POKEMON Golden Sun Series
Part Twenty-Three
Captain Rooscan’s Defeat
"Trainer Triad?" Squall asked. Coco nodded.
"Yeah, I thought it would be a good name for us." She explained, "Something we would all agree on." Peppermint jumped to the floor, ready to battle.
"Enough talk!" Jen shouted, it was the woman who spoke in the walkie-talkie. She had shocking orange hair and dark, green eyes. Wearing the black Team Rocket uniform for women. A man was behind her, Ross no doubt. He had shoulder length black hair and brown eyes, wearing the men’s TR uniform.
"We battle here and now. You lose we take you to our dungeon!" Ross said.
"And if we win?" Coco asked. Squall laid the raticate against the wall.
"Everyone will battle you one by one till you lose!" Jen answered.
"Fine!" Squall shouted. "Then I challenge Ross!"
"I’ll challenge Jen!" Coco shouted.
"Fine! But you won’t stand a chance!" Jen laughed. Ross was the first to release his pokemon.
"Go! Drowzee!" he cried. A pokemon with a long nose and a yellow and brown body appeared.
"Go! Ekans!" Jen cried, releasing a purple snake pokemon.
"What are those pokemon?" Coco asked as she opened Dexter.
"Drowzee, the Dream Eating Pokemon," Dexter beeped, "Puts enemies to sleep then eats their dreams. Occasionally gets sick from eating bad dreams."
"Ekans the Snake pokemon," Dexter beeped, "Moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds such as Pidgey and Spearow whole."
"I choose Fruity!" Squall shouted, releasing his flycatcher.
"And I choose Peppermint!" Coco shouted as she put Dexter away.
"Drowzee! Use Pound!" Ross ordered.
"Counter with Vine Whip!" Squall shouted. As Drowzee lunged at Fruity, she through out her vine and knocked him back.
"There’s your lunch Ekans! Bite!" Jen shouted, pointing at Peppermint.
"Use Thundershock!" Coco commanded. Peppermint shocked Ekans; Ekans was fried, but was still in the battle.
"Hypnosis Drowzee!" Ross yelled. Drowzee’s hands moved in an odd, flourishing movement. Its index fingers pointed up, it moved back and fourth. Fruity’s eyes drooped.
"Fruity! Use Razor Leaf!" Squall shouted, but Fruity was drooping, obviously asleep.
"Use Wrap on the bellsprout now Ekans!" Jen shouted. Ekans lunged at Fruity.
"Get Ekans away from Fruity with Thundershock!" Coco yelled. Peppermint blasted Ekans into the wall. "Then use Thundershock on Drowzee!" Peppermint stopped Drowzee’s Hypnosis with a Thundershock. Both pokemon fainted.
"Return!" Jen and Ross shouted as they returned their pokemon to their balls. Then Jen got out a walkie-talkie.
"Need back up!" she said. Squall and Coco looked at each other.
"We better find Bayline fast! Return Fruity!" Squall said, returning Fruity and picking up the raticate.
"Come on!" Coco shouted as Peppermint knocked Jen and Ross back with Thundershock. "Good job Pepper! Now come on! She’s down here!" Coco, Peppermint, and Squall ran down the last flight of stairs and entered a lab.
"This place is huge!" Squall growled he saw a line of tubes from the floor to the ceiling containing pokemon in liquid, they weren’t dead because there were oxygen masks over their mouths and noses. Coco gasped, Bayline was in her persian form still and was in a non-juice tube.
"Bayline! She’s asleep!" Coco said as she ran over to it. She too had an oxygen mask.
"Where are the controls?" Squall asked. Peppermint pointed at a computer with several wires leading from it.
"That might be it!" Coco shouted as she sat down on the chair and began reading. Squall pointed out Bayline’s poke’balls on a counter not far from there.
"Hey! What the heck do you think your doing!" They heard Syji shout.
"What does it look like Moron?" Squall asked with a blank look. Claudia and Syji came in through another door and glared down at Squall.
"Don’t get smart with me!" Claudia said, fuming. She was quite angry with Jen’s and Ross’s failure. "Go! Meowth!" Her meowth zoomed in from behind her.
"You too Spearow!" Syji growled, Spearow flew out from above him.
"Can you and Peppermint handle them for a moment?" Coco asked, as Peppermint joined the battle. "These look complicated and if I don’t figure these codes out soon, we’re going to have to break all the pokemon out." Squall nodded.
"Sure we can take them on. We have several more pokemon then them anyway," Squall said, smirking. "Go! Torch!" Torch appeared and saw the pokemon in the tubes and then glared and snarled at Team Rocket.
"Peppermint, listen to Squall okay," Coco said. Peppermint nodded.
"Meowth! Scratch that pikachu now!" Claudia ordered.
"Spearow! Peck attack that growlithe!" Syji commanded. The pokemon lunged at Torch and Peppermint.
"Torch! Use Ember! Peppermint! Thundershock!" Squall cried. Torch burnt Meowth, stopping it from hurting Peppermint.
"Pika!" Peppermint shocked the bird pokemon, but it shook it off and dove at Peppermint. "Pika!" Spearow rammed into Peppermint and pecked her.
"Peppermint! Use Growl at Spearow!" Squall shouted, noticing Peppermint got attacked.
