The sky was dark gray from the billowing smoke arising from the burning trees.
Dead Pokémon were spread all over the ground. None of them were really bloody, except for a few with horn-like holes in them. Most of them were split in half, by what appeared to be a perfect elliptical cut.
Now, only four of the fifty Legend Pokémon were left standing. One of them was a traitor.
A pink, fluffy Pokémon with blue, tribal-like markings surveyed the area for a minute or so. Her catty tail bobbled up and down.
Why did he betray us?
The answer was obvious, and Siphon felt stupid for asking herself the question.
She turned to the traitor. His thick, black hair moved slightly in the ash-infested wind. His dark purple horn stuck blatantly out of his head. A few hairs went up around the base of the horn. His purple wing, with black skin connecting the wing parts, flowed slightly in the wind. His tail wagged hungrily, seeming to enjoy the chaos.
He turned his head, allowing Siphon to catch a glance at his red eyes.
When his purple horn glowed black, Siphon was quick to dodge. A black, laser-like blast emerged from the horn.
A yellow and blue figure, quite similar to the traitor, floated close to him.
The figure's blue horn glowed yellow, and a yellow blast soared at the black one.
The traitor was blown back a bit, but didn't appear dead.
Siphon glowed blue, readying to charge up an attack of her own.
She didn't notice the purple horn which had started to glow.
"Watch out, Siphon!" a blue Pokémon with pink markings yelled. His dog-like ears perked up in fear.
Siphon's glow immediately disappeared, and was able to dodge just in time.
"Thanks, Cipher!" Siphon told her brother.
Cipher waved at Siphon happily, but in his distraction, the traitor's purple horn glowed black.
"Cipher!" Siphon yelled tearfully.
Tears blurred Siphon's vision as two blue clumps fell straight to the ground.
With fear, Siphon realized that she was the traitor's next target.
She stared at the yellow figure. The figure proceeded to distract the traitor for a little while.
He...he's going to kill me eventually. I have to do something!
Tearfully, she used her final reserves of energy.
Siphon made a hand motion as if she were pushing something, and gradually a pink bubble appeared. The bubble morphed into a pink, catlike Pokémon almost exactly like her.
Quickly, Siphon fell to the ground, her dead body protecting the little baby Pokémon from sight.
When the traitor noticed the dead body, his lips curled in a triumphant smile. He stared at the yellow figure, then flew away. The yellow figure flew away in the opposite direction.
After all was safe and clear, the newborn Pokémon opened his innocent little eyes.