"The Tournament of the cloaked one: Madam Mystery X revealed!"

Ash has finally now have a chance to battle the most ultimate Mystery X! now we'll probley see who is and who was the Madam Mystery....... ppl think she's a solider from the war......other ppls think she's from a gym...... other ppl think she's a phantom that has been resurrected or revived..... Our heroes have now again entered the stadium.....
Ash of course was very existed to fight Madam Mystery.
He of coarse fell a couple times, and fell down the stairs, and ran himself on a tree, and curse at ppl and saying, "fag" to everyone. He now is in the register to logon and to voice mail ok through videophone.
Ash: "hey nurse Joy!"
Joy: "oh, hi Ash! Ready for the competition?"
Ash: "yeah!!"
Joy: "ok, just place your POKEDEX in the slot on the side of the confirmation scanner and you'll be on your way."
Joy smiled happily and went on talking to the other ppl that are joining the league.
Ash: "ok, but joy when does the league start?"
Joy shouted out 20 mins.
Ash: "ok"
Ash walked to the video phone booth, following behind was Kimi and of course the king of failure the master of how to lose to a lady and officer of being a moron, Brock.
Ash: "hey Professor Oak!"
The screen was blank but you can hear the background...
In the background was Tracy screaming in horror and he was asking what Oak was doing, and in the background was DELILA!!
Phone Tracey: "eww!! Is that what I think what I'm seeing!"
Ash was speechless.
Professor: "hey! Don't you ever knock?"
Tracy: "Professor I think the phone is on! I think someone is calling you!"
Professor: "who is it? TRACY answer it!"
Tracy was getting very annoyed so he answered the damn phone.
Phone Tracy: "Hello?"
Ash: "Oh hi Tracy! Where's oak?"
Phone Tracy: "ah, he's very busy, eww!!! Yep he is very busy!"
Ash was thinking what would be so busy to not answer the phone and to speak to the pokemon master of previous leagues.
Ash: "what's he doing?"
Tracy was speaking to Oak.
Tracy: "Hey oak you gotta stop!! Ash is on the line!!! And Mrs. Ketchum you better do as well!! (I really feel sorry for Tracy!)
Oak: "what the fu'? Ash was on the line?? DAMN!!! Do you think he heard us?"
Delila: "I hope not!!"
Tracy: "oak fix your hair and your self Ash doesn't need to see you like this!"
Ash was trying to hear what he was saying but Tracey was holding the speaker with his hand so Ash wouldn't hear a thing.
Delila was toning in so she snatched the phone from Tracy.
Ash: "well mom nice to talk to you AT PROFESSOR'S HOUSE!!!!!!!"
Owww busted Delila by your ONLY son!!! Hahahahaha. (Ok back to the story; _;)
Delia: "just pretend you didn't hear me!"
She passed the phone to Oak. And he put the video on.
Oak: "oh hi Ash! It nice to see you and to talk to you again!"
Oak tried his best to hide.
Kimi: "hey Oak what's that on your face?"
Oak looks in a mirror and wiped his face.
Oak: "ah, that's blood! Your muk has gotten in to the lab!"
(Hey what did you think he was doing? Makin' out with Ash's mom? You guys are sick to think that I we're to do somethin' like that!! Eww!! Back to story)
Oak: "your muk has gotten lose and your mom visited me to talk about Madam Mystery! And muk went haywire! But we got that damn, piece of sludge in it's poke' ball!"
Ash: "I was gonna talk to you about her! Who is she?"
Oak: "she is the mystical goddess! She is the one that is the savior! And she happens to be in legends! We heard that you'll fight the most Beautiful among the pokemon PMT1 (POKEMON TRAINER #1)!"
Ash: "she's beautiful? How would you know?"
Oak: "she kinda looks like that red-head that was around you! Ahh Misty, yeah! Except she is more pretty than her!"
Ash was getting steamed!! No one ever dares to talk that someone else is more pretty than misty! Ash of course wants to give a piece of his mind when he battles her today.
Ash: "Hey don't go dissing misty like that!! DAMN YOU!!! LEAVE MISTY OUT OF THIS DAMN CONVERSATION!"
OAK: "sorry Ash but it's true! She wears a cloak and keeps her self-hidden. She happen to show her face once but that was 2 years ago when they found her."
Ash: "that's just what Joy said. But I heard she has never been seen!"
