A Pokémon Adventure
by Andrew Kane
Chapter 1 - A Legend Begins
Andrew walked up Route 1 having just been given his Totodile, Splash, from Proffessor Oak. He tossed Splash's Pokéball up in the air and caught it.
"I can't believe it, I actually got my first Pokémon!"
He started to run when suddenly a wild Pidgey jumped out and started to attack Andrew. Andrew's Pokédex started talking. He pulled it out of his pocket and opened it up.
"One of the main parts of being a Pokémon Trainer is Pokémon battling. To enter a Pokémon battling you must pit your Pokémon against an opponent Pokémon," it sounded in that monotonous tone that machines have.
"So, I have to battle this Pidgey. Splash, I choose you!"
Andrew threw Splash's Pokéball. A beam ofl ight shot out of it followed by Splash. Splash started running around in circles chasing it's tail. Andrew sighed and picked Splash up.
"Look," he pointed at the Pidgey, "We have to battle that," he explained to Splash with a patronising tone.
Splash flexed his muscles and jumped out of Andrew's arms and onto the floor. Splash and the Pidgey had a short stare-down. Then the Pidgey launched a gust at Splash. Splash used Leer closely followed by Scratch. The Pidgey didn't seem hurt at all. The Pidgey started chasing Splash around the field with a crazed look in it's eye. Suddenly, after being hit hard by a tackle, Splash turned around and opened it's mouth. Andrew was confused, Proffessor Oak had told him Splash only knew Scratch and Leer, but here he is preparing a Water Gun.
The Water Gun shot straight at Pidgey and hit it right in the middle of the chest. The Pidgey went flying backwards and hit a tree. Andrew was about to throw one of the five Pokéballs Proffessor Oak had given him when the Pidgey got up and flew up in the air.
All of a sudden the Pidgey started glowing white. Andrew and Splash stood there in shock and amazement. The glowing stopped and Pidgey wasn't there anymore. Instead there was a bigger Pokémon that looked much stronger than Pidgey had. Then the Pokédex started sounding again.
"Pidgeotto - This Pokémon is full of vitality. It constantly flies around its large territory in search of prey."
"Okay, so it evolved that doesn't mean we can't catch it does it Splash!?" Splash shook his head and felxed his muscles again.
Splash used Water Gun over and over and over. Every time the Pidgeotto dodged them with ease. Suddenly the Pidgeotto flew down and hit Splash hard with a strong Twister. Splash fell to the ground and lay there motionless. The Pidgeotto kept attacking over and over and over. Andrew ran in to protect Splash but the Pidgeotto knocked him back. He sat there with a tear in his eye, he had just gotten his first ever Pokémon and now he had to watch it die and there was nothing he could do about it.
Just as Pidgeotto was about to launch its last attack a bright red light shot out of Splash's eyes. Andrew stared in amazement, Splash had learned Rage. He had collected all the damage that Pidgeotto had dealt and used it to increase his attack. Pidgeotto went flying backwards into a tree and layy there with its wings twitching. Andrew ran over to Totodile and gave him a potion.
Then he threw a Pokéball at Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto was scooped up by a beam of light and transported into the Pokéball. The Pokéball wobbled three times and beeped. Andrew had made his first catch!
"Now, you need a name... Rebel? Yes, Rebel," he said into the Pokéball, "Right, Rebel we are going to teach you how to behave properly!"
Tyrone had been watching all this from behind a near by tree. He was very impressed by that boy's Totodile and how strong it was on it's first battle, well, he assumed it was it's first.
He stepped out from behind the tree and clapped making sure the boy could hear him.
"You know, that Totodile you've got is very strong. Tyrone said. I was impressed by it's performance out there. When I saw Pidgey evolve into Pidgeotto, I thought you were a goner, but it still managed to defeat it. Kudos to you there, my friend. I hope you raise it up to become a very strong Pokémon - possibly a Feraligatr one day. Anyway, enough of that, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Tyrone, and these are my Pokémon."
He grabbed five Pokéballs and threw out his Pokémon.
Out came Garchomp, Machop, Charziard, Kabutops and Snorlax.
"I do have Kingdra as well, but he finds it hard to breathe on land and he dislikes being on land. And Snorlax really doesn't count as a Pokémon, as it just lays around all day... not doing anything. You may think I'm weird for watching you battle, but I can promise I was just walking by until I saw you battle. I got so engaged in it, I went behind the tree to watch it, not to spy on you, but see your spectacular Totodile beat that Pidgeotto. Enough about me, what about you?"
"Hi Tyrone was it? I don't think it's weird that you hid to watch my battle. I mean I've been mesmerised by battles ever since I was five years old. I really thought I had blown it. I thought I had lost Splash for good, and then that Rage, I wasn't expecting that! Anyway I'm Andrew and you're probably wondering why I've just started my journey now, at fourteen years old. Well it all started when I was five I got a letter explaining the fees of Pallet Town Pokémon School. My parents couldn't afford Ł4560. So I saved up and my parents saved up and I finally got in when I was nine years old. I did my five years of education, then I sat my exams. When the results came back, not only had I passed, but I had full marks. Proffessor Oak was so impressed he gave me a choice of all twelve instead of the usual three and that's how I got Splash! So what are you doing on Route 1 with that many strong Pokémon?"
"Oh, I've got these from many previous adventures. I'm here because I haven't visited my family back in Pallet Town since I started out my journey - when I was 10. I'm 16 now, so six years have passed without seeing them. Sure I phone my mum all the time, to catch up on things, see how she's doing, all the usual. But I promised to see them, so that's where I'm going.""See you..." He waved goodbye and went off to Pallet Town.
"Okay... See you around sometime!" Andrew walked off heading for Viridian City and Tyler for Pallet Town. As Andrew neared the city he saw a sign. He ran towards it, eager to see what was being advertised. He looked closely at the faded writing. It read:
Untame Pikachu! Needs Love And Discipline!
For More Info Report To Viridian City Pokémon Centre Immediately!
Andrew started to get excited. He had always wanted a Pikachu ever since Ash etchum had recieved one as his first Pokémon, nine years ago. He ran as fast as he could to Viridian City. Halfway there he fell over. He didn't land with a thud but with more of a squelch.
"It's a good thing that that..." he started to say to himself before he realised what it was. Andrew had just landed in a very large pile of Kangaskhan dung. Andrew's nose started to burn. It stank. Then he realised if there was Kangaskhan dung then there had to be a Kangaskhan close-by. Andrew wasn't searching for long before he heard a loud roar. He knew that sound! It was a Kangaskahn!
Andrew ran as fast as he could towards the roaring, this time watching out for Kangaskhan dung, which there was an awful lot of! After about five minutes of following the noise he emerged through some bushes to find a weak-looking Kangaskhan. Andrew approached it carefully. It was extremely timid and cowered away. Andrew spoke calmly.
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you," he said, "I'm here to help, here take this." The Kangaskhan was very scared as it took the Super Potion from Andrew. It drank the syrup slowly.
All of a sudden the Kangaskhan's stomach gave an almighty rumble and Kangaskhan gave a hell of a burp. Andrew fell backwards due to the power of the air coming out of the Kangaskhan's mouth.
"You had eaten some bad fruit, no wonder your waste was so smelly," he chuckled! Andrew started to walk way and head for the lake to have a nice bath when the Kangaskhan started following him.
"What's the matter, do you want to come with me?" The Kangaskhan nodded excitedly. Andrew pulled a Pokéball off of his belt and pressed the button. Kangaskhan happily jumped inside the Pokéball and the Pokéball closed.
"Welcome to the team Nessie!" Andrew shouted heading to the lake for his long-awaited bath.