I have never seen these before, but I must say. Over fifty scrambled words reveal the password. If you know the password, there’s no need to do the puzzles…the first one is Dragonite! Oh no, there are questions for every correct answer…Coco thought, True or false, Dragonite is considered a water type? Oh dear, Dragonite has a mix of attacks, but it’s a Dragon type. I say false…all right!
"Torch! Use Tackle to ram Spearow away from Peppermint now!" Squall shouted, Torch lunged at Spearow before it could attack Peppermint again and rammed it into a wall. But Meowth was coming from behind Torch.
"Peppermint! Use Thundershock on Meowth!" Peppermint sparked and threw out an electric attack at Meowth. It was rammed into the ceiling, and then it fainted and fell to the floor.
"Grrr, return!" Syji and Claudia shouted.
"This can’t be happening!" Claudia growled.
"That’s what happens when you mess with the Trainer Triad!" Squall laughed. Claudia and Syji growled.
Number Forty-five, five more to go… Coco said, her eyes narrowed.
"Trainer Triad huh?" a gruff voice said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Sir? What are you doing here?" Syji asked as a man in a white, lab coat and a brown goatee came in. He was bald everywhere else.
"Seeing if this team was defeated yet. So far, they’re stronger then one of the duos and a Grunt here," he said, it was Captain Rooscan!
"Sorry Sir, this Trainer Triad is trying to figure out the code to releasing these pokemon." Claudia explained.
"Oh, but I doubt they’ll figure it out…" he said, chuckling.
"Oh yeah," Coco said, laughing. The tube's juices emptied and opened. "We thank you for your gifts, its not every day you get to humiliate a Team Rocket captain. Too bad there wasn’t an audience…" Bayline’s eyes opened.
"Squall, what time is it?" Coco asked. Squall looked at his watch.
"Just two more minutes till six, the sun should be rising any minute!" Squall said, his eyes widened.
"Peerrssiiaaann!" Bayline roared.
"RUN!" Coco screamed. Everyone, including Team Rocket and Captain Rooscan ran up the stairs. But stopped, so did the screeching.
"She must be changing back!" Coco whispered to Squall. He nodded. Captain Rooscan and Team Rocket began to tiptoe away, but Peppermint shocked them.
"You better stay here, Peppermint. Keep and eye on them." Coco said.
"You too Torch," Squall ordered. Both pokemon nodded. Peppermint glared at the three and sparked. Torch snarled. Team Rocket jumped, Captain Rooscan growled. There were no fully healed pokemon on them.
"Bayline!" Coco shouted, as she looked around. Then she saw Bayline lying unconscious on the ground. "There she is!" the two ran over to her.
"Hi…" she greeted weakly.
"Hi yourself, don’t worry, you didn’t hurt anyone," Coco said, answering her worried expression.
"Oh, great! Oh my gosh, where’d all these pokemon come from?" Bayline asked as she looked around.
"Well, we’ll explain when the police arrive. Squall, could you take care of that?" Coco asked. Squall nodded and ran over to the hanging phone on a nearby wall.
"Yes, I would like to report a crime…" Squall began.
When the police arrived, Captain Rooscan was arrested, so were Syji, Claudia, and the rest of the Team Rocket Organization at the manor were arrested too. The pokemon that were captives in the tubes were quickly brought to the nearest Pokemon Center in Viridian. The police also brought the dead people to a lab and inform the trainers if it was the Silversons. But Coco nor Squall said anything about them to Bayline yet. They wanted to make sure it was her family.
"Would you kids like to have a ride to Pallet, that’s what the boy said you were traveling to," Officer Jenny asked.
"That would be wonderful, thank you!" Coco said. Officer Jenny nodded.
"My pleasure, you did uncover murderers and a hideout, that’s much appreciated. We would like to put a trophy in Viridian City’s Pokemon Center to honor your achievement," she added.
"Pika!" Really! But what’s a trophy? Peppermint asked.
"It’s something you get for achieving something," Coco explained.
"Well, are you kids ready?" Officer Jenny asked. The Trainer Triad nodded.
When they got into Viridian, Nurse Joy asked for their picture. They gladly did so, with Torch, Peppermint, Fruity, and Moonshine somewhere in it. Since they took part in helping with the crisis.
"We’ll put an article in the paper later after we interview you," Nurse Joy said. The three trainers looked at each other.
"We’re going to be in the paper?" Coco asked.
"Yes, in the Kanto’s and Johto’s Daily paper. We’ll have a reporter at your house tomorrow," Nurse Joy explained. "Now, what was your team name again?"
"Trainer Triad!" Squall and Coco said together. Bayline sweat-dropped.
"We’re calling ourselves that," Coco told her. Bayline smiled. Now she knew she was truly part of the team.
"We’ll also give you the information you need tomorrow as well," Officer Jenny said. Bayline had a confused expression on her face. Squall and Coco looked grim as returned their pokemon and got into the officer car.
"Bye!" Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy shouted as the car drove away. What would happen if those people were Bayline’s family? Coco and Squall kept silent.
"What’s wrong guys?" Bayline asked in her unusual sweet tone.
"Pikachu!" Nothing! We’re just happy your okay! Peppermint cried. Coco translated. Bayline looked out the window.
"Don’t look so grim guys, tonight’s Christmas!" Bayline suddenly said. Coco and Squall smiled.
"You know Squall, you still need to get your parents at my house before tonight." Coco said as the car drove off in the Sunrise.
"Don’t worry, we have twelve hours." Squall told her. The three laughed silently.
To be continued
I hope everyone is enjoying his or her summer vacation! I’m certainly am!