Disclaimer: It's tempting to say, but I don't own Pokémon.
A/N: I don't really have much to say. But I would like a review of some kind. I've gotten none yet, not even flames! This doesn't make me feel to good :( Well, on with the story. 'Thoughts are like this' Ages: Jessie: 21, James: 21, Cara: 22 Part #04 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Last time... "I DO NOT LIKE JAMES! HE'S AN IMMATURE, BRAINLESS, WEAK, FICKLE-MINDED LITTLE DORK THAT WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO GET HIMSELF INTO INTENSIVE CARE BY CONFRONTING AN ONIX!" She gasped for breath. A low voice spoke up behind her. "So that's what you think" Jessie turned around to see James sitting upright in the bed. His eyes were full of pain and heartbreak. She let Meowth go and stood speechless. "James I..." "Don't say anything, you have said enough. Please leave" "But..." "I asked you to leave Jessie" James stared at the sheets and gripped them tightly. He voice was shaking as he spoke. Meowth glared at her with a disgusted expression. A lump formed in her throat. She turned and left the room, tears streaming down her cheeks. She left the hospital and kept walking through the rest of the day. The sky was dull and full of black storm clouds. Rain poured down from the heavens and soaked the land beneath. A lone figure of a twenty one year old female stood and took its onslaught. Her face was wet but not from the rain, but from tears of sorrow. Only hours ago did she loose her temper and lied about how she felt about her one true love. Now she stands alone with a heavy heart. "What a tangled web we weave when we try to deceive. I sure got myself stuck in that one" A girl around the age of twenty-two was walking along under her umbrella when she noticed her. She was a tall girl with long brunette hair tied in a high ponytail, wearing jeans and a leather jacket. Curious as to whom Jessie was, she went over. "Excuse me?" Jessie jumped, startled by the sudden appearance of the girl. She looked at her. "Yes?" The girl saw the sorrow written on Jessie’s face and frowned. "You're going to catch your death of cold out here, especially in what you're wearing" Referred to Jessies mini-skirt and revealing top. "Not that my cold heart hasn't died already" Jessie mumbled under her breath. "Pardon?" "Ohh nothing" She lowered her gaze to the ground. She felt the rain stop falling on her and looked up. The girl was holding the umbrella over her and smiling warmly. "Come on, let's get out of this storm. You can come to my house unless you have somewhere else to be" Jessie shook her head. "I have nowhere to be right now. Thank you" "No problem. I'm Cara, nice to meet you" She offered her free hand. "Jessie, pleased to meet you" She shook her hand. They set off towards Caras home with not many words spoken between them. Jessie didn't feel like talking right then and Cara got the message. "Well, here we are" She said after about ten minutes. Jessie looked at the house in awe. "It's so beautiful!" The gardens were full of colourful flowers, so bright that the rain couldn't dampen the colour. The house itself was a cute little, yellow bungalow with white windows. Cara turned the key in the front door and pushed it open. "It's not too much, but I love it here. Please come on in and dry off" "Thank you Cara" She stepped in and smiled. The interior was just as warm and welcoming as the outside of the house. Cara led Jessie to a cosy sitting room and soon had a warm fire going. She left the room to get Jessie some clothes so that she could change out of the wet ones she was wearing. Jessie stared into the flickering flames, her eyes full with remorse. 'How could I have said that? I can always lie, but why can I not tell the truth?' ~ FLASHBACK ~ The thirteen-year-old girl stood in front of the gates of a huge private school. Her father stood behind her grinning proudly. "You can do Jessica. You're a smart girl, getting in here should be a snap" His deep voice spoke with such authority that it would make anyone listen. "Now go on in and show them who you are" "Yes Daddy" Jessie left her father there and ran into the building. As soon as she stepped in the doors she was surrounded with people around her age, some younger. She was pushed around and bumped into so many times, it was as if the people didn't even see her. She finally made her way to a quiet side of the hall and sat down. Sighing with relief she watched the crowd. She noticed one teen boy being treated the same was she had been. One boy bumped into him rather roughly and knocked him down. Jessie jumped up and ran over to him. He sat there whimpering and hugging his knees to his chest, hiding his face. At first Jessie thought he was being a baby. "You don't have to stand for that" The boy looked up at her and she seemed to freeze. He had the most entrancing emerald green eyes she had ever seen. His shoulder length, blue hair fell nicely down the sides of his face. She continued to stare at him before he tilted his head and gave her a strange look. "Excuse me Miss, why are you staring at me like that?" She snapped out of her trance and shook her head. "Ohh, no reason" She held out her hand and helped him up off the ground. He sniffed and scratched the back of his head. "Thanks. My.. my name is James" "I'm Jessica, but most people call me Jessie" "That's a lovely name" Jessie blushed suddenly and lowered her eyes. James suddenly realised what he'd just said and turned a shade of bright red. He started to fidget around. A bell was rung and ever ones eyes turned to the top of the hall. There stood some very official looking people. "Welcome all you hopeful people. Now as you all should know, not everyone can get into Pokemon Tech so to narrow the entrants, there is an entrance exam. This will be held tomorrow here in the main hall. All those wishing to enter must pass this exam. Good luck and we shall see you all tomorrow" "A test? I didn't know there was going to be a test!" Jessie looked over and saw that James was thinking the same thing she was. Jessie grinned smugly. "Well I don't need to worry. I'm the smartest you can get so I won't need to study for this" James smiled. "Me neither. Emm Jessie? Would you... like..." He pulled at his collar. "Would you like to go out with me tonight, since neither of us needs to study" He was blushing again. "I'd love to go out" She smiled happily at him. Her heart was all a flutter as the two arranged to meet that night then made their partings. That night the two teens partied until early morning. Afterwards, both lay down in their beds in the hotels they were staying at and smiled at the ceilings, thinking of each other. The next morning arrived all too