saw in the hallway that had more memory than the one I had at home). I looked at Tracer and he was already sound asleep on me. What a day. So I went to sleep, too.
===End of Chapter 2===