Misty:Ash? Ash, are u...
Ash:*sniff sniff* She's...She's...STILL ALIVE!!
Ash raises his head with a big smile on his face.
Misty:Well Ash. Shall we?
Ash and Misty start to very fast and very quietly chase after the Pidgeot with Molly on his back.
Ash's thoughts:Don't worry Molly! I'm here now.
~Molly's dream~
Molly:Hey Ash look at that one!
Ash:Wow! That ones really cool! What's it called Pro.Oak?
Pro.Oak:Yes yes.That ones called a Pidgey.It evolves into a Pidgeotto at level 18. The Pidgotto then evolves into a Pidgeot at level 36. It is a non fact that all the Pidgey stages are all Normal/Flying pokemon.
Molly:Wow. When i get my pokemon license, I'm going to get a Pidgey and get it to evolve in to the highest level. But my favorite pokemon is still the Oddish stages and the Ponyta stages too.What about you Ash?
Ash standed up
Ash:When i get my pokemon license i'm going to be the worlds greatest Pokemon Master!
Molly:Well not if i become the World Greatest Pokemon handler or the Worlds Greatest Pokemon Trainer.Hehe.
Ash: Yeah like that will ever happen.
Molly:Hey! You just watch Ash. I will be a really good trainer. You'll see!
End of dream
Molly is regaining consinch...
Molly sits up
Molly: Who is Ash? Ahhh!
Molly grabs her head in pain.
Molly: I just cant remember!
Tear roles down Molly's cheek.
Molly:Why cant i? I want to sooo much. But i just cant.
Molly closes her eyes and try's to remeber...
Molly's thoughts: The only thing i can remember is that name. Ash? Who is he? Huh?
Molly sees Ash and Misty running behind them.
Molly's thoughts: That face... It looks so frumeler?
Molly:Pidgeot stop. Land here.
Pidgeot stop's flying and starts to land on the ground.
Molly gets off Pidgeot and looks where Ash and Misty are running.
Ash and Misty finally catch up.
Ash looks at Molly. Molly looks at Ash.
To be continued...