Chapter 2 the 1st mile of the froest trail Then Nilweve ran in to the town as Trole got up, "....wha!?" Trole said falling a sleep, then Trole woke up and was a Wevele. "He learned how to make he's foe to evlove or go to they'er prevlove from!" she said runing to the trail. Daina and Kaino were still runing away,"......stop!" a voce said and a houndoom jummped in front of them. Then Daina looked at his horns, they were green. "You'r a .., your from that old abaned ninja school, it's students panted them slefs , green, red, or blue!"she said looking at the old houndoom "So!" he said looking at the backpac smelling the food. "Hmm?.... if we battle, and you win I'll hlep you get out of here, if I win i will have some of you'r food soory but, Is that ok ?" he said I hope she's gunna say no. Kaino said "Ok." Daina said "Ah" Kaino said hitting he's fore head with his hand. "inah?" the little pikachu said jumping in the air."an Airle takle?"the houndoom wispered And started running she's useing a double team in the air he though, at that age!?. "fire!" he said aimig at the real Daina. "uh..?"Daina said and the houndoom blasted a strong fire blast form his mouth. "ahhh!" she said falling on the ground. Then she got up maby this will work she thought starting to run, "Stop....!!" a pokemon with it's heels up and it's flat part of it's feet on the ground. "who are you?" daina said triping Chapter 3 Blazis's Identity. The pokemon looked like a cat on it's hine legs, it's ears where black it's body was a red like color, and it's tail was a thin long a foot and a 1/2 of white fire. "I'm Zatle, also if y-ou keep fighting Niweve will find us. Blazis join them and hlep them!" Zatle said, "you'r,Blazis?"Daina" said. "yes" blazis said "why" "we'll explan later" Kaino said "follow us" And they ranto the town,and nilweve saw them behind him. "Run daina, Kaino he'll-" Torle said and Nilweve jumped in front of Daina and was about to hit her "Moon claw!" Nilweve said as his claws turned red.