The storm behind them spread. It covered Cinnabar and darkened into an eerie black. Trainer Triad looked around nervously as they walked towards the small town of Cinnabar Island; they instantly saw the abandoned warehouse next to the volcano Peppermint mentioned. They stopped and looked at one another then continued as it started to drizzle.
"Hey! You! Why are you so interested in that warehouse?" a gruff voice asked. The Trainer Triad turned around and saw a bald man with a white mustache and white lab coat and brown pants; he was also wearing sunglasses.
"Sorry sir, but we’re on an important mission here!" Bayline shouted as she urged Squall and Coco to walk on.
"I suppose whatever your mission is, is mine too!" he shouted.
"Why would it be any of your concern!" Coco asked, her patience wearing thin.
"Why, you answer my riddle, and your mind will be dazzled," he said.
"We don’t have time for riddles old man!" Squall growled.
"What’s the strongest on this island, and lives the fiery way?" the man asked. Coco sweat-dropped; so far she memorized every gym leaders name in the Kanto region and their pokemon specialties by her dad, who traveled throughout Kanto himself.
"The strongest one on this island is the gym leader! And the gym leader’s name is Blaine who owns fire pokemon, correct?" Coco answered, then she remembered her father saying that Blaine made riddles. "You’re Blaine the Gym Leader!"
"Glad you recognize me!" Blaine said, "But since you answered my riddle correctly, you must answer one more question, why are you here?"
"How should I put this?" Bayline asked Coco, she shrugged, but then smiled.
"Maybe he can help us, I’m sure he wouldn’t think an Ice pokemon is in good health on such an island," Coco said loudly.
"An Ice pokemon, where’s the poor creature?" Blaine asked as he walked up to them.
"It’s under the warehouse, but anyway, my name is Coco Tradet, and this is Peppermint" Coco began. Pointing at Peppermint.
"Bayline Silverson," Bayline added.
"Name’s Squall Togoroti, together we’re the Trainer Triad!" Squall finished.
"Nice to meet you, but who would be foolish enough to bring an Ice pokemon here?" Blaine asked.
"Team Rocket," they said together.
"So are you going to help us?" Squall asked.
"I don’t see why not, since I’m the only one who knows what kind of wild pokemon are inside and knows the way around, but I don’t know why Team Rocket would be down there. I guess they must’ve noticed that I haven’t been in there for the last twenty years…" The Trainer Triad looked at one another.
"Well, come on, we don’t have a minute to spare." Coco growled as the four walked into the warehouse.
POKEMON Golden Sun Series
June 21, 2004
Aspendragon Project 2004 Presents
Moyia’s Icy Revenge Part I
The warehouse from inside certainly looked abandoned, but seeing working video cameras in ceiling corners made them sure they were at the right place. Boxes were torn, ripped, and covered in cobwebs. Leftover food from people that worked here long ago littered the floor as well as shredded cardboard. Tables covered in dust were here and there and shelves that reached the ceiling with boxes on them threatened to fall.
When the four were walking inside, their footsteps echoed slightly. Peppermint stayed put on Coco’s shoulder.
"If this is where that pokemon is being held, then they must be under the place." Blaine said, "Look for any unusual openings or switches that open hidden doors on the floor…"
"I have a better idea, go! Torch!" Squall shouted, releasing his Puppy pokemon.
"Growl!" Are we here? Coco nodded, Torch stared at his trainer.
"Since Torch is a canine, then if any recent Team Rocket members passed through here he can sniff them out to their underground hideout," Squall explained. Torch nodded, "All right Boy, you heard the plan," Torch nodded and put his head to the ground and walked around, lifting boxes up as he did.
"Maybe Honey can help to," Bayline said, releasing her eevee.
"Yeah, so can Pep!" Coco agreed, as their pokemon joined.
"I guess I can help as well, go!" Blaine yelled. A bigger version of Torch appeared, Coco was astonished.
"Arcanine the Legendary Dog pokemon," Dexter beeped from inside Coco’s pocket, "A pokemon that has been admired since the past for its beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings."
"Wow! He’s so beautiful…when we rescue Moyia, the first I’m going to do is get a growlithe myself!" Coco announced. Honey, Peppermint, and Torch looked at one another.
"Let’s think about that later," Squall said, sweat-dropping.
"Arcanine, help find a hidden entrance." Blaine commanded, Arcanine nodded and he too lowered his head to the ground and sniffed.
"Growl!" I found something! Torch barked, the group ran over to him. A lever that was cleaner then the other two stood out, Torch growled at it.
"I guess it’s worth a shot, so, who wants to pull it?" Bayline asked, everyone looked at Blaine.
"Fine," he said as he returned Arcanine and put his hand on the lever. Bayline and Squall returned Honey and Torch as well; Peppermint jumped up onto Coco’s right shoulder. "Here it goes…" he pushed it down. For a moment, nothing happened. Then a slight shaking came then vanished, a square-like tile slid away from the others, revealing a staircase.
"Wow, Torch hit the jack pot," Squall said with delight. But it was dark underneath and silent.
"There’s no sound coming from it," Bayline mentioned.
"Maybe this staircase goes deeper then we thought," Coco suggested as she stepped on the first stair, it was made of cement. She grabbed the railing on the wall. "No worries about being detected coming down, even though I bet they probably already know we’re here." Squall nodded as he went down second behind Coco, next came Bayline, Blaine was last.
"Ouch! Watch where you’re stepping Bayline!" Squall growled through the pitch darkness.
"Walk faster then," she snapped back.
"Will you two be quiet!" Coco scolded, "Hey! That was my arm Squall!"
"Sorry!" Squall apologized quickly.
"You three are noisier then a herd of tauros!" Blaine growled.
"Maybe Firestorm can help," Coco said, releasing Firestorm, the staircase was immediately brightened thanks to her flame.