Oak: "but that's were there wrong! Madam Mystery has pokemon shines and pokemon that learn special moves and TM's, that's how she battles, if your lucky maybe she'll send out a Togitic! That's one thing we know she has! She told us 2 years ago and shown us a togipi! But until then it must've evolve! I believe she might have a relationship with the 4th sister of the Cerulean Gym! Misty! But that's all a fable and legend, those ppl say! But if its true we might find out what really Madam Mystery is or who she was!! We might uncover her abilities such as; teleport and how she uses smoke screen!
Maybe she's the savior of DAISUTIA!"
Ash: "? Is Daisutia that monster that appeared 2 years ago?"
Oak: "Ash of all the people you should know that Daisutia was Misty in the demon like monstrosity! We might find something about her!! We will find out who she really is!!"
Ash: "Oak we gotta go in 5 mins I'm up! So watch me on TV! And tell mom to do as well!"
Ash ran off and turned off the videophone he was now gonna battle the legendary pokemon master! But is she really related to Misty and the savior of Daisutia? Or what Oak was saying full of b.s? (Bull shi*) Today we're gonna find out!!
Team Rocket was passing out brochures and food, drinks and magazines.
Jesse: "hot dogs! Hot dogs! Who needs a Hotdog!?"
James: "magazines!! Drinks!!"
Meowth: "there 15% cheaper!"
Then a herd of ppl stormed on team rocket.
James: "one at a time!"
Jesse: "get'em while they last!"
Meowth: "their all 15% cheaper!"
After awhile team rocket made 23% profit! They final got a real payday!
Team rocket: "let's got back to the kitchen and get more stuff! We're on a roll!
Announcer: Welcome! To the Johto League I'm your host! Craig!! And my partner ZENNY!!"
Zenny: "welcome all this is gonna be an ultimate battle today!!
Craig: "Yes it will be!! The Master of all pokemon! Madam Mystery has now returned! She will be battle one of the pokemon competitors! And this time she might reveal her self to all'aya! So I'd stay were you are!"
Zenny: "what he said so stay toned! If you don't, you're a dumbass!"
Ash was waiting in the competitors' room he was well known infact to well known.
Craig: "now it's time for the battle! We'll start it off with ASH KETCHUM!
Ash steps out to his side of the field
Zenny: "Ash Ketchum has made quite a reputation!! He comes from the town of pallet and he has won previous leagues as well!"
Craig: "and the master that will challenge Mr. Ketchum will be the legendary pokemon master. The unknown goddess. The army's strongest retired warrior. And the person aborn Mystery!! MADAM MYSTERY X!!!!!"
Zenny: "OMG!!! She's gonna battle Ketchum!! All!! So this battle is gonna be SA' weet!"
Judge men: "3 pokemon only! And may the best win! START!!!"
Before they begun to battle, madam Mystery took her hood off. She then took of the rest off. Her face was now shown in the bright sunrise. Her red-orangey hair twinkled as the sun's raise we're to set on. Her Aqua-type eyes glittered like the ocean's beauty. She had a waist and she was quiet tall. She had a scar under her neck and her hands were covered with gloves as baby blue. Madam Mystery was revealed. She really did look like Misty! Her pants had bullet shells around her legs at the bottom of her pants we're fur as white as snow her blouse was white too. But it looked like a Japanese silk dress top. She her self looked a bit Japanese. (If ya know what I mean! Ppl ya know how all ppl look! They look japanese!!) 
Madam Mystery: "Before we start I want you all to call me Misty-blu."
Everyone in the stadium we're shocked! It sounded like Misty's name!! Almost like it! She then said something in Japanese. 'Te quai!'
(I dunno what it means but it sounds Asian to me!)
Misty-blu: "Tee hee. Sai mai Misty-blu!"
Misty-blu: "let's battle!!!"
She sent out a orange mantie it had several markings and it's eyes we're red. The teeth we're hooked shaped and they we're quiet huge.
Ash: "huh! What are ya doing this is a field not an aquarium!"
Misty-blu: "don't worry I'll find a way!"
Misty-blu said it in a coolly way, it was kinda scary.
Ash: "heh, well Maganium! Go!! Use solarbeam!
Misty-blu: "Mantie use flamethrower! Now on the leaves around it's neck!"
The water type pokemon sent out a hell ranging fire blast around the pedals of the flower-monster.
Maganium: "maga!!!"
Ash: "what the fu'"
Ash: "solarbeam!!"
Maganium's pedals we're burnt, one of the pedals fell down, it began to cry.
Misty-blu: "*gasp* hey Ash if the pedals all fall down it will be knocked out quickly! So come on ASHY!"
Ash was frozen. No one ever called him 'ASHY' but only MISTY she was the only person ash to know that called him Ashy.
