The Pokey People ~2~
As we find our friends walking along in Ilex forest they have taken the right side of the road but if they went the way that Misty had suddgested they would be at there dastination by now.
Ash:Ahhhh....We've been walk for sometime time know and still no sign of any town.
Misty:Ya Ash i think i can see that.If you had at least half a brain you would of tookin my way to go but no we had to take your way!
Pikachu:Pika pi.(agreeing with Misty)
Ash:You too Pikachu! AHHH you people are driving me crazy!
Misty:What's wrong Pikachu?
Pikachu runs over to a sign he see just in the distance.
Ash:Pikachu wait up!
The sign read as fallows Warning warning warning
Th r a e t o n do i t e n xt
pa t of th f r st
Some of the letters were ithere been sraped off or they were covered up by some kind of mud. But when the sign was first put up it read...
Warning warning warning
There are troando's in the next
part of the forest
Ash:Hm? I wander what that means?
Misty:Oh well we'll just have to be careful when were walking in this part of the forest.
Later on...
Misty:Hey Ash do you feel alittle breae's all of a sudden?
Ash:Yeah it must be that over night chill that come's once in alway.
Pikachu:Pi ka pi. Pi pi pika chu.
Pikachu looked like a big Haunter was going to pop out of the tree's and kill the 3 of them or something like that.
Misty:Pikachu are you ok?
Ash:What?What's wrong pikachu?
At this point Pikachu had just felt the weather changeing. Not into rain or snow nothing like that. But much worst then hail.And then it stauck them. A torando!
Pikachu:PIIIIIII! Pi pikachu. Pi pi ka chu. Pi pi pi ka chuuuuu!!!!!
Misty:Pikachu you know we can't speack your language. Beside's there's nothing to be worried about...AHHHHHH exsped that!
Misty had looked in the distance right behind the 3 and saw a BIG BIG SUPER BIG torando.