"Think you can help lead us down?" Coco asked her, Firestorm nodded, and instantly knowing they were here. With the light, Bayline wished she had no eyes, horrid pictures of people torturing pokemon were drawn on the walls. Mostly red was used.
"I loathe Team Rocket…" Squall growled.
"Every good willed trainer does Squall," Blaine said as he frowned sadly at the pictures, R’s were on the shirts of the people torturing pokemon. Coco covered Peppermint’s eyes when she saw a picture of a pikachu in an awful condition.
"I would feel more comfortable if you were in your ball Pepper," Coco said, Peppermint shook her head from behind her hand.
"Everyone quiet! I see something up ahead, I think it’s the bottom!" Blaine said. The Ice Orb began to glow again as they stepped on the tiled floor at the bottom of the staircase. Coco quickly returned Firestorm to her ball.
"Those brats are here! I can’t believe it!" a familiar voice roared, Claudia! The three trainers looked one another with shocked expressions; Blaine gave them a confused one.
"But I thought you wanted revenge anyway, so this is the time to do it!" Syji said to her. Two shadows bounced near the staircases again.
"This way…" Bayline hissed as they moved over and squatted behind a wooden counter.
"They were walking down the stairs right?" Claudia asked.
"Yes Ma’am!" A Rocket Grunt answered.
"All right, come on Syji. Let’s greet our guests," Claudia said, smirking as the two walked up the stairs, unknown to them that they weren’t up there anymore.
"Now what do we do, Grunts are everywhere, there’s bound to be a new captain, and Claudia and Syji are trying to kill us!" Bayline muttered, Blaine was deep in thought.
"We should split up, one team goes and finds that pokemon you call Moyia, and another team stays here and defeats anyone who tries to find the other team, or try and faint as many Grunts as possible…" Blaine explained.
"Well, I know I’m definitely going, Firestorm was telepathically connected to her and I’m being watched over by you-know-who…" Coco explained.
"All right, and I’m going to stay here. If there’s any trouble then the new captain is going to have to investigate and I’ll take him down when he comes!" Blaine added.
"I’m going with Coco!" Bayline announced, Squall glared at her. "It’s for the best, because I know a growlithe, a sandshrew, a raticate, and a bellsprout are stronger then my team. So I might as well leave you and Blaine to battle the Grunts, besides, I’m great with controls and that’s probably how we get Moyia out of here!"
"Yes, I’m going to have to agree to that Squall," Coco said with a nod, "Anyway, we’ll be fine. So when do we go?" Claudia and Syji came running down the stairs.
"The brats and that gym leader aren’t there! They’re down here somewhere! Make a search party! We cannot have them wandering around!" Claudia screeched. Grunts abandoned their positions and started searching among the mini-lab.
"I would say this would be a good time," Blaine said with sarcasm.
"You two sneak away, me and Blaine will make a distraction. Go!" Squall ordered, the two nodded and crawled along the bottom behind the counters.
"HEY! GRUNTS! LOOKING FOR US!" Squall shouted as he and Blaine jumped out from their hiding place. Coco and Bayline heard the rustling of a lot of feet as the two trainers released their pokemon for battle. Many pokemon battle cries were heard as Coco and Bayline stopped.
"Do you see any doors?" Coco asked Bayline. Bayline peered over the counter; Claudia and Syji went down a hall.
"Yeah, Claudia and Syji just went through a door that possibly leads to where Moyia is being kept!" Bayline told her.
"All right, lead the way…" Coco said as Bayline went in front of her and they crawled to the end of the counters.
"Hurry!" Bayline said as she skidded silently to the other counters, Coco followed. "Come on!" Bayline pointed at the hallway the two went through.
"All right, on the count of three we will run to it and through it, okay?" Coco said, a hint of nervousness was in her voice.
"Why can’t we crawl some more?" Bayline asked.
"Because my knees are beginning to get sore," she answered, "okay, one…two…"
"Three!" Bayline finished as they jumped to their feet and ran through the doorframe. Squall and Blaine kept the hundreds of Grunts too busy to see them escape that room.
"How long is this hallway?" Bayline gasped as she started to breathe harder. Coco shrugged, it was like a dream, no matter how hard you try to get to your destination. You would never get any closer. The floor was made of black tiles and the walls had solid red wallpaper.
"This place is making me sick," Bayline growled. Coco nodded; finally they spotted the end and stopped as they reached it. It was a large room with a square-like hole in the middle; railings stopped anyone from falling down into it. Coco, Peppermint, and Bayline leaned over the edge and looked down. It was like a mouse-maze, but with wider area between the walls.
"It’s wonderful that you could join us," they looked up. Claudia and Syji were on the opposite side of the large room. "Let me explain, this is a game that we made just for some entertainment."
"What kind of entertainment?" Bayline asked.
"This game includes trivia, accuracy, and power." Syji began, ignoring Bayline. "Each team has to have an equal amount of players just like the opposite sides, and as you can see, we do have equal players, so let’s begin."
"Each player has to be a trainer, so each of us releases a pokemon, making a team duo," Claudia explained, throwing her poke’ball. Meowth appeared on the floor in the maze on their side. Syji did the same. Spearow sat next to Meowth. "You two, release two pokemon on your side."
I’m not risking Peppermint because she’s too young, I’ll send out Moonshine to be safe. Coco thought, throwing Moonshine’s ball. Bayline threw hers as well.
"Ghastley!" Okay, what’s the point of sending a ghost pokemon into a maze? Moonshine asked as Jenta appeared.
"Befreee!" Yeah, all I could do is fly over the whole thing! Jenta cried.
"Just listen to the rules!" Bayline growled.
"Okay, we each have two pokemon in the maze, now," Syji growled, a machine that looked a lot like a metal counter with a movie screen and several colored buttons and a lever appeared out of the floor. They walked over to it; the same thing came up on Team Rocket’s side as well.
