He sighed, gazing at the peace around him in Pallet Town as he looked at the place. How did I get here, who I am I? He thought
as he accidentally bumped into Professor Oak!
“Hey young man, you look lost,” he replied as the boy still looked around.
“Who are you?” asked the boy.
“Come on, it looks like you hit your head real hard.” said Oak as he led the kid past Ash’s house, two shady characters slowly followed them into a alley.
“Professor Oak?” asked the stronger person reaching for his PokeBalls.
“Come on, our boss wants a OFHH,” grunted the second Rocket as the boy raised his hand, a ESP blast spiraling outta control at the Rocket! The two quickly released a 12 Pokemon team of Sneasel at the boy who put up his fists.
“Little UUUGGGGHHH!” yelled one as another round of fists and ESP blasts took out the other thirteen! But, the boy suddenly fell onto his knees, exhausted. As Oak took the boy to his lab, he wondered a few things, how could such a small built strong boy use such strong psychic powers and only fall asleep? Not even Sabrina or Morty could move so fast, both being expert Gym leaders of Pokemon.
“Whew, this boy is heavy, but I should see if he is hurt,” he said taking off the kids gloves, a bright shine emitting form his right hand.
In the morning, the kid got up in a bed in the guest room, as he tried to remember what had happened, getting as far as him seeing his hand shine… His right hand, he swiftly put the glove he had on back, looking around.
He could be the kid, Giovanni we should capture him before he taps into his light powers, the dark voice spoke as Giovanni put a troop of Rockets on the case.
“once we get him we can go to the real region, the Geren!”
replied Giovanni.
The boy was asleep on the computer as Oak looked at the cylinder with the wounded Pokemon. He found it outside of the League HQ, some wild Tryantir were picking on it when the boy fought them away. Oak looked at the page reading the top:
Day 1
My name is Harino Tako Guirno, but I shall be known as Shadow. Soon I will find my past and learn all I can and be a great Pokemon Master!