Part 7
Hearing Deliah's shout, Ash ran as Blaizion's flame-thrower just missed him.
The crystal pokeball glowed and released the pokemon inside it.
Fyrice appeared behind of Ash and protected him with a hydro pump as a counter attack.
Bla: Fyrice… Long time no see.
Fyr: And you haven't changed a bit!
Bla: then you know what I want…a REMACH! ROAOAORR!
Fyr: Ash, quick hide!
Ash nodded and ran behind some rocks to observe two big pokemon fighting.
Blaizion used flame-thrower attack several times, but Fyrice countered them with hydro pump. Suddenly, Blaizion used thundertail attack, when Fyrice came closer and got critical hit.
As Fyrice tried to gain his conscience, Blaizion jumped on him biting his back.
Fyrice roared in pain as Blaizion's saber teeth pierced his skin.
Ash: Fyrice! Feraligatr, go!
Liga fera! (I'm ready!)
Ash: Help Fyrice, Feraligatr! Use you Hydro Pump attack!
Feraligatr shot from his mouth a powerful water cannon at Blaizion's side. Not only tossing him a few meters away, but also making Blaizion furious.
Bla: Do not interfere!
And with his long thin electric tail, he whipped Feraligatr, who fell down with one hit. Ash could not do anything else, but to retrieve Feraligatr back to its pokeball.
Ash: Good job, Feraligatr.
Fyrice stood up quickly, but Blaizion saw him and jumped again for another bite attack.
Ash: Fyrice, heads up!
Fyrice's body evaporated into a thick fog upon, which Blaizion stomped the ground and looked around in confusion.
His body de-atomized a few meters away from Blaizion.
Blaizion was ready to attack again but he stopped and looked at the sunset.
Del: What's going on?
Br: Why did he stop?
The others also realized the sudden halt of Blaizion attack.
Elm: Maybe is a new attack we've never seen.
Oak: No, I'm sure he just… stopped.
Br: Do you think it has something to do with the sun?
Mi: It looks like it.
De: Are you okay, Ash?
Ash: I'm fine, mum! How about you, Fyrice?
Fyr: I-I think I can handle for another round.
Ash turned his gaze from Fyrice to Blaizion, who was glaring them
Bla: This isn't over, Fyrice…
He said, then turned away and plodded into his cave, which magically sealed behind him.
Ash ran towards to Fyrice, who was exhausted, but had only a few injuries from the battle.
Fyr: I think I'm a bit rusty…not fighting all those years.
Ash: You will be fine once we get to the Pokecenter. Return!
He raised his hand, aiming the pokeball at Fyrice from which a red beam hit and place him into the crystal ball.
Misty, Brock, followed Alec, Prof. Elm and Oak and Mrs. Ketchum, who held Pikachu in her arms, ran to Ash.
Oak: Are you okay, Ash? I was afraid of what might happen.
Ash: I'm fine, but Fyrice needs treatment at the Center.
Elm: Don't worry, Ash. I've brought my new mobile pokemon
treatment device in my tent, which I named it "pokemed".
Ash: Thanks, Prof. Elm.
Mi: I was worried when he started to attack.
Ash: Me too. He was stronger than I thought.
But I didn't understand why it stopped so suddenly.
Oak: We better get into our tents and recollect our information.
Maybe the answer lays within them.
Del: Ash, we need to talk. In private.