"This is where you’ll be making commands and answering questions," Claudia explained, "The screen shows what obstacles are in your pokemon’s way as they travel through the maze, also questions if they run across a red wall blocking their path. If you answer correctly, it will go down into the floor, if you get it wrong, your pokemon are shocked, burnt, or soaked with either an electric, fire, or water attack."
"Obstacles appear every now and then, you either have to hit a moving target or climb, run, or crawl under something. Now, if you run into our pokemon and defeat them both in battle, you automatically win the game." Syji finished.
"All right, sounds simple enough…" Coco said. Bayline sweat-dropped as she eyed the buttons.
"All right, we begin! Meowth!" Claudia shouted.
"And Spearow, move up five spaces!" Syji finished. Meowth and Spearow moved up five spaces, a flying saucer instantly appeared. Two of them in fact, each threatening an electric attack if they fail to destroy them.
"Spearow! Use Peck attack!" Syji ordered. Spearow dove at one of the saucer’s and pecked it to pieces.
"Meowth! Use Scratch!" Claudia commanded. Meowth leaped at the last saucer and sliced into two with its claws.
"Your turn!" Syji shouted to Coco and Bayline. Bayline looked at Coco to make the first choice.
"Err, Moonshine and Jenta! Up three spaces!" Coco said, Moonshine vanished then reappeared three spaces ahead, Jenta hovered over three. That’s when a red wall appeared. A question buzzed onto the screen.
"Question No. 1!" the screen buzzed, "Who is the champion of the Elite Four and its specialty,"
A Bruno and Poison/Water Types
B Agatha and Fighting Types
C Loriele and Psychic Types
D Lance and Dragon Types
Coco pushed the green button with D on it. The screen showed a happy face, she was correct. The red wall went down.
"Great job Coco!" Bayline said. "Now it’s your turn Morons!"
"We are well aware of that Brat!" Claudia shouted back. "Meowth! Spearow! Move ahead one space to the right!" Meowth and Spearow moved one to the right. A red wall appeared. Coco and Bayline listened as TR received their question.
"Question No. 2!" their screen buzzed, "What are the names of Moltres and Zapdos?"
Arcticuno isn’t the only one with a name? That’s weird, good thing we didn’t get that question! Coco thought, as she heard Bayline sigh.
"What happens if we get a question we don’t know?" Bayline asked.
"Jenta and Moonshine are going to have to endure some attacks then…" Coco answered as Syji and Claudia agreed upon B their screen sang correct.
"Our turn," Bayline said, "Jenta and Moonshine! Two spaces to the left!" The two pokemon moved one space to the left till three swing pendulums appeared.
"We have to go through that before we can go to two spaces," Bayline growled.
"We don’t need to worry about Moonshine, go through it Moon!" Coco shouted, Moonshine wasn’t hit as the pendulums went through her as she floated to the other side. Jenta looked at the three nervously.
"Her wings are a big target, there’s no way she can get through those!" Bayline said.
"Then move back to our original space, we’re going to have to split up for now," Coco said, Bayline nodded as Jenta moved back to their original square.
"Our turn, Spearow and Meowth! Three spaces to the right!" Syji shouted, Meowth and Spearow did so, again, another red wall appeared and TR answered with a C this time.
"Moonshine! Two spaces up!" Coco shouted. Moonshine vanished and appeared two spaces forward. The pendulums didn’t vanish yet, so Bayline ordered Jenta to go four spaces to the right. A red wall appeared to Jenta, and floating bombs appeared over at Moonshine.
"Since you two aren’t a team anymore in the maze, each of you have to do the challenges that appear to your own pokemon!" Claudia shouted. Bayline growled.
"Moonshine! Use Lick to put out the flames!" Coco shouted, Moonshine licked everyone until she reached the last one, it exploded before she could lick it, causing some damage. "Are you okay Moon?" Moonshine nodded as the smoke cleared. Burn marks appeared on her gas body.
"My turn," Bayline said with a gulp. The screen buzzed with the question ‘Name the three types electric pokemon are weak against’
A Fire, Water, Grass
B Ground, Rock, Electric
C Ground, Rock, Grass
D Rock, Fighting, Bug
"Hey! I know this one!" Bayline said as she pushed C. The screen buzzed happily with a happy face again. The red wall vanished.
"Spearow and Meowth! Four spaces forward!" Syji ordered a brick wall appeared with a small opening at the bottom, indicating that they had to crawl under it. Meowth had no problem, but it took longer for Spearow because the brick ruffled his feathers. The brick wall vanished, leaving Spearow slightly scratched, and he began grooming his feathers.
"Moonshine! Five spaces to the right!"
"Jenta! Two space forward!" A red wall appeared for both trainers. Coco chose correctly, so did Bayline.
"Spearow and Meowth! Go up three spaces!" Claudia shouted. When the two pokemon went up two spaces, a glass wall with no opening appeared, Meowth tried to climb, but her claws couldn’t hook themselves on the glass, but Spearow flew up and over and landed on the other side. Meowth had no choice, but to turn around.
"Now! Moonshine three spaces to the right!" Coco shouted, beams of red light appeared, like lasers.
"Those look like those security lasers that are around valuable objects you know?" Bayline mumbled. Coco nodded.
This maze I guess, wasn’t built for a ghost pokemon…Coco thought, "Moonshine! Vanish and appear on the other side!" Moonshine nodded and vanished, but reappeared instantly.
"What!" Coco and Bayline shouted. Claudia and Syji chuckled.
"Those lasers give off a light similar to a pokemon identifying the real opponent out of a Double Team!" Claudia shouted, "So when a pokemon such as ghastley vanish, they just reappear!"
"Grr, looks like I have no choice, but to go right through. Ready Moonshine?" Coco asked, Moonshine nodded.
"But Moonshine can just turn around," Bayline said.
"No way, it’ll take to long, and since Moonshine’s body is basically gas, the lasers will not be able to give even half the power they have." Coco said, "So, Moonshine! Continue!" Moonshine backed up a little, then took off like a bullet through the lasers. She winced, there were burn marks on her body, but nothing major.
