Drawn for this fanfic by Imaj
I stood there, out on the front porch. The strange sensation was stopping me from going to play with my two younger brother and sister. My name wrung in my head, repeatedly, like the ringing of chimes. A cool breeze passed as my brother stared at me for a breif second. "Johnathon C'mon already..we'll be late. They're playing capture the flag at Tim's" Tim, that name was quite popular around our house. For he was one of our many neighbors here at SunnyHills.
"Johny! We're gonna be late!" My sister whined. I snapped out of my trance "Right" I said starting to run towards Tim's. They weren't too far behind. My sister, Britney had her hair in tight pigtails, wearing her usual red jeans and Short Pokemon League top. Justin, who had caught up to me had been wearing his dark grey-green vest, and grey shorts. As for his hair, it looked totally messed up. Spikes were definetely not cool anymore, they were more of a 10's look. We were in the 20's nowadays. The year 2023.
We were still running through more blocks in our neighborhood when the feeling hit me again. This time even my site faded into a dark, shadow-filled room. "Where am I?" I shouted, un-aware of where I was. "JOHNY!! Keep going, what's wrong?" Britney was now shouting out meaningless phrases, she wasn't were I was, in this strange room, all alone. "WHAT IS THIS!" I shouted as I shut my eyes tightly. "Johnathon, open your eyes" Justin was standing in front of me as I opened my eyes. "What's happening to me?" I asked no one in particular
They could only stand there, shrugging. "Maybe you should go home" He said, his voice sounded emotion-less. I didn't respond. What was wrong with me? I asked myself. I fell slowly to my knees and began to cry. Boys weren't suppose to cry, but did they ever have a problem like this? These scenes had been coming off and on for six weeks now. Increasing by the day. What started out as a few seconds, had ended up as a few minutes by this time.
I rose to my feet. "Johnathon, we're taking you home. Mom and Dad need to know what's going on, you've kept it a secret long enough now" Justin's words made sense, but I wasn't about to tell my own parents that I was a Freak. I could only shake my head no, my mouth had all of the sudden felt dry and sticky. "We're bringing you home now, you have to tell mom and dad" My brother gave my sister a look, which took me few seconds to figure out what was for. As they began to drag me, one sibling to an arm, back to our house.
The struggling only hurt myself more, for they still had me. I hadn't bothered to shout a thing, or I hadn't because I couldn't. Either way I didn't say anything. "Johnathon, we hate to do this... We just don't want anything bad to happen to you" My sister said. She didn't seem to happy herself about dragging me, by the look on her face. "Almost there, Johny" She added. Trying to reassure me, huh? It wasn't working too well, I was still struggling to my best ability. "Johnathon, please, be patient." How could I be patient? My brother and sister were dragging me home un-willingly so I could tell my parents my secret.
Well, so maybe it wasn't really a secret. I mean, some of my friends knew. But what was i supposed to of done? Let these trances go on during school and not tell my friends what the trances were like? We were almost home now, I shut my eyes closed. I wouldn't open them until we got inside.
"Mom! Dad! Johny has something to tell you!" Sometime my sisters voiced drove me crazy. I took my hands and shut them over my ears, I closed my eyes tightly. Was I going crazy? The sensational feeling came again. The darkness of my closed eyes grew into ..our house? There was my mother and father, but much younger. They were fighting over..well I couldn't quite tell. I opened my eyes and found myself in my room, on my bed. My father looked worried, while my mother had a slight smile on her face.
"Someone in the family had to of gotten my Psychic Powers" She said as her smile grew alittle bigger. "Psychic Powers?" I questioned, of course I knew what these were, but the fact that I had them was quite marvelous. The fact that my mother said I got them from her was also very strange, they never told us she had Psychic Powers. "How come you never told us that you had Psychic Powers?" My mother could only shrug "Now you know..and now I need to teach you the correct way to use them"
"What exactly can I do with psychic powers?" Mother put her hand on my shoulder "For one.." She said closing her eyes, then re-opening them "..Psychic Powers enable you to read minds. You're thinking right now about the trances you've been having, aren't you?" I nodded, exactly. Wow..Psychic powers are cool. "Another, lets you look into past and future. I need to teach you so you know how to use these correctly and get into the past or future only when you want. Not off and on un-expectedly." I nodded with a smile, glad I wasn't a freak after all. Only immortal.
