The One I Onced Loved
P.S.In my storie The Love Meter i menced someone in the begging.Heres where it was.
Ash knew i was going to start thinking about him.Thats where it is in my storie.I thought you might want to have in explanation.Here it is.
I was typing a storie in my room at the time Ash was taking his afternoon nap.I new that i would get alot done when he wasnt bugging me.I looked out the window.It was raining.The Rainy season had started,the most gloomest season of them all.
Me:I was raining that day too.
I had remebered the one day that changed my life forever.A tear rolled down my ceck.
I had remeber my best friend Brandon,who had died in a fire.I had remebered when we craved in the tree on the top of the hill.I can still remeber what it said too.
It said:B.O wuv's M.K. In the middle of a heart.
Heres what happened...
We had been walking to school when we stopped a the big hill by our school. Brandon took out his pocket knife and started to crave to inshalls B.O. wuv's M.K.
I had made a heart to put them in. I sighed and looked at Brandon.He looked so cute in his uniform with the sun on his body like he was god or something.He noctied that i was looking at him and he smiled. The bell started to ring.Brandon and I walked down the hill hand an hand.
In class he sat by me and my friends.I didnt really reasle that ive been friends with him a long time. I sat in the very back and to the right of the class. It was hard to see me.I liked this sometimes beacause i had in avanted to not listion in class sometimes even fall asleep in class and the teacher wouldnt see me sleeping.
When i sleep well lets say im a hard sleeper like i can fall asleep and most of the time i wont wake up to anything like my alarm sometimes.
We were in science when it happened. I always fall a sleep in science because it was usally so boring.We were on the chapter called Evporation so we were using fire and a scillit of water to condcude evaporation. I had fallin asleep when we were doing this.Stupid me.Someone had tipped over there heater (that was the fire) and the class started to go up in flames.The fire alarm was attackated.I did not hear this because of me being a hard sleeper.Everyone ran out of the building.
The teachers started to count the kids to make sure everyone was there.Everyone was a counted for exaped me.My teacher didnt see who was missing so he asked Brandon to count for him.Brandon counted everyone.He had sceen this too.
Brandon:Hmmm let me think.Mats sick, Andera's on vacation.
Then he realed who was missing.
Brandon:Hey does anyone know where Molly is?
Kid #1:No.
Kid #2:I didnt see her come out of the building.
Brandon:On my god.Molly fell asleep in science!She must still be in there.
Brandon looked up at the burning class room on the side of the building.(That was the only thing on fire.)
Brandon:I have to go in there and get her.
Kid #3:No Brandon.Wait till the firemen get here.They will take care of it.
Brandon:They wont make it in time.I have to.
Brandon ran to a person with a bucket of water and dumped it on top of him.Then he ran into the school.
Kid #4:Good luck Brandon...
Mean while...
I felt something warm by my arm.I looked up to see what it was.
Me:Huh? What I must of fallen asleep.Ah. The class is on fire!I got to get out of here.
Looked for the door.I found it hard to see because of all the smoke.I started to cough.
Me:Cough cough cough.I got to get out of here.Hmm?
????:Molly you there? Hello Molly!
It was Brandon.
Me:I'm over here!
He looked twords where the vocie was.
Brandon:There you are.Come on lets get you out of here.Stay right there.
And i did.Brandon started to walk twords me.When he got to me he made me go in frount so i would get out quicker.Then a big picie of wood fell in frount of Brandon and he couldnt get out.
Brandon:Molly go.When you get out side,get a fireman to come and get me.
And i did i ran down the hall,down the stairs, and out to the parking lot where all the students were.I ran twords a fireman and told him.
Fireman:Ow ow ow little lady say it a lot slower.
I did.
Fireman:ok we'll go and get him.
But he didnt.He went to put out the fire instand and then he went in.
It had started to rain.All the students were sitting on benches or chairs on the side of the road under umbrellas.They had gotten blankets from the firemen and women.I didnt move from that spot where the fireman said he would go get Brandon.My clothes were sokeing wet in the rain.My friend Leah had notice that i didnt move from that spot so she walked over to me with her blanket and umbrella.
Leah:Molly do you want to go sit down with me and have hot chocolate with Sarah,Kayla, and I?
Me:No...Thanks.I'm just going to stand here untill the firemen come out with Brandon and to know hes alright.