"Great job Moon!" Coco shouted, Moonshine nodded, but winced, "All right Moon?" Moonshine nodded.
"My turn! Jenta! Three spaces to the left!" Jenta moved over three spaces, another red wall appeared. This time, Bayline answered incorrectly to an eevee question. Jenta was soaked, making it harder to move around since she could only fly.
"You cheats! The question was more like stating your opinion!" Bayline shouted at the other side. The question was ‘Which of the eevee evolutions are the strongest?’ She chose Jolteon, and tried to avoid choosing Vaporeon who was her favorite out of the three.
"It doesn’t matter what yours is! The computer’s opinion is what does," Claudia laughed. Coco growled.
"Then opinion questions should be deleted!" Coco shouted.
"This is our game, you either play be the rules and win that way or give up!" Syji said. "But anyhow, it’s our turn,"
"Meowth! Four spaces to the right!" Claudia shouted. Meowth jumped to the right and walked the other three spaces, a red wall appeared. Claudia answered wrong this time; Meowth was burned by an artificial flamethrower! "Darn’t!"
"Spearow! Two spaces forward!" Syji shouted, Spearow flew ahead, five mini-flying saucers appeared. "Use Peck!" Spearow dodged one that flew at him and pecked one close to him to pieces. Another flying saucer flew at him and he missed it by a feather.
"Peck left!" Syji shouted. Spearow pecked another one and it was in pieces. Three more to go. One of the saucers flew at him and scraped his leg, Spearow dove at it and it too fell to pieces. Spearow dodged another saucer and dove at the one that wasn’t moving. It was an easy target, it was in pieces in seconds. Spearow glared at the next one.
"Spear!" Spearow cried as he dodged it then destroyed it; he landed, breathing hard. Coco eyed the field, then her eyes widened. Meowth was five squares ahead of Moonshine; Spearow was three spaces from Jenta.
"Be prepared to battle Bayline," Coco growled. "Moonshine! Five spaces ahead!" Moonshine nodded, but was shocked to find herself in front of Meowth. Claudia smiled, but Coco knew she had the type advantage and had full HP.
"Meowth! Scratch that ghastley to bits!" Claudia shouted. Meowth lunged at Moonshine. Coco and the ghost grinned.
"Use Lick!" Coco shouted. Moonshine was not in harm’s way, since Meowth only knew normal attacks, she countered with Lick. Licking Meowth’s face, she bared her teeth as she was flung back.
"Meow!" Meowth growled as it turned towards Moonshine again.
"Use Growl!" Claudia ordered. Moonshine only received a tiny headache from the normal ability.
"Okay Moon?" Coco asked. Moonshine nodded. Meowth growled and bared her teeth.
"Meowth! Use Scratch again!" Claudia shouted. The Growl attack distracted Moonshine for a minute, long enough for Meowth to go through her body.
"You are foolish to think those attacks will work on Moonshine!" Coco shouted.
Moonshine jabbed the Meowth in the stomach, flinging her into the air. She landed on all four paws, and bared her teeth.
"Now use Hypnosis!" Coco shouted, she could tell Meowth couldn’t stand anymore.
"Use err…" Claudia mumbled. Moonshine’s eyes glowed; Meowth became sleepy and fainted.
"Yes! Great job Moonshine!" Coco shouted as Claudia returned Meowth to her ball. She was disqualified.
"It’s up to you Syji!" Claudia growled, he nodded.
"Jenta! Three spaces to the right!" Bayline shouted. Jenta flew over three spaces, and flapped her wings hard as she glared down at the bird. "It’s time to battle! Jenta! Tackle!" Jenta lunged at Spearow with fast speed.
"Fly up then use Peck!" Spearow opened his wings and took off, straight up. When Jenta was right under him, he dove down and pecked her wings. Damaging them greatly.
"Jenta!" Bayline shouted, Jenta slowly got up and winced. "Can you fly?" Jenta flapped hard, but only managed to hover a few inches till she fell back down. She panted hard and was sweating.
"Finish it with another Peck!" Syji shouted.
"Return Jenta!" Bayline shouted, returning Jenta before Spearow could hit. "You did great," she put the ball away then looked at Coco.
"Win this," she said as she stepped aside. Coco nodded and returned to the terrible game.
"My turn! Spearow! Five spaces to the left!" Syji shouted. Spearow flew over five spaces and landed and began again to groom his feathers. A red wall appeared, Syji growled. It was obviously difficult, Coco got nervous. When Syji answered, a siren-like sound filled the air, he was wrong. Then Spearow was shocked, he was weakened.
Moonshine! We just need to defeat Spearow! Coco thought as she counted the number of spaces left between Moonshine and Spearow. Fifteen spaces are left between them, now all she had to do was answer every question right and get past the obstacles.
"Moonshine! Four spaces to the left!" Coco shouted, Moonshine vanished, and appeared on the fourth space. A red wall appeared.
"Question No. 9," the screen said, "If the land on the Earth increased and the water decreased, what kind of pokemon would not be affected?"
A Water
B Ground
C Flying
D Electric
"Obviously, C," Coco said, she got it correct. Spearow was ordered up three spaces, another red wall appeared. Syji answered correctly. There were now, eight spaces left.
"Go ahead four spaces!" Coco shouted, nothing appeared. Syji ordered Spearow up three spaces, nothing appeared. They were facing each other, Moonshine glared at Spearow, her ghostly eyes widening. Spearow’s feathers twitched and seemed to ruffle from excitement.
"Moonshine! Hypnosis!" Coco shouted. Moonshine’s eyes narrowed in concentration. Spearow crowed as purple, circular waves got larger towards him. He was in the Hypnosis. He began getting drowsy.
"Spearow! Fly out of the attack!" Syji shouted, Spearow was too tired to pay attention to his trainer.
