
Ash--> 21

Misty --> 20

“...” Spoken Words

italics Thoughts

~~~~~~ Scene changes / flashbacks / change in P.O.V

(...) Author’s Notes

: None of the following characters used in this story belong to me, k? Only the plot is mine, the rest....belongs to good ol’ Japan ^-^

Links to the Past

Last Chapter review:

“Well, maybe you can help me, Misty. I don’t think you need to be a detective to help people decipher their feelings and find out their past.” he said, smiling at her for the first time.”

Chapter 2: The Story Session

Misty averted her gaze from the window and back to Ash who was now smiling broadly. She blushed at his dazzling smile and quickly attempted to hide it.

“Oh, you really think I can, Ash? How?” she asked, her blush now just a light pink tint.

Ash nodded ‘yes’ and proceeded to explain the ‘how’.

“Well, you live here, correct?”

She looked at him with a ‘duh’ expression.

“Yes, of course I live here.” she responded with a subtle laugh.

Ash smiled.

“Well then, you can start out by updating me on what’s been going on in the world.”

“What’s been going on? Like what? Anything specific? I can’t tell you everything, Ash!”

“Why not?” he asked, sarcastically.

Misty began to laugh but stopped herself abruptly; why did she get the feeling that some how she knew this guy? To her recollection, she’d never met or even seen him before today. Why was she getting the feeling that she already knew him?

“Misty? Are you alright?” he asked, somewhat worriedly.

Misty suddenly snapped out of her train of thought.

“Huh? Oh yea, Ash I’m perfectly fine...I was just...thinking about what’s been going on so I can tell you! Yes, that’s it...exactly it. He he he he he he.”

Ash raised a dark eyebrow and looked at her quizzically.

“Ok, so what happened?”

Misty continued pondering and suddenly something popped into her mind; there was only one major thing that had happened that week, well besides Pokémon battles and such.

“Well Ash,” she began, “there was this one major thing that happened. I dunno if it has anything to do with you or your problem, but I’ll tell you anyway. About a week or two ago there was a cruise ship leaving the harbor in, I think it was, Sunny Town. Anyway, the ship was to stop here momentarily and then continue on visiting other islands and cities. But on the way here, a huge storm began and the ship was struck by lightening. From what I’ve heard, the ship snapped completely into two pieces (kinda like the Titanic) and sunk. As far as survivors go, I don’t think they’ve found wait, there was this news cast a couple of nights ago that said that someone had been discovered. But, anyway, that’s really all that I know about it.”

Ash stared at her, dumb founded.

“Ash? Ash? Are you alright, Ash?” Misty said, waving a hand in front of his, now pale, face.

But Ash couldn’t hear her. He was lost in some kind of a vision, which he believed to have been a memory. He saw about him a nicely furnished, small room with two twin beds and a bathroom by the door. Suddenly, he saw himself walking toward the bathroom, but before he could reach it, someone emerged, holding some kind of an egg-shaped object. With out looking at him, the figure headed for the door. Ash suddenly snapped out of his so-called “memory” to see Misty, very close, and looking worriedly into his black eyes. She had her hand on his forehead, like she was see if he had a fever or something.

Ash blushed at the physical contact and flinched slightly, making Misty remove her hand.

“What happened Ash? Why did you just black out like that?”

Ash placed his shaking hand upon his throbbing head.

“I--I dunno...I had some kind of a flash back...It was weird...”

Misty looked at him quizzically, but responded with a reassuring smile.

“A flash back, huh? Well, what happened in it?”

Ash pondered her question for a moment and then answered, telling her everything he had remembered from the brief two seconds.

Misty, now hearing the entire flash back, thought about what it’s meaning could be.

I don’t get it, Misty thought if he’s getting flashbacks like that out of no where and for no reason, what could it possibly mean?

Misty sighed and returned her attention back to Ash who was thinking as well.


“Yes, Ash?”
“Could you possibly try to find more about this shipwreck thing? I don’t know why, but for some reason I seem compelled to know more...”

Misty half-smiled and continued looking at Ash’s confused expression.

“I guess that I can try. That one person they found, maybe we can find out who it is and see if they know what happened.”
Ash raised an eyebrow at her suggestion.

“Yeah, great plan; there are only a few problems.”

“Well, first off, how on earth are we gonna even find out who this person is? And if we somehow do, how will we find them? And even if we get through all that, who even knows if that person remembers anything!”

Misty slightly grimaced at him.

“We are going to find out who the person is by going to the police. They investigated this entire project, I’m sure they know something, and we’re going to find the person by my knowledge. I know everyone here in Cerulean, Ash. I’ve lived here my entire life. And as for whether or not the person remembers, that one we’ll have to leave for chance, but the rest should at least unlock a little of what’s going on inside that screwed up head of yours.”

“My head is not screwed up...I’m just a little disoriented and confused, that’s all...Don’t you ever feel that way?! Gimme a break! I’m only human!”

Misty laughed a little at his defensive out burst.

“I know Ash, I know. And yes...I feel the way you’re feeling practically all the time...Kind of like there’s something I’m missing, ya know? Like everyone knows something that I don’t but they won’t tell me what it is...Like, I just...don’t belong here, or that I’m supposed to be somewhere know what I’m saying?”

Ash simply nodded ’yes’ with out looking at her.

“Boy do I ever understand...That’s how I’ve felt ever since I woke up on that shore yesterday.”

Misty looked at him sympathetically, and quickly shook off her urge to give him a huge, comforting hug.

“Well, Ash, is there anything else you wanna know?” she said, changing the subject.

Ash looked up at her.

“Uh...yes. There is one thing...Where is Pallet Town? I’m from that place, right? So I figure that if we don’t find any answers here, that you could either tell me where to go or take me to Pallet Town.”
Misty smiled.

“Pallet Town is actually not too far from here. It’ll take more than a day but it’s pretty close compared to other cities. I can take you there easily enough. But before we even think about leaving, we should try and find this person who we assume at least remembers a little of what happened. If they were in the hospital recovering, they should be out by now. I don’t think the news said anything about them being unconscious. So what do you say, Ash?”

Ash continued to stare at her when he smiled.

“I’m in...I’ll do anything to find out what happened to me...”

~~~~~End of Chapter 2~~~~~


Ugh, ok so what did you think? Sorry if this chapter was confusing too...and sorry this took as long as it did ^^’ thanks to all who reviewed the first time around! SO:

Questions? Comments? Suggestions or Advice?

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Storyline © Angel: da Newsies fan