Her it comes! The battle between Mark and Wato. Mark is now the legendary Super Master Trainer. Who will win. You'll find out in this part of The Super Master Trainer( and also find out what the reaction of May and Misty)!
The sword that hung from it's sheath shook from the energy surging through Mark's body. Wato looked at him in horror.
"It can't be, he has becom a Super Master Trainer!" Wato stammered.
Mark slowly took the sword ot of his sheath and held it verticaly to his face.
"This is my weapon, the Bone Blade. It is made out of sharp, indistructible bone. If you surrender, I might not use it." Mark explained.
Wato tightend his fists because of the comment.
"Why do you hesitate?" Mark asked with a grin. "Have you ever faced a man before...COWARD!"
Wato wasted no time in attacking. He ran right at Mark and rapidly flung his staff at him. Mark dodged each attack and grabed Wato's arm to counter attack. But Wato was smart. Wato twisted over to kick Mark in the face. Ash and the gang gasped with horror. Mark's face was leaned backward. Mark's head came back to it's original stance.
"Now it's my turn." Mark said as he took his sword.
Mark ran at Wato and attempted to slash the the evil warriar, but Wato blocked the attack.
Meanwhile, Ash and Co. where watching from the side. Ash,Mistyand Pikachu had their eyes glued to the battle, but May was stareing into space.
"I love you too." May whispered.
But the whisper was not quiet enough for Mark to hear with his super hearing ability. He then turned his head to May. That was a big mistake. That split second gave Wato the chance to attack.
Mark got hit from Wato's staff. Mark flew in the direction of the group. He then landed and skid across the floor. May ran over to aid him.
"I love you. I did ever sence I layed eyes on you." May said through her sobbing.
"You realy mean that?" Mark asked.
My lightly kissed him on the cheek ignoring the blood that dripped from his mouth.
"Oh my god! Blood is on your mouth!" May screamed softly.
But Mark just got up and looked at Wato.
"You remind me of your father." Wato said. "Cockroaches, when you hit them, they always come back when they are not wanted."
"Why you...!" Mark yelled.
@@@@@@@@@@@Flash Back Phase@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Mark, only three years old:
"Daddy! Where are you!" Mark yelled through the streets of Saffron City.
It was 1:00 AM and Mark was in his P.j's. He was desprate to find his dad because he was scared of what the note said:
Dear son,
I'm sorry that I can't be here anymore. I sense that I am bringing danger to this family. I beg of you not to look for me nor call me on my PokeGear.
Please forgive me. I will remember you always.
Mark could not forget those words. Suddenly he stoped. He saw his Mom and the police. His mom was talking to Officer Jenny. Mark ran over to to hear better.
"I'm sorry Miss, but this is a case of murder. The size of that hole in his chest is the size of a shotgun shell." Jenny explaned.
His mom stood and looked at the white cloth draped body.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" Mark yelled.
"Mark, what are you doing here?" Mark's mom asked.
"Sorry mom...sigh...Jenny, can I have my daddy's bandana?" Mark asked.
Jenny handed over the bandana. Mark put it on and tighted it to mach his head size. Suddenly, Mark looked at the ground to see a jagged-edge piece of glass. He picked it up and, without thinking, jabbed the glass into the back of his hand. Everyone who was looking at him gasped. As blood gushed from the wound, Mark declaired,
"By the pain in my hand, I will never give up on anything! I will be the best Pokemon Master in the world, and I'll be known every where, even after I'm dead!!"
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Phase Done@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Mark looked down at the floor. But something caught his eye. His hand was glowing. Something inside of him told him to attack whit his scared, glowing hand.
"This hand will defeat you Wato!" Mark declared.
Wato looked at Mark with suprize.
"HAND OF DESTINY!!" Mark cried with rage.
Mark flew at Wato with great speed. When Mark's fist made contact with Wato's face, Wato flew into a burning heap of wood and burned from the energy and fire.
"W-We did it!!" Mark and the gang cheered.
Ash ran to Mark and gave a high five.
"You da-man, Mark." Ash said with Pikachu by his side.
Mark looked at the gang with much success, but he knew that he couldn't bring his mother back. He then put his focas on the two girls.
"Should we tell them?" Mark asked in sly voice.
Ash agreed. As Mark and Ash made their explenation, Misty knew that Ash had a more powerful feeling toward her.
"I wouldn't start the reunion now." A familar voice said.
To everyone's horror, with amessed up armor and blood all over, Wato emerged out of the heap of the burned downed house.
To be countiued.
How Wato could survive that, I'll never tell. The nexed chapter will end the Super Master Trainer Saga, but not the fanfic. Keep readin' folks!