"Looks like you’re about to lose! Moonshine! Use Lick!" Coco yelled. Moonshine punched Spearow in the chest, he was flung back a few feet, but got back up. Even if he was on the verge of going to sleep. Moonshine’s eyes began to glow.
"What in the world," Coco muttered as she pulled out Dexter.
"Confusion, a Psychic attack," Dexter answered.
"All right," she said as she put it away, "Finish this battle with a Confusion!" Moonshine’s eyes glowed an eerie purple. The light then surrounded Spearow and lifted him, higher and higher. Then, Moonshine shot him down to the floor. He fainted.
"Yes! Great job Moon! Thanks a whole lot!" Coco shouted with delight as she returned Moonshine to her ball and glared at Team Rocket. Syji already returned Spearow to his ball.
"You may have won the game, but you will never reach Moyia in time!" Claudia shouted, "She’s in a lab, the cage we put her in is sucking the life force energy from her. And with that energy and she is dead, there will be no more winter! Ever!" Coco and Bayline growled.
"Not unless we don’t do anything to get her out of here!" a voice shouted. "Go Queen! Use Ice Beam now!" A Nidoqueen showed up from behind Coco and Bayline and it’s horn produced an icy blue orb. An Ice Beam shot out of the orb and towards Team Rocket, they were frozen solid.
"Who are you?" Bayline asked as a trainer no older then fourteen appeared, he had long, light blue hair with cyan blue eyes. He wore a blue T-shirt with a white I on it, and knee-length Jean shorts.
"The name’s Icy Northingale," he answered, "You’re friends here told me you’ve heard about me," Squall and Blaine appeared behind Icy, both looked worn out.
"I didn’t think our pokemon would’ve stood a chance any longer till he and Queen saved our skins, even Blaine was having a hard time. There must’ve been over a hundred Grunts back there. Um, girls, what have you been doing all this time?" Squall suddenly asked.
"Team Rocket challenged us to the all-time Team Rocket’s favorite game," Bayline answered bluntly.
"Well, we better get a move on. Like Claudia said, Moyia will not survive much longer if we stand around," Icy said.
"How do you know her name?" Coco asked. Icy pointed at Squall. "Oh! Okay, let’s go!" The five ran around the maze and past the frozen TR duo and down the hall behind them. Queen led the way, to freeze anyone who might want to get in their way.
"Do you guys hear that?" Coco asked, her Ice Orb began to grow, but faintly.
"Hear what?" Squall asked.
"That!" Coco answered as she ran faster, they were closer to Moyia now, in just a few minutes they would be able to release her. When they were right about to reach the end of the long hallway, a pokemon appeared. A growlithe to be correct, it snarled at them.
"That’s a growlithe, and if I’m correct. That one’s wild," Blaine said. Coco smiled.
"Then I’m going to catch it! Go Peppermint! Use Thundershock!" Coco shouted, Peppermint jumped off her shoulder and jumped into the air and launched a Thundershock at the growlithe. It easily dodged it. Then the puppy pokemon use Ember, Peppermint had a hard time dodging these, they were smaller then Torch’s embers.
"Use Thundershock again!" Peppermint threw out another electrical attack at the puppy; it didn’t dodge this time and was hit directly. "Great! Now use it one more time to be sure!" Peppermint hit the limp growlithe again, it fainted.
"Go! What!?!" Everyone looked up; the room behind the growlithe glowed an eerie blue.
"Come on Coco!" Bayline shouted as she grabbed her arm and the five ran around the growlithe, Peppermint jumped back on Coco’s shoulder. When they were inside, the light vanished when the same cry sounded.
"Moyia!" Coco shouted. The light separated her from her friends; a cage in front of her appeared, with Moyia inside. She seemed to be dead, but when her eyes blinked, it proved her wrong. She ran to the bars and touched them; she was instantly flung back by an electrical shock.
"Okay, go Firestorm! Minoru! Peppermint!" Coco released them. They stared uneasily at their trainer and Moyia. Firestorm glared at the cage.
"Firestorm use Flamethrower!" Coco ordered, Firestorm burnt a large section of the bars, then Coco looked up at the ceiling, which was still visible to her. "Firestorm! Flame those fire sprinklers you see above us! That should release enough water to cool the bars down!" Firestorm nodded and flamed the sprinklers. They sprayed water immediately.
"Yes!" Coco shouted in excitement as the bars cooled. "Now! Minoru! Tackle those bars now!" Minoru hit the weakened bars and they crumbled. They all ran inside to Moyia, "Let’s get her out." Coco held up her head, Minoru’s vines helped with the middle, Firestorm with the end, and Peppermint held up the tail.
"Slow and easy now," Coco muttered as she stepped outside the cage, holding Moyia’s head. Minoru came next; he safely jumped over while he still held on to her. Firestorm used her tail to catapult herself over the bars. Peppermint had the hardest time, but she jumped over just fine with Moyia’s tail in her arms.
"Great, now lay her down and Peppermint can shock her," Coco said, the pokemon eyed her, but did what they were told. Peppermint launched a tiny Thundershock at Moyia, her body shuddered, she was fully awake, but utterly weak. She began breathing much more normally and could move slightly. The light vanished around them, Coco saw all her friends staring at her.
"Hi," Coco mumbled.
"Moyia is Arcticuno?" Blaine asked. Squall nodded.
"Giving her an electrical shot was a good idea, but if she’s not returned to her home island. Then it’ll be harder to convince the public there will be no more snow." Icy explained as he examined her for major injuries. "Her energy is coming back, but slowly," They all sighed with relief.
"Put that bird back where it belongs!" a gruff voice shouted, they turned around. A woman with a white lab coat, pink hair, and green eyes appeared. She was the new captain!
"Why should we? Besides, she doesn’t belong in cage, never has, never will!" Coco shouted angrily.