She had covered me with her blanket,with her still in it,and put the umbrella over our heads.
Leah:I bet thats a whole lot better,Ae.
Me:Ah huh.
I could see what she was doing.She was my best friend just like Brandon, so she would make me feel at least alittle better.
The firemen walked out of the building with something under a big white cloth.
The one that said he would go and get Brandon walked over to me with a one of those poor kid faces.
Me:Wheres Brandon?
The Fireman:He...He didnt make it...
At this i started to cry.I turned away and started to cry on Leah's sholder.She hugged me and started to cry too.I just couldnt bare the thought that Brandon,my love and best friend,had sadckficed his life for me.And now...and now he was dead.
And thats what happened.I took a tisyou from the side of my desk and whyped my eyes.I looked at the clock.I said 2:00 pm.Ash doesnt wake up from his nap untill 3 and mom's not coming home from professer oaks untill around 7. So what do i want to do?I though.Then i new what i wanted to do.I walked down the hall to Ash's room to make sure he was still sleeping.He was.Then i locked the back door and went to the front door and put on my shoes.I grabed my light coat (for spring) and garbed my good umbrella and went out the door.I locked behind me.
I started to walk down the road to where the big hill was.I saw it.When i was finally up the hill i sat on the ground.I looked up where Brandon and I had made a heart with our inshal's.I felt it.And then i started to cry again.
Me:Why?Why did you have to leave me?
Then i whyped away my tears and got up.I looked down on the school where he had died.
Me:I hate you.
(I was talking to the school if you didnt know what i was doing)I walked down the hill and walked twords the school.I opened the door to the school.People had tryed to make the school brand new again because the only thing that burned down was our class room but many things happened.Like they tryed to domlsha the class room so they could make a new one but peices of wood would drop from the celing or they would fall from the 2 floor to the 1st.Or when they tryed to domallsha the whole school with bulldowsers but instand the bulldowsers wouldnt work and then one of them explaoded.Many people say that this was the work of Brandon and his spirit. But i no it wasnt because brandon was a good guy even when he was mad and i know that he wouldnt hurt someone else.Well only if they were picking his friends or they were some kind punk.
When i got to the class room where he had died i looked around.I saw ash's of old desks that we used and the black board that was really black this time.I walk into the room alittle bit.
Me:Here.This is where he died.
I walked over to where the last time i saw Brandon, alive.I bent down to get a closer look.Then i sat down and cryed.
Me:Why?Why did you have to leave me?We were meant to be together.I just wish that...they could of saved you.I miss you so much.Look at me.I'm talking to someone who isnt there.I'm crazy to think he would still be here.Alive.
????:Molly.Dont cry.I love your face when theres no sorrow in it.
I looked up.It was Brandon as a spirit from the dead.
Me:Brandon!Your your still here.
Brandon:Yeah.I didnt want to go till i could see your face one last time.But this time with a smile instand of a shock look on your face.
Brandon:I miss you Molly.
Me:I miss you alot too.Everyone does.Leah,Sarah,Kayla,Mace.Everyone.
Brandon:I know.Sceen i saw you i have to leave know.
Me:But you cant go!You just got here.
Brandon:Yes i know.But remeber Molly...
His body was starting to disaperae
Brandon:Everything will be alright...
He was almost out of sight
Brandon:and ill be watching you.I love you...
(If you have the Avril Lavigne cd and want to make it even more sad but it on around here and put it to #7)
Then he was gone.A tear started to roll down my ceck then i said...
Me:And I you.Till we meet again...
I looked up and smiled.
On the way back home it stopped raining and a rainbow went over me.When i got to the bridge i looked back and said...
Me:Till we meet again.Brandon.
When i got home i made some hot chocolate and went into my room. The clock said it was just around 2:30.Ash was still sleeping.I walked over to my computer.I sat down in my chair and took a sip of my hot chocolate.I put it down and opened my side drower on my desk.Just looking.Then i saw my Phone book and though it would be fun to look through it when i found Leah's phone #.I grabed my phone from the charger and called her up.
Phone:Ring ring ring...
Leah:Hello.Leah talkin.
Me:Hey Leah.Its me, Molly...
Hey guys!How did you like it?Good,bad,WHAT? Give me a review
Chow for now,
Molly K. or Ash's Sister