‘ ...date survivor was discovered: Feb 17th (‘07)
victim’s gender: male
age: late teens, early twenties
name: Gary Oak. ‘ “
Ash finished and looked up at her.
“So, that’s it?” she asked moving the paper into her line of vision again, “There’s not an address or anything? No other background information?”
Ash got up and moved over to the chair next to Misty to get a better look at the paper.
“Doesn’t look like it. But we’ve got tons of papers to go through, maybe there ‘s something in the rest of the folder.” said Ash looking everywhere on the paper Misty held.
“Well then, let’s start looking.” she stated looking over at him and sliding him a large pile of unread papers, “You start with this half, I’ll take the rest. If you read anything interesting, whether it has to do with this Oak guy or not, read it aloud, ok?”
Ash nodded and began reading his top paper, then he stopped suddenly.
“Yea, Ash? Got something already?” she asked, quickly looking over at him.
Ash smiled lightly.
“No, but I’m, missing the first page of this report, do you have it?”
Misty laughed slightly and shook her head.
“Oh...I’ll look for it, just read page two ‘til I find it.”
Eventually, Misty found Ash’s missing report page and was hard at work reading through her pile. All was silent for quite sometime, except for the occasional sigh of frustration or a cough.
“Hey, here’s something,” said Ash one hour in.
Misty looked over at him and placed her chin in her propped-up hand.
“Hmm?” she asked quietly.
“It’s about Gary Oak: ‘ The most recently found survivor, who has been identified as Gary Oak, has been taken to a hospital in Cerulean City and will be released in as little as a month.’ “
“But we already knew that.”
“I know, there’s more; this is the hospital analysis: ‘ hair color: dark brown; eye color: brown; skin color: olive; nationality: Japanese; height: 6’5”.’ “
Misty’s face brightened a little.
“Great, so we have a description now! What else does it say?”
“Lemme see...” Ash said, pausing conversation to search.
“Ah, here we go: ‘ victim was released from hospital on March 1st ‘ “
“Ash, that was two weeks ago!” Misty interrupted excitedly.
Ash nodded and returned to the report.
“ ‘ He has been told by Doctor Mejia to return home (in Pallet Town)’-- Wait, he lives in my town?! So then I must know this guy!”
“Keep reading, Ash.”
“Oops, sorry, Misty. ‘ -- and stay at his home for at least two weeks.’ “
“From what I’ve heard, Ash, Pallet’s really close to Cerulean and it’s a really small town, so it should be easy to find him. Plus while we’re there, we can check up on some of the people you’re supposed to know. Maybe they can help.”
Ash sighed loudly and leaned back into his chair.
“So, I’m going home?”
Misty looked at him and smiled weakly.
“Yea, Ash, you’re going home.”
Ash ran his left hand through his dark hair and looked at Misty.
“But, what about you? I can’t leave it up to you to figure this whole thing out by yourself...you need help.”
“Ash, it’s not like the folder’s not portable. I can bring it with me.”
Ash smiled.
“I know that, it’s just, what if we’ve got more to do here? I don’t wanna be tempted to stay in Pallet after we find Gary if the case isn’t solved.”
“Why not Ash? It’s your home. It’s where your family is, all your friends and probably your Pokémon too. (BTW, those Pokéballs on his belt in ch.1 were empty) Don’t you want to see them all again?”
“I do, but, like I said, I don’t want you to have to solve this alone.”
“Don’t worry about that, Ash. Just stick to the here and now. The problem at hand is finding Gary and getting him to believe our story. Just focus on that for now, ok?”
Ash nodded.
“Ok, you’re right...”
Misty smiled widely.
“I know I am!”
Ash laughed and folded his arms over his chest.
“So, we’re goin’ to Pallet Town, then? No questions asked?” asked Misty, eyeing him and smiling.
Ash’s smile widened.
“Yeah, we’re goin’...So you better get all your girly things together; this is a trip!”
Misty laughed loudly at him and rose from the table.
“What about your clothes? What are you planning to bring?” asked Misty, closing the folder again.
Ash looked down at his black shirt and jeans, then back at Misty.
“What’s wrong with this?”
Misty grimaced.
“Ash, if you are gonna wear that, at least wash the friggen thing!”
Ash chuckled and rose from the table.
“Fine, I will wash it...how do you wash clothes, anyway?” he asked scratching his head.
Misty smiled.
“Never mind, I’ll wash your clothes while you take a shower, got it?”
“Got it! I’ll leave ‘em outside the door for ya.”
“Ok, hurry up then.”
Ash turned and ran for the door in between the kitchen and Misty’s room, but stopped abruptly and turned.
“By the way, Misty thanks.” he said with a thoughtful smile.
“For what Ash?”
His smile widened.
“For being you...and for trusting me.”
With that, he turned quickly again and jumped into the bathroom.
Misty smiled and shook her head at him before going into her bedroom to retrieve her unwashed clothes.
You’re welcome, Ash...
~~~~~End of Chapter 6~~~~~
YES! End of chapter 6!
Now I can post this thing and take my stupid contacts out; they’re KILLING me! *lol*
oh, btw, Pikachu is gonna be in the next chapter! so you can stop mentioning that he’s not in here yet b/c he WILL BE!!!!!!
Loved it? Hated it? Tell me, please!
Storyline © Angel: da Newsies fan