"Be quiet kid!" a Grunt shouted, "You’re talking to an elite executive Team Rocket captain!" The captain smiled.
"You may know me as Captain Violet," the captain said. Blaine and Icy glared at her.
"We know about you! You were in charge of a pokemon smuggling operation down at Vermilion City two weeks ago! You almost destroyed hundreds of pokemon just to test them on drugs and new bombs!" Icy shouted fiercely.
"We’ll never forgive you for that!" Blaine yelled.
"We never asked for forgiveness," Captain Violet laughed, "But we’re asking for a monstrous reputation,"
"Would the name The Most Idiotic Organization from the Under World suit you?" Squall asked with sarcasm. Queen stomped her foot. The place shook slightly.
"Be quite Boy, so, you either hand over the bird or fight to the death for it?" Captain Violet asked. Coco Ice Orb glowed brightly; Moyia awoke and stood up.
"Arcctticcc!" Moyia cried. She took off and began freezing Team Rocket’s machinery.
"Moyia! Calm down!" Coco shouted at her.
"Catch her!" Captain Violet ordered. Grunts nodded and ran in all kinds of directions to reach nets, guns, and other supplies. The Ice Orb glowed brighter. The moon gems began as well, but they glowed white.
"What in the world is happening?" Coco asked herself as she pulled out the moon gems and Ice Orb. The two moon gems, one looked like a full moon and one like a new moon formed together, making a complete white, and larger moon gem. Coco eyed the orb that was in her left hand and the single, white moon gem in her right. They bother shined brightly.
"What are you holding Coco?" Bayline asked, "I can’t see straight! It’s too bright!"
"But I can look at them just fine," Coco said as she looked at the four, their arms shielding their faces. "Hey wait, these thing are too bright for you guys, but not me?" She looked at Team Rocket trying to catch Moyia, her anger grew. Moyia froze the ceiling, then tackled it, going through the ground to the next level.
"MOYIA!" Coco shouted after her, the room filled with light that came from the two objects. Everyone was blinded except Coco; Peppermint landed on the floor and covered her eyes with her ears and paws. Moyia came back, not causing destruction. But flying gracefully around her, but Coco got the feeling, something was wrong.
"What is it Moyia? You can tell me," Coco told her, but her lips never moved. She was speaking with her mind. Moyia landed in front of her and looked at her, as soon as Coco looked into her bright, red eyes, flashes of the rainbow and gold filled her mind. A familiar cry rang into her ears.
"Moyia! You-" An explosion came up from under Moyia, she flew off again, but didn’t go through the hole she made, instead. The light vanished and she sang her sorrowful song. The explosion stopped as she froze the guns in Team Rocket’s hands and floor, ceiling, walls, and the rest of the machinery was pure ice. Everyone stared at the ice bird. There were no weapons, no ways to escape; they were trapped with nothing.
The bird’s song filled the air and lifted heavy, emotional burdens of everyone. Coco forgot about what her mission was smiled; Peppermint slept on Coco’s shoulder, twitching as if she was remembering something.
"Does her song just sound sad, but means happy? Or is truly sad and is sung for a reason?" Squall muttered, everyone was relaxing, even Team Rocket. A sudden explosion made everyone return to reality. Moyia was in a net, being pulled up through a hole.
"MOYIA!" The Trainer Triad shouted as they ran under her. Another net appeared and got Coco, Bayline, Peppermint, and Squall. They were too lifted up with Moyia.
"Are you behind this?" Icy asked, but Captain Violet wasn’t there, but she couldn’t have gotten out. "Where’s your captain?" he roared at the Grunts, they laughed.
"She left way before Moyia was attacked when the light came!" someone answered. Icy and Blaine growled, that gave her plenty of time to escape.
"This stinks!" Squall growled as they were pulled above the warehouse roof. The moon was shining brilliantly in the dark sky. They looked up; they were being lifted into a Team Rocket helicopter.
"Ouch!" Coco yelped as they were dropped on the floor of the helicopter. "What’s the idea?" she looked up to see a man in an orange suit and gelled hair. He grinned at them; a Persian sat at his feet.
"You must be the Trainer Triad," he said. Coco growled as she spotted Captain Violet next to him, Moyia was loaded into another cage. She was screeching horribly and pounding into the cage.
"Let Moyia go!" Coco shouted at him, she couldn’t stand up because the net was heavily braided.
"Now, why should I do that?" he said.
"Because we told you so!" Bayline answered rudely. "By the way, who the heck are you?"
"My name is something that you don’t have to worry about right now." He said, they glared at him. Peppermint sparked at Persian, she hisses. "Now, I would suggest you make yourself comfortable, because you aren’t getting out in a while," he said as he went to the front of the helicopter with the pilot, Captain Violet followed him.
"We’ve got to get Moyia out of here! As well as us!" Coco said. Peppermint began chewing on the rope; she instantly stopped because it was too hard.
"Release Fruity, she can use Razor Leaf!" Bayline said, Squall nodded and released her.
"Use Razor Leaf on the net!" Squall said, Fruity nodded and did so, the leaves bounced off the hard material.
"All well, good try, return." Squall said, returning her to her ball.
"Any ideas?" Bayline asked Coco, she stared at Moyia. The other two followed her gaze.
"We should help Moyia and she’s bound to help us!" Coco said suddenly.
"Sorry, but if you haven’t noticed…we’re inside of a net! How are we suppose to help her if we can’t help ourselves?" Squall asked.
"Baboon has a point," Bayline agreed. Squall growled.
"Easy, Minoru can use his vines to get those keys and release Moyia!" The helicopter went sideways a little. "What in!" The net slid to the right side of the helicopter. It went sideways again, so did the net.
"Ah!" the trainers cried as they were sliding back and fourth in the helicopter. Moyia went hysterical and was pounding and attacking the bars of the cage, only getting shocked back, making her more anxious to get out. Her pupils got smaller and she attacked the bars with Ice Beam, then she tackled them, a small part of cage was destroyed, but it wasn’t big enough for her to go through.