Father started walking out of the room, but before totally out, stated that he would make dinner. My stomache growled, just in time too. "So when should we begin training?" I asked, hoping we coud wait until sometime after dinner. She picked me up, and put me on her back. "Close your eyes..and look inside yourself. That is where you'll find the answer" I did so, closing my eyes tight, seeing the darkness form into a room with little light. The light, as I saw was coming from the crystal ball on the table.
"Should I shake it?" I asked, aware that I was alone. Without an answer I reached the ball and asked the little question asked apon by myself. I then shoke the crystal ball and words were scattering around, stopping in the middle. It was finally visible to read. I read aloud what it had said "Psychic Powers aren't all that easy to learn, but you shall start learning them when the sun has risen, in one full day" I then opened my eyes, seeing that I was back in reality.
"Tommorow, mother, that's when" She nodded with a smile "Correct, now let's go help your father cook dinner" She walked out into the wide open hall, sun shined through the glass windows surrounding us. Still on my mom's back I felt my sight fade, yet again. "Get back here James!" A slightly tall red-headed woman yelled. Where was I? Looking around, I saw two older kids back behind some trees in a clearing. I saw green summer trees around me. Was I in a forest, maybe? It looked as if I was.The red-head had pulled the other person back with her, and they began to snicker softly.
Now I was laughing, laughing at what they were wearing. They looked like clowns out for Halloween. Out a an old age, eh? Neither of the two seemed to hear my laughing though, as they soon stopped snickering themselves and walked to the bushes, now grinning. They were looking out at a wide dirt path."This time we've really go them, James. HAHAHA!" This girl had the strangest and evilest laugh ever. But did she say James? That's dad's name. Could this mean something? I continued watching them, they seemed quite happy about something.
I looked ahead out after the bushes to see a yellow creature walking. A Pikachu, something you don't see every day around where I live. "Pi?" The Pikachu asked, sniffing the air. Uh-oh, looks like these two are up to no good. The Pikachu can sense that. I closely watched now, wondering what they were going to do to that Pikachu, if anything. I looked up, above where the Pikachu was standing and there was some, greyish black contraption holding a silver net. It glimmered through the light, sparkling in many places. It looked like a metal net almost, but why? The kid standing next to the red-head, his name apparently being James, held a control pad. It was totally black, with a couple crimson buttons.
I could tell off the bat what he was about to do. "NO! DON'T! Don't try and hurt that Pikachu, NO DONT" It started to fade back to my house, where my mother, father, and siblings stood. Their stares only embarrassed me, and mom could see this, as she told everyone to go back to making dinner. My dad paused though. I wonder if he knew who that Pikachu was, or worse, What if the guy I saw was my dad? They look a like, only if that really was my dad he had to of been a lot younger. My mom was beginning to walk upstairs, but my question stopped her.
"How do you know when you saw someones past, Mom?" My mother turned her head around for a few seconds "You just know.." She said and continued to walk upstairs. I looked back and saw my father still looking at me. "What'd you see?" I still had a shocked sort of look, I could barely answer. "I..I saw your past. I think"
Miles, and miles away from where Johnathon and his family were, two young adults sat. They were quite happy, living in the house of Imatè. Their four children ran around playing happily, as they watched from the rocks they had been sitting on, and talking. Un-noticed the fourth child wasn't too happy, being teased by her older sisters. They smugly laughed "Crystal, Crystal, Crystal, like you're so annoying." They gave a glance at their mother "She definetely didn't get the looks in our family" The tallest of the four said, smirking the whole time. "C'mon girls, let's go in and watch that new movie I rented" Crystal jumped up at this "Can I come?"
They laughed "If you can, like, handle the movie" Crystal frowned "Why wouldn't I be able to handle it?" The three elder sisters just laughed and started walking off. "A mystery really, Crystal" One called out, which Crystal could barely hear. "Why do they always treat me like this, like...like a small little runt" Crystal sighed. "I bet no one else ever had sisters like these three" And ran on after them all