Annie Tales
TITANS rematch
Three months later, at Olivander’s Pokemon Center…
“Good morning Prof. Oak!”
“Oh, good morning to you, Ash. How things are going?”
Ash: Never been better!
Ash had gotten up early and decided it was a long time since he had called on Prof. Oak or his mum via the videophone.
Oak: How are your pokemon, Ash? Muk has finally learned not to throw himself on me. As for the rest, they have calmed down a lot since Bulbasaur took charge.
Ash: That’s good to know. I’ve missed them all.
Oak: How are you going with the badges, Ash?
Ash: Great! I’ve just won my forth and I…
Said a dark red haired woman of about 40 years old, who suddenly appeared on the screen next to Prof. Oak.
“How could you? I was so worried about you and you haven’t called me for six months! I didn’t know what to do during these past months, not knowing…”
Ash: Oh, mum…
Meanwhile, on a very distant volcanic island known as Cinnabar, three scientists have come over to visit the island’s gym leader, Blaine.
‘Hi, I’m Alec Macmillan.’
The ginger-headed man and tallest of the three said as he shook Blaine’s hand.
“Hello, I am Dennis Danié.”
Said the blond one with a laptop in his arms.
“Good morning and I am Akira Ryo.” Said the third one, who had black hair with blue highlights and was holding a briefcase.
Bla: Good morning to all of you and welcome to Cinnabar island.
I’m Blaine; the gym leader and I will guide to the volcano.
Blaine had called on a team of geologists to check the volcano’s condition, which they examined every year.
But since Team Rocket had used ice bombs inside it, which caused eruption, things had become shaky at the Geo Center Institute (GCI).
Blaine showed them the way to the secret entrance to his gym, which was above on a lake full of hot lava.
Slowly, the geologists unpacked their equipment and released their fire-type pokemon for assistance.
Akira and Dennis had Flareons, but Alec has an Arcanine.
Blaine also called on Magmar to help them out.
They dug a little; taking some ground and lava samples using special instruments.
The geologists and Blaine discussed the volcano’s current status.
Alec: As you see, Blaine, the volcano is no longer a danger to your
gym or the city.
Bla: What a relief. If it weren't for that trainer with his Charizard, we would be digging up the city by now.
Den: Don’t you worry, Blaine.
Aki: Considering these results, it would appear that nothing is going to happen for a long time.
Arc: BARK BARK! (Over here!)