Finally, the helicopter started going up and down, sideways, and slowing down and speeding up.
"Make up your mind!" Squall shouted as they went sliding past the door to the front of the helicopter. When everything was normal again, Coco looked around then heard it. The most mystical, yet the angriest sound she ever heard. The helicopter jerked. Moyia froze another part, large enough to go through and tackled it; she flew out and towards the net. Her clawed feet clutched the net and ripped them to shreds, then she broke out of the helicopter’s side and flew out.
"AH!" The Trainer Triad went sliding towards the hole. One by one, Squall was the only one holding onto the helicopter’s torn side, the ruined side was sharp and jagged, making his hand bleed. Coco was holding onto him, as Bayline was holding onto her. Peppermint was clinging to Coco’s vest.
"Oh my…" They all looked at where the helicopter was heading towards. The Sea Foam Islands!
"We’re going to crash!" Bayline cried. "The pilot! And everyone else must have parachuted out before thinking about Moyia!"
"But something was attacking the thing! What was it?" Coco asked.
"I don’t know! But we’ve gotta let go!" Squall said, Coco and Bayline didn’t let go, he sighed. "Fine!" he let go. The three fell from the helicopter; it went zooming into the ocean next to the islands. But the three were falling; Moyia was no where in sight.
"Piddgg!" Coco saw something whiz by her and catch Bayline and Squall, she was still falling clutching Peppermint. The thing that caught them flew off. That’s when Coco heard a soft flapping of wings, she landed softly on something. She got on her knees and looked up. A pair of golden wings and a rainbow tail. It was Golden Sun!
"Arctic!" she looked above her. Moyia was soaring happily above her, singing beautifully.
"Golden Sun! What are you doing here?" Coco asked.
"I sensed your need," he answered, "I also felt Moyia in your thoughts,"
"You know Moyia?" Coco asked. Golden Sun chuckled.
"Let’s just say, thank you for reuniting me with Moyia. For years I have been trying to make excuses to see her, but whenever I sought out for her, my Father was in need of my assistance and you were to be watched over," Golden Sun explained.
"Oh! So you two like each other?" Coco said as she laughed. But then she remembered the Ice Orb and Moon gems. "Can I ask about these gems and this orb?" Moyia stared at the Ice Orb and put it between her beak and returned to the sky.
"You have found the Ice Orb, Moyia has been searching for it for a long time since Ash Ketchum discovered it while traveling throughout the Orange Islands." Golden Sun began, "It somehow got into Kanto and you found it, but only those that are chosen ones can make the light inside dance and receive a gift you wanted," Coco looked up at Moyia, gliding happily, she couldn’t blame her. She found Golden Sun and retrieved a lost item, and found a chosen one.
"What about the gems, or gem?" Coco asked, holding the white moon gem.
"The White Moon you mean, when it is split into two, they are called the Divided Souls. One represents the dark side of Moyia and the other the mystical side of her. When they’re together, it means the Ice Orb is where it belongs," Golden Sun said, "When the Ice Orb and the White Moon are together, they make a light, that soothes Moyia, and leads to her song that eases anyone’s feelings. But how the White Moon was separated from Moyia is a complete mystery,"
"Where did it belong when it was whole like this?" it suddenly flew out of her hands and in dissolved within Moyia’s right eye.
"Inside Moyia’s mind," he answered. "We are almost in Vermilion City,"
"Vermilion! Where’s Squall and Bayline?" Coco asked.
"They hitched a ride onto Vermilion as well," Golden Sun answered. Coco sighed with relief. "I wish you luck on your next gym battle,"
"But what about Blaine and Icy?" Coco asked.
"They’re giving what the Grunts deserve, a few years of prison," Golden Sun answered as he landed on a hill. Moyia circled them both above. Coco slid off his back and looked up at him. "Bayline has been taken to the Pokemon Center, where Squall is receiving treatment for his hands." Golden Sun took off.
"Buhahahaha! You thought you would get away that easily!" Captain Violet shouted. Coco and Peppermint looked behind them; Captain Violet sitting on a pidgeot was flying on right behind them.
"Oh no!" Coco shouted, as Moyia towards her.
"Go! Charizard!" Captain Violet shouted, releasing an angry charizard.
"Char!" Captain Violet ordered it to attack Moyia with Flamethrower. It shot out a boulder-melting flame. Moyia dodged it with great difficulty, Coco thought she was trying out for a dance competition.
"Char!" Moyia was finally hit, her right wing almost completely engulfed in fire. She dove for the ocean below.
"Don’t let her get away!" Captain Violet shouted, Charizard began to fly towards her till Golden Sun flew in front of him. Coco and Peppermint held on to his back feathers.
"We’re still back here you know!" Coco shouted at him. Golden Sun flapped his wings again, his eyes blazing with anger, a splash sounded from below, Coco knew Moyia reached the water.
"You capture Moyia and decide to anger me more!" Golden Sun roared as he attacked Captain Violet and Pidgeot with Fire Blast. They never had time to dodge, but instead got it full blast. The pidgeot escaped with several terrible marks, but the Captain Violet’s body fell into the sea, nothing but ashes was left of her. Coco and Peppermint stared wide-eyed at the ocean, but had to hold on tight as Golden Sun dove to it.
"Slow down Golden Sun!" Coco shouted, Peppermint clung to her shirt. When Golden Sun stopped suddenly, resting on the surface of the water like a duck, Coco and Peppermint found it safe to look around. The atmosphere grew foggy and dull. They all looked around for Moyia.
"Ho-oh!" Golden Sun cried out in his native tongue. No response, Coco got nervous. Golden Sun folded his wings for Coco and Peppermint to have a better view.
"Arc…" a small chirp escaped Moyia’s beak, leading them to her. A lapras pod found her and the leader had her on her shell. Moyia was burned badly, her wing was injured severely, and the fire had also spread near her chest and neck. If she hadn’t reached the water in time, she would’ve been just like Captain Violet.