soon and the exam loomed before them. Jessie entered the hall and scanned around. She smiled when she found who she was looking for and headed over to him. He was staring out a window with a piece of paper clasped in his hands. Jessie thought he looked like he was in Clefairy-land. Grinned to herself and jumped at the desk. "Whatcha looking at?" James yelped and jumped in his seat. He quickly shoved the piece of paper into his pocket and looked at her, blushing slightly. "Ehh, nothing" "Ohh sure, that's believable" She smiled at him and he returned the smile. There was the ring of the bell and everyone took his or her seats. Jessie sat in front of James and the Principle of the school started to speak. Soon their exam was under way and before they knew it, it was time up. Jessie and James ate their meals outside on the grass and spoke about themselves. James told Jessie of how he hated living the upper-class life and how he wished he were like other people. "Having money couldn't be too bad. It's better than having none at all" "I know, but my parents are driving me crazy! I can't take much more of their complaining" James kicked a stone. Jessie sighed. "At least you have both your parents" Her eyes seemed to dull as a sad memory came to mind. "My mother died while on an assignment when I was just a kid and my dad isn't 'Worlds Best Father' either" "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too..." He stared at the ground. "That's alright, you didn't know" After a few moments of silence she pepped up. "Come on James, those exam results should be up on the notice boards by now" Before he could say anything she had grabbed his hand and was pulling him into the hall. There was already a large crowd of people around the notice board. Jessie stood behind them and frowned. "We'll never get to see them at this rate" "Yeah, but could you please let go of my hand, I think you're stopping the circulation" Jessie looked at his hand and quickly let go. "Whoops. sorry" She didn't realise she was holding him so tight, must be her nerves. "S'ok" He nursed his hand until the feeling came back. They hung around until most of the people had left before approaching the notice board. "I bet we're near the top along with the best scores" Jessie boasted. She put a finger on the notice and ran her finger down along it looking for her name. Her heart dropped as her finger ran down the page. It wasn't until she got to the bottom did she see her name. She felt like the ground had dropped beneath her. Her name, along with James', was at the very bottom, the lowest scores! "This can't be right!" "But I'm afraid it is little Miss" They spun around to face the principle. He watched them from behind the frames of his glasses. "In fact, you two had made a new record as to who had the lowest score! Your grades are the lowest this school has ever seen! You're not welcome here so please leave" He stared at them fiercely which made them uncomfortable. They gathered their stuff and left as fast as they could. When they got outside Jessie turned to James. "Who needs them or their school of snobs! Lets run away and make our own lives! The way we want them!" Jessie surprised herself a little at that idea. 'Where did that come from? He'll never go for it' James smiled. "Yeah sure. I don't like my life, you're not to happy with yours so let's start anew. Let's go!" Jessie smiled and she cheered inwardly. If there was anyone she would like to run away with, it would have to be James. Her overactive imagination took over for that slight moment, and it was because of that that they ran away from their homes and joined a biking gang, which they later left to join Team Rocket. ~ END FLASHBACK ~ "Who knows what would have happened if we had studied that night" "What night?" Jessie jumped. She looked up and Cara standing there. "How long have you been standing there?" "Not long. You were mumbling to yourself about something. I didn't mean to intrude" Her face fell. "Don't worry about it, I was just... thinking" She looked back at the fire. "Ohh, okay. Well, here are those clothes I went to get" She handed Jessie a pair of white sports pants, a red t-shirt and a jacket. "You look about my size so they should fit. I'll leave you to get changed. I'm going to make some dinner and I hope you'll join me" She smiled again and headed into the kitchen. Jessie smiled. 'She's a nice person. I wish I had friends like her' She got changed and headed into the kitchen. There was a lovely meal out on the table. "Ohh wow! This looks delicious!" "Well Jessie, you're the first person I've had over for dinner in months. I don't get to many visitors and I don't have many friends around here" She frowned as she placed a dish on the table, full of soft, fluffy mashed potatoes. Jessie's mouth watered. During dinner, the two girls chatted away and it continued well after dessert, which Jessie thought was divine! Vanilla ice cream covered in hot chocolate fudge, yummy! By midnight, they had told each other almost everything about their lives and were the best friends either had ever had, even if they had only met about seven hours ago. "So this James guy is in hospital?" "Yes and he hates me for what I've done" Jessie twisted a piece of cloth in her hands. "Jessie, if he's the same guy that you have been telling me about, you can't just give him up!" Looked at her. "But... what I said" "Never mind what you said. You didn't mean it so go over there and talk it out. I know you like that guy" Jessie opened her mouth to object but Cara interrupted her before she even got started. "AND don't try to object. That's what got you into this mess in the first place" It was almost two in the morning before Cara finally convinced Jessie to go to the hospital and talk to James. "It will all work out, you'll see" Jessie nodded and smiled at her. "Thank you" Cara laughed. "You have thanked me enough for one day. Let's just get some sleep and you can go see him tomorrow" "Sounds good to me" Both girls headed off to bed then. Jessie slept in Cara's guest room and had borrowed a pair of PJs from her. Jessie smiled in the darkness of her room. 'Tomorrow, I will sort this out' She turned over and soon fell into a deep slumber. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Whoa, that's the longest one yet. The parts seem to get longer as I go along. I kinda got carried away with that flashback of when they met. I had to remind myself that that was a flashback and not the story. Well, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I had fun writing it ^_^ Thanks for taking time to read it and please review if you can. Only a couple of words to make me happy ^_^ Until next time, bye byes! ~Ashla~