Letter from the Author
Hi everyone! All right, I’m done with the first season and I’m shocked it was twenty-six parts! But anyhow, I’m planning on making a movie or something like that for the rescue of Moyia. But I want to make some corrections, for part six I think I forgot to put the part’s name, it was originally called The Young Trainer, Bayline. Sorry! T_T
But I also want to explain some of the written movie I’m going to present to you. If you read my first season then you’ll know that Moyia, the legendary bird of ice, Arcticuno was poke’napped and is in the hands of Team Rocket. Then it’s up to Coco or the Trainer Triad to get her back. Well, it’ll take more then her and her team to get past the merciless Team Rocket. The mysterious moon gems are mentioned and Coco finds out what the origin of the Ice Orb and how to soothe Moyia. But there’s more then just her capture that’s been bothering her, why sing a sorrowful song beforehand?
It’s up to the Trainer Triad to fix a lost relationship and save the world from a constant summer, fall, then spring cycle! And to make matters worse, Team Rocket Executives, Claudia and Syji are back and are out for revenge. O_o
Rated PF
For all Pokemon Fans
If you spot any other mistakes, forgive me! ^_^