Moyia’s Icy Revenge Part II

Part Two


The Cast

Human Cast

Coco Tradet as Coco Tradet

Squall Togoroti as Squall Togorti

Bayline Silverson as Bayline Silverson

Blaine as Gym Leader Blaine

Icy Northingale as Icy Northingale

Claudia as Team Rocket Executive Claudia

Syji as Team Rocket Executive Syji

Captain Violet as Captain Violet

Pokemon Cast

Peppermint as Pikachu

Moonshine as Ghastley

Torch as Growlithe

Fruity as Bellsprout

Queen as Nidoqueen

Moyia as Arcticuno

Golden Sun as Ho-oh’s Son

Jenta as Green Butterfree


The added song to Moyia’s Icy Revenge called This is the Life is currently made-up by Aspendragon, therefore it was not stolen or copied. The theme to The Golden Sun Series Saga One was called Pokemon Theme. The next theme song will have a more creative title. This Saga was called The Golden Sun Series, the next Saga will have the title with added words. Watch out for the new saga! And hopefully the Trainer Triad will get all the badges!