Ash: "err, Maganium use present on your self!"
Maganium healed! Her pedals weren't burnt anymore.
Misty-blu: "ok nuff playing around mantie use flame range!!"
Maganium was burnt she fell to the ground and hit the floor ,she was badly burnt. She was unable to battle.
Ash: "AHH!!! What? You we're playing all that time?!"
Misty-blu: "well, ya!"
Judge man: "Maganium is unable to battle this battle goes to mantie!"
Mantie: "Maaaannnntiiiiie!!!"
Ash: "Maganium return."
Ash's mom was watching, she noticed that she had quite a resemblance to Misty so she took out the photo of Ash, Brock, Tracy and Misty. Delila looked hard at the picture and try to compare it to Misty-blu. She found almost everything resembling to her but except the scar, hair and the shape of her eyes. Misty was known to be an evil bama. But madam mystery had a mad expression on her face.
Misty-blu: "mantie return! Kusami go!"
Misty-blu sent out a Blastoise with claws as long as it teeth, the body of the Blastoise was very huge! The pokemon was in great shape and the pokemon again had markings.
Ash: "Pikachu go!!"
Pikachu was sent out he began to recognize Misty-blu and the Blastoise
The Blastoise kinda looked like mewtwo's pokemon.
Ash: "Pikachu use thunder shock!"
Pikachu looked dumbly at Ash he didn't wanna hurt the pokemon. Because Pikachu seems to know this pokemon from somewhere, he just stood there.
Pikachu: "pika-CHU?!" (What?!)
Misty-blu: "aww what a cute Pikachu! Hey but this Pikachu looks so familiar and that trainer kinda looks like someone too! Well anywayz, KUSAMI shell shocker!! Go!!"
Kusami used it's huge shell as a base and twirled in circles and slammed Pikachu in the stomach. OWW
Pikachu: "PIKA!!!!!!"
Pikachu was pissed off he no longer try to make peace with it he now was attacking it with thunderbolt.
Pikachu: "PIKA CHA!!!!!!!!!!"
Kusami moved and body slammed Pikachu!
Kusami: "blast!"
Misty-blu: "use vine whip!"
Out from under the arms of Kusami were vines and stuck Pikachu! The vines lift him by the waist and threw him hard on the ground!
Ash: "ERR!!! PIKACHU?! Are you ok buddy?!"
Judge Man: "Pikachu is unable to battle Blastoise is the winner!"
Misty-blu: "Kusami return!"
Ash: "ok! TYPLOSION! Go!!"
Misty-blu: "go TOGITIC!!"
Then the faerie type egg-shell pokemon popped out it wings sprouted out and the Togitic flew up shiny!"
Togitic: "TOGI!"
Ash: "AH! TOGITIC the pokemon Oak was talking about!"
Ash: "Typlosion! Use flame wheel!"
Togitic: "use water gun!"
Ash: "AH! I forgot Togitics can use almost EVERY ATTACK!"
Typlosion shot the water gun and the fire was out.
Misty: "Togitic use flora-Flora!"
The Togitic danced and frolicked and its wings fluttered and with that done the spores on its wings fell a pond Typlosion. TYPLOSION WAS PARALAYED!
Typlosion: "Typlosion!!"
Judge man: "Typlosion is unable to battle! This battle winner is MISTY-BLU and TOGITIC!"
Ash lost, lost to a girl of all the ppl! Hahahaha. Ash jumped off the platform and walked up to Misty-blu.
Misty-blu was moving the hair from her face and the sweat sprinkled around as the sun light gleamed on her head.
Ash had a weird feeling that there was something really weird. Misty-blu having the ability to train any pokemon and to  give them specific Attacks that can't be used only on curtain pokemon.
Ash walked closely to her towards her back, as he was to greet her, she pulled out from her back and spin around towards Ash's face! The gun was loaded and was 2 cm away from his face.
Ash: " *gasp* ahh! Hey!"
Misty-blu: "Oh sorry, I'm just jumpy that's all. Ya see, I used to be a warrior in battles and wars, so when I feel a presence, meh senses get stronger as a life form comes closer, so that's why, heh!" she slightly blushed at the whole convenience.
Ash: "Ah can you put that gun away?"
Misty-blu: "oh ya mean Cerulean? After all the gun is only a SOCOM and a USP put in a smaller handgun formation, but if it'll keep you from shaking then I will."
Ash: "so, what a great battle it was!"
Misty-blu: "how was it? You lost! And you went through a'lotta trouble to get'em too! And you lost to the first round! What do you think I were to go through all that pain!"
