The Water’s Reflection
Part 2: The Unbelievers
Humans came in two types, young and unpleasant to the eye, and aged and downright unbearable to look at. But, Magmar decided right then and there, as he stared at the human was just being dumped out; this human was a whole third type all by itself.
It wore brightly colored skins and the moment the human keeper Snorlax clamped the traditional collar and restraining chains onto it’s arms it began to trash around wildly again. The observing counsel gasped with interest as the animal's lips moved and it omitted a loud sound of varying tones. Magmar shook his head in disgust, coming forward himself and tightening the collar another notch. The human fell back into the waited paws of Snorlax clutching its trout.
Magmar turned to the gathered semi-circle of elite Pokémon lounging in the audience hall.
“As you can see females and gentlemales, this new one is particularly ferocious. I myself caught it just this eve, trying to kill the renown Dr. Chikorita as she was out for a sunbath in the Crystal Forest.”
Several mummers of conversation grew after his words, when a lone leaf was raised.
“Yes, Professor Sunspot?” Magmar asked
The young male Chikorita placed his forelegs upon the table waving his leaf thoughtfully
“I think I speak for all of us when I say I am eternally grateful to you for the safe return of the doctor” There were many nods among the crowd “ But all the same I wonder if you’re proposal to the counsel of terminating this human is a bit drastic?” Sunspot locked his eyes to Magmar’s “ However violent he may be, he seems a very rare sample of the race.”
“He?” Magmar laughed, joined in by most of the council “Come, come, now professor, there is no need to use an honorary term to a human. Humans are lowly its as they have and always stall be, at there proper place under the paws and hoofs of the mighty Pokémon race…”
A female gloom shouldered her sleeping Bulbasaur husband in the ribs with a leaf and he shouted a spirited “Here! Here!” before falling back to sleep.
“Be that as it may Lord Magmar from your unstable beliefs in the Old Writings, humans have been shown to possess…”
The resounding sound of a hall door closing softly made the Pokémon in the room turn from their debate. Even Lord Magmar, who knew all too well who it was. Dr. Chikorita stood, taking in air in small gasps as though she had run all the way here from the med center. Whenever there was a question of human rights presented to the counsel it seemed you could not find one of them without the other. He growled to himself. They were as persistent as baby Weedles.
“I…will..claim responsibility..” She gasped, placing a drooping bandage back on her forehead with her leaf.
“Responsibility? Whatever for doctor?” Magmar asked
Professor Sunspot came forward, speaking softly to her.
“Chikorita? You should be resting..”
The doctor ignored her partner’s comforting vine whip across her back.
“ I claim responsibility for this human and would like permission to study and observe it at my human research lab.”
Magmar smirked
This is so like her, the symtathists.
“All thoughs in favor?” The records keeper, a small Rattata with a voice nearly two times its size, asked.
“Aie.”The Xatu section replied into the minds of everyone present
“Aie.” The Scyther answered speaking for the flying and bug types
“Aie.” A Cefable chimed in
“Motion seconded and carried by the bug and normal clans.” The Slugma sitting in the middle of the group thundered, turning it’s oozing face toward Magmar “I only hope this famous doctor lives up to her father’s breeding.”
“Yes Duke.” Magmar said with a bow. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the Chikorita bowing as well. He turned to her sharply.
“All right doctor, I leave this human in your capable vines…but if anything should happen, both you and your friend Sunspot’s titles shall be at risk…”
Both Chikoritas bowed to him respectfully.
“Yes, Lord we will do our best.” Dr. Charta chirped
Lord Magmar’s eyes grew a bit more flame like than usual.
Someday they will be broken of their weak ideas about human souls…
The truth of the Old Writing stall heal thee unbelievers…
Date Written: July 2002
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