We join our heros back in Pallet Town before they set off towards Misty's home town,Cerulean City.
Misty:Well Ash, are you ready to go?
Ash:Yeah Misty.Just give me one more min to say goodbye to my mom.
Mrs Ketchum:Oh Ash. I'll miss you.And make sure you change your you-now-what every day.
Ash:Mom... I'm old enogh to now what to do.I'm not your little Ash any more.Now I'm your little Pokemon Trainer.
Mrs Ketchum:Oh Ash, I now its just so hard to say goodbye to you and have to live alone with Mr Mine.It gets really lonely here in Pallet Town without something to do,
or something new to talk about or to no that my son could be in some kind of troble because he dosent call me all the time!
Misty:Dont worry Mrs Ketchum, i'll make Ash call you at lest once a week.
Ash:Plus were just going to be in Cerulean, Mom.So were really not going to far.
Ash and his mom hug and kiss.They say there goodbyes and were on there way.
Misty:Well Ash were going to be on the road a little bit longer than i thoght.
Ash:Why we can just go straight throught route 5 and we'll be in Cerulean.
Misty:Nope.Look at that sign over there.
Ash:Huh? Theres a sign?
What the sign says:Warning to Travelers! route 5 has been off lemint to everyone untill we can get it cleared off.
Misty:See we'll have to take the long way
Ash and Misty have stopped for the night and desided to make camp.We'll making a little dinner for her and Ash Misty desided to ask him a kind of baresting question.
Misty:Ash...I have a question.
ash was getting some more fire wood for the soup that they were haveing.He was just around the coner so just if you were wondering he could hear her
Ash:Yeah go on.
Misty:Well...I was just wandering...What do you like in a girl?
Ash:Hmmm...Well i guess she would have to be pretty and nice and she would have a goal set on life and wont stop untill its shes done it.
He paused
Ash:And she would have to return the feeling that i would give her.
Misty blushed and look away
While eating there soup Ash had been thinking about why she had asked he that kind of question.
Ash thinking:Maybe she does like me and wanted to know how she should act in front of him.
Ash:Well Misty.I have a question for you too.What do you see in a guy?
Misty:Well... he would have to love pokemon and would love me in every single way. Hmmm...he wouldnt be alover a girl if he saw one walking by, so you would want to be the oppisite of Brock i guess, and he would care for you when your sick or when im really down.
Ash:I see...WAIT i didnt say that...
Misty:Its ok.
Then Misty said very softly when she put out the fire and went into her sleeping bag
Misty: Kind of like you in a way.
Ash:What was that Mist I couldnt hear ya
Misty:Who me i didnt say anything Ash...Goodnight.