Ash didn't understand what she meant by going through a'lotta trouble and pain?! She didn't even see him earn them badges! Unless,,,
Ash: "what do you mean by pain?! And trouble?!!!"
Misty-blu was kinda speechless.
Misty-blu: "ah, never mind."
Ash: "huh?"
Misty-blu: "What?! Didn't your mom ever told you it's rude to stare!"
Ash: "you really remind me of some old friend."
Misty-blu: "like who?"
Ash: "a pokemon master of water, the 4th sister of cerulean."
Misty-blu: "oh, Misty! Yeah ppl always say me and her have a resemblance, but I say its just plan luck."
Ash: "she, she died."
Misty-blu: "oh, I'm so sorry. I haven't heard. How long has she been dead?"
Ash was kinda shocked, after all misty did died years ago. How can someone be so slow? (Hey my brother is even slower, Misty-blu your not alone! My fruity brother is more slow!)
Ash: " years ago."
Misty-blu: "eh? Omeh god! I'm so slow! It's been that long?! No!!!!"
Ash: "err, ok."
Misty-blu: "well I gotta go, I'm so sorry about your friend, though I wish you best of luck!" she ran off and ran into brock.
Ash was thinking, he heard that saying years ago when he was stuck in A.4.U's Boss, Colonel!
Kimi: "heh! You lost dumbass! And it was the first freakin' round! Damnit! I lost to a bet 'cuz of your sorry ass! ERRGH!"
Brock: "Hahaha you got beat up by a girl! Damn, you suck!"
Ash: "ERRGH!!! Anywayz!!! Misty-blu feels funny."
Kimi: "After all you we're blushing all through that gay talk!"
Then all of the ppl that were betting Ash's loss came to her for their money.
Ash: "no, not that!!! It feels like I've known her!"
Brock: *sarcastic* "oh and she's misty!"
Ash: "shut the hell up!! Damn!"
Kimi was getting jumped, all those ppl we're getting mad.
Kimi: "ash hurry up!"
Ash: "let's go I'm tried! Today sucked like Ms. White!"(Ms. White is a p.e teacher that works at GODWIN MIDDLE SCHOOL, she watches us girls when we dress out!!! So she's a lesbo! And that's what we use to say how awful it was!)
Brock: "let's get Kimi."
Ash: "where is she anywayz?"
Kimi: "ahhmp!"
Ash: "ok let's go!"

In the side of the league, there stood Misty-blu.
It was late, it was 7:56 pm.
She had her eyes open, staring in the darkness of the field.
Her eyes weren't normal they were glowing hell; with evil and despite, as if she wanted to murder someone.
She then fell on the ground.
Misty-blu: "errgh!!! Damnit! Damnit! DAMNIT!!!!! *Cough * I, I ,I can't do it!!!"
She was crying blood. Her eyes were blue. Then she ran away with sunglasses on and her coat. As she ran the tears of blood rained the walk.
As she continued running, Team rocket were having a small party at the back of the walk. As Misty-blu ran more, team rocket noticed her.
Jesse: "ahh it feels good to have money!"
James: "sure does!"
Meowth: "hey! Look!"
Meowth pointed out to the person running.
Jesse: "hey isn't that madam?!"
James: "yeah! And what's with the sunglasses and the red Kool-aid?!"
Meowth: "it looks like blood!"
Jesse: "why are we sitting here for? Let's help her out!"
James: "yeah!"
As team rocket ran, Misty-blu fell. She fell on the ground with her face forward.
Misty-blu: "AHH!!!!!!"
Jesse: "madam!? Are you ok?!"
James: "can you talk?!"
Meowth: "speak to us! Please!!"
Misty-blu lay there. She then spoke.
Misty-blu: "mai sei quai?!"
Jesse: "come again?"
Misty-blu: "AHH!! It hurts!! My eyes! I, I  can't see!! They burn!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!"
She cried out loud, leaving more blood to spill.
James: "MADAM!? Are you ok?!"
Meowth: "course she's not ok! Why are we standing here?!!! Let's get her to a hospital!"
Jesse: "NOW LETS!! After all she saved us!"
They left her and ran to the pokemon center for some help.

Ash: "did ya hear that?!"
Kimi: "no!"
Brock: "I did!"
Ash: "it sounds like it came from over there!"
They ran to the spot were Misty-blu was.
Kimi: "Omeh goD! It's blood!! Eww!!"
Ash: "and it looks like it was bleeding hard!"
Brock: "look! There's a track were it came!"