"Moyia!" Coco shouted, the lapras leader swam over and Coco and Golden Sun put her on Golden Sun’s back. Golden Sun turned his head and nudged her. She never moved, Coco leaned towards her burnt chest. Her heartbeat was slow and weakening fast.
"We’ve got to get her to the Pokemon Center!" Coco said, Golden Sun shook his head. "Why not?"
"Moyia would not have agreed to that idea, she will pull through…I’m sure," Golden Sun answered as he swam along the waters. The lapras pod swam away into the fog.
"How can she heal in this condition?" Coco asked, that’s when she noticed the Ice Orb floating next to Golden Sun. She pointed it out to him. The tip of his bottom and top jaws grasped it and dropped it in front of Coco.
"You’re the only one who can make the light dance," he said to her. Coco picked up the treasure and eyed it. That’s when it hit her, whenever the orb and gem were together it soothed Moyia, why not heal her?
"I guess it’s worth a shot," Coco muttered as she placed the orb next to Moyia’s right eye, then lightly opened her eyelid, revealing the gorgeous, yet dull red eye. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, the White Moon and Ice Orb began to glow. A blue light connected them.
"Are they healing Moyia?" Coco asked, Golden Sun looked up at the sky as a bright blue light surrounded them. Images of the recent event flew around them, and Moyia was lifted up. Her limp form was floating higher and higher. Golden Sun opened his wings; Coco and Peppermint grabbed his feathers again.
Moyia began to glow; the memories zoomed inside her. Her eyes opened, the White Moon vanished and the Ice Orb continued to glow, the marks on Moyia vanished, her wing was healed. Then the light vanished as the Ice Orb’s light faded and fell in front of Coco.
"Moyia! You’re all right!" Coco shouted happily. Moyia nodded and glided next to her, she looked at the orb.
"Oh! Here," Coco picked it up and Moyia put it back in her beak.
"Arcticc!" I’ve better be going, Moyia said, as she glided next to Golden Sun’s head. Golden Sun crowed.
"Good-bye Moyia, I wish you safety to your home island," Golden Sun said to her, his eyes shining. Moyia cried joyfully before the fog swallowed her.
"I hope Team Rocket doesn’t go after her again," Coco said.
"They won’t, I guarantee that," Golden Sun chuckled with a serious expression. "As long as the Trainer Triad is out there, they won’t accomplish anything," Coco laughed.
"Yeah, but I hope they learned something!" Coco said. Golden Sun landed, they were on the edge of Vermilion’s coastline; the fog covered them from sight. Coco and Peppermint slid off Golden Sun’s back.
"I guess you have to be going as well," Coco said, as she patted Golden Sun.
"Yes, but I’m always overhead, waiting for the time you’ll truly need my help." Golden Sun said, as he flapped his wings and started for the sky above. "Peace will always have a chance of returning, as long as there’s someone here to help it happen," The fog began to clear, Golden Sun vanished into the sun. After a minute, Coco couldn’t look at the sun anymore, then turned to peppermint, which was on the ground in front of her.
"Well Pep, let’s go visit the Pokemon Center, then tomorrow, we can check out the gym," Coco said, stretching out her arm, so Peppermint could jump up and onto her shoulder. Peppermint jumped onto her arm and ran up it and clung to her hat.
"I wonder whatever happened to Team Rocket?" Coco asked as they saw the city and began walking towards it.
"With that thick ice, it’ll take more the indoor heaters to melt that," Icy laughed as police cops took the non-frozen Grunts to the cars. Claudia and Syji were frozen solid, only able to blink and speak.
"We’ll get everyone back, but not now," Syji said.
"Just wait until next time!" Claudia tried to shout. "We aren’t going to get frozen again!"
"We’re just going to have to wait and see," Blaine laughed as Queen appeared behind Icy and stomped her foot.
"On second thought, what happens if one of them gets an Ice pokemon?" Syji asked.
"Try ice breakers?" Claudia joked as they were put on a cart and pushed out by twenty policemen.
"So until next time," Syji said.
"We’ll be back!" Claudia and Syji shouted, as they were loaded into the back of a large truck. Moyia perched herself on a high cliff, staring with amusement at the three. Icy looked up, since a cold chill breezed past him. Moyia spread her wings and vanished as soon as he blinked.
The End
This is the Life
When the world was in great demise
I thought of nothing but my failure
But after meeting eyes as cold as ice
I feared nothing beyond the light
My greatest desire is burning strong now
Fear is just an obstacle I will pass
My strength and faith keeps me going
My world is no more of mourned losses
Because you’re in the night
My hope has risen and never abated
I fought through the challenges
And survived with all my might
I never lose because they’re there
My friends at my side
Never taking a step away
My faith in them is incredible
I thought of myself as a trainer
Battling to the end
Pushing the limits till we burst
Cause we’re in this together, never putting oneself in front of the other
This is the life
Traveling far and wide
Catching and training is my best
Making me learn about the beyond
We always wanted to learn about what’s out there
What’s out in that world of green and blue
You go and show me your world
And I’ll show you mine
I just know battling is going to get me to the top
But I know that there’s something else bigger out there
And we’re going to find out together
This is the life
This is living
Traveling to town to town
Solving crisis
And figuring out why I’m needed
I wanna know
Who else is out there?
Who once, wanted the same dream and achieved it
My world revolves around more then my friends
I want to know
I want to learn
I want to see
I want to become the greatest
Cause this is the life
Wanting to know the unknown
Wanting to see the undiscovered
Wanting to learn about the world outside ours
But the only way I see it to do it
Is to become the one I know I am
And reach my goal
Is how I want to learn?
About the unknown
The undiscovered
The world outside
Cause that is how to live
Catching pokemon
Traveling with friends
Ending havoc
This is the life