Kimi: "look!! There!! That's probley were its going now!"
Kimi pointed up wards the walk, were team rocket ran with her.
Ash: "let's go to the pokemon center!"
Brock: "yeah it might be there after all that were ppl might go if they have no other way."

James: "Madam!"
James was showing sadness and a little bit of tears
Jesse: "look!! There it is lets get the hell in!"
They bashed the damn door open and yelled.
Team rocket: "JOY WE NEED HELP!!"
Joy ran out speechless.
Joy: "MADAM!!!!"
Joy rushed her in and the chanseys were too, James called the ambulance for assistance. Moments later they rushed in.
Doctor: " let's put her on here!"
Joy: "don't!! She's too fragile! Her body can't move!! And if we do she might, DIE!!!"
Nurses: "let's operated in the room! Before it too late!"

Ash: "hear that?! That's the damn ambulance!"
Kimi: "over there! POKEMON CENTER!"
They ran to the pokemon center. Many ppl were in there too! Many ppl were crying, other's with sorrow and angry faces.
Ash asked around, then he saw Yugi and Zen
Ash: "yugi!"
Yugi: "huh, oh! Aren't ya Ash? The guy that lost to MISTY-BLU?"
Ash: "yeah. What's happening?"
Zen: "DAMN! Misty-blu isn't going so good."
Kimi: "huh?"
Yugi: "Misty-blu is in the pokemon center. She's in great trouble!"
Ash: "WHAT?!"
Zen: "yeah, she is. They say she might, might, DIE!"
Brock: "NO WAY!"
Ash: " no!! That can't happen!"
Joy walked out to the crowd.
Ash: "what?!, no!"
Kimi: "why are you like that ash?! You don't even know her!"
Ash: "but still.."
Brock: "are we going in?! 'cuz I'm tried, we can all talk about it tomorrow! Right now I'm not feeling it."
Ash: "yeah."
They all went in the pokemon center with everyone else, others were talking about Misty-blu.
Ash: "I'm beat lets sleep!"
They all went to bed at 10:00

In the darkness of the pokemon center, in the emergency room. There she was, Misty-blu. Laying there, staring at the ceiling, lifeless, and looking possessed.
Misty-blu: "no!! no!! no!!!!!!!!!!! I won't be her!!! Not again!!!"
Ash woke up with sweat.
Ash: "AHHH!!!! MISTY NO!!"
Kimi : "ahh!! Ash are you ok?!"
Brock: "Yeah!? Are you?! You were screamin'!"
Ash: "look! Don't ya hear that?!"
Kimi: "yEAH!!"
Ash: "let's go!"
Brock: "YEAH!"
They ran out the door and around to the emergency room.
Misty-blu was chanting.
Ash: "in this door!"
Brock rammed it down.
Kimi: "look! Misty-blu!"
The master was chanting, her face evil, showing madness.
Ash: "get joy! Her temperature is rising! Her heart beat is getting faster!!"
Kimi ran out to Joy who was dead sleep.
Kimi: "JOY! Misty-blu is having a seizure! An evil one!"
Joy: "NO!"
They ran in the room.
Ash: "misty-blu!!"
Misty-blu: " no!! NO!!! NOO!!!! I don't!!! I DON'T WANNA BE HER!!! PLEASE NO!!!!"
Ash: "who?!"
Misty-blu: "The mistress of destruction!"
Ash: "who!?"
Kimi: "Misty-blu tell us!"
Brock: "PLEASE!"
Misty-blu: " DAI----DAI---SUTIA! "
Ash: "WHAT?!"
Misty-blu: "DAISUTIA!"
Then Misty-blu fell on the ground, wounded she sat, at the back of her sprouted wings of an angel and a demon, the angel wing fell off and was replaced with another demon wing. The angel wing turned to feathers and floated in to dust. Then her face went through another transformation, a tail appeared and grasping type claws were replaced.
The monster of Oblivion, the mistress of Destruction.
DAISUTIA the DEMON OF Misery and sorrow has appeared!

Ash finally got to battle Misty-blu and he lost, then Misty-blu has now strangely appeared to be DAISUTIA the DEMON OF Misery and sorrow. WHAT IN HELL IS GOING ON?! HOW CAN A MONDERN LIFE SOLDER HAVE TO DO WITH A FIEND THAT ENDED THE WAR YEARS AGO?! IS THE LEGEND COME TRUE OR IS HISTORY REPEATING ITS SELF?
What does Ash, Kimi and brock think about this strange event?!
In the next chapter.

                               The Mistress Monster DAISUTIA