III: An Extended Explanation, Avoidance of a Mortality
"Now, if everyone did last night's assignment this question should not strain your feeble little minds: of all the Pokémon species not of the vaporous and gelatinous classifications, which possesses the second most lethal poison?"
My arm ached.
It was embarrassedly skinny, as I was, and had
always been, so much smaller than the other children.
Truth be told,
this one distinguishing characteristic, which might not have been that big of a
deal in a normal classroom, was just the sort of thing to make me a black sheep
in primary nursing school.
In this crowd of twenty-four neatly
bobbie-pinned heads and looped pink curls, even an unironed dress sleeve could
get one a case of no holds barred teasing for an entire day.
I raised my
tiny appendage higher in the sea of arms, trying to fight on in the unspoken
Pick me! Pick me! My silent plea went out with wiggling
I switched to the other arm swiftly, supporting the limb with my
lesser hand grasping it at the elbow.
I know I know I know I
"Miss Colville?"
"Seviper!" I
Giggles erupted from all sides; signaling my defeat long
before the teachers voice chimed in.
"No. That is incorrect. If Miss
Colville had happened to read her text more carefully she would know that the
Pokémon in question is..."
I felt all the blood rush to my cheeks in
embarrassment as Mrs. Noble rattled of off the answer.
Of course I knew.
How could I have forgotten? I pressed my nose down on the surface of my desk and
pressure against my nose gave two velvety taps and paused
Pad, pad.
Its taps persistent, this give and take ritual continued on
for a good five minutes of annoyance and words on the edge of
"Aw... Mom... I don't wanna go to school! Mrs. Noble is
I mumbled, nearly turning all the way over to bury my face in the
soft, cool, and very much inanimate pillow surface.
A set of claws dug
lightly into my side, and a familiar meow of vengeance registered somewhere near
my ear.
The flurry of cream colored fur, the shade of a stuck up
billionaire movie star’s feather filled sofa throw pillows, was an all too
familiar sight to me as I awoke from one reality of gashing teeth to another.
The hissing, spitting, whirlwind of annoyed, and over all most unhappy,
Pokémon mass shifted its mighty twelve pound weight swiftly onto my stomach and
sent me tumbling halfway upside down over the side of the bed.
bed... with its rose trimmed sheets... embroidered bedskirt... and battered
three-year-old stuffed Goldeen comforter with all its interior filling settled
to one side...
My bed... my honest-to-goodness perfectly normal
somewhat boring bed!
I was home!
At least, I was in the
apartment that had been my home for the last few years of my internship. Its
salary was not quite enough for extreme luxury, after all.
My head still
spinning, I crained to my neck upwards to lock gazes with a pair of glinting
almond shaped sky blue eyes,
their pupils so dilated that the light blue
made up only a rim of color around a deep sea of black.
"Good morning,
Nickel," I said plainly, feeling my upper lip curl in a weak
"MEOWTH, th, th, Meo!" The enraged urban cat type spat bitterly,
lacing my bangs with spittle.
It felt like a hundred years since I had
last been in this most ordinary environment, and I knew to Nickel the end result
emotionally had been about the same for him.
Pokémon have a very
different sense of time than the average human. Some studies suggest that their
perception is in many ways akin to a very young human child. Whereas pleasurable
events make time travel at the rate of hours a minute, distressing or painful
events may seem like they take hours in the confines of a handful of minutes.
I could tell with no hesitation whatsoever that what I had here was a
case of a very distressed and neglected feeling meowth.
If I Nathan’s
words were true, and I really had been gone for three months, my cat was
not about to let me live it down any time soon, that much I was... sure
I was...I was... Those two words struck a half forgotten
chord somewhere deep in my mind. A memory from yesterday, or had it been longer
ago still?
I flopped once more onto the bed, having just recently
gathered the necessary strength to scramble back from hanging over the abyss of
my bedroom carpet.
The faded blue fabric of the two sizes too big men’s
long sleeve t-stirt I now found myself still wearing felt oddly comfortable as I
put my arms under my head, subconsciously ringing the three inches of extra
material that enveloped both of my hands between my fingers.
I was....married.
I'd always heard the human
lifespan is divided into three records: birth records, marriage records, and
death records. Suddenly, the prospect of having two of these said records
already applying me at age twenty felt more than a bit depressing.
Of course, most people with commitment issues did not have the odd
realization of being born twice...or the unique concept to deal with of not
having to face mortality for a very long time.
Still, I had missed the
coming-of-age ceremony this year, the only one that would ever apply to me...
I would never get the chance to wear my over flamboyant red kimono and
fluffy pink boa, while getting hopelessly drunk on sake with my peers, enjoying
the warm buzz of youth, not knowing what the future would bring; being united in
the fellowship of acting so extremely goofy for one night in a shade of too
bright red lipstick as all the authorities merely looked on...
Now, in
place of my birthday celebration, I had three months that were merely a blank
slate, and a vague recollection of many hours of detailed explanation told
primarily by my new husband, (or should he be referred to as a 'mate'? )
who became such only by kidnapping me in the most blatant example of a
worst-case scenario of internet dating I could have ever dreamed of in my former
state of mind.
The cocktail of my mixed emotions ran bitter like a
throbbing headache over the inside of my skull, forcing me to think less about
the bigger picture of the past few days and more on the concise, less emotional,
shocking details of my mates conversation...
I was... I
you say I am ‘one of you’...that is, if I am your kind now..."
Yvonne, you can do this, concentrate on the words, I coached myself
silently. Put them in the right order and just...
"What am I? What
are you?"
Close enough.
The effort to speaking with any
seriousness felt like it had just taken a gigantic weight off my
"Well now, that is a remarkable question we don’t answer often."
Nathan chuckled
"Yeah, since seven years ago more or less, " Milo added,
rolling his eyes and retracting his front teeth behind their human doubles,
with a sound that brought vividly to mind a muk driving into a pool of
gelatin. "But at least she was not so awfully noisy about
Nathan seemed to sucessfully ignore that comment, and rubbed his
head thoughtfully.
"I would guess, that your type before your hatching,
the humans that is, would know our kind as the creatures commonly
referred to as Vampir, or more presently, as vampires. Although other terms have
been applied to our core physiolo.."
I felt various body parts I did not
even know I had go numb with disbelief.
"Vampire? As...in...blood...
drinking.... vampire?"
An affirmative nod, a chuckle from the nearby
"Vampires..as in..horror movie...undead..vampires?"
assure you, we are very much alive, and you were never before, nor will you ever
be for a long time, a corpse. We do not even call ourselves by that name. It is
solely a human term."
"Yes. We are called Lineage. Your
relatives by creation blood are your... our... "Family." Your official title is
that of Mother to this family, with all those ranking below you required to
address you as such. "
Milo made a face and grumbled. "I have no plans to
ever be addressing her as such, Father, any more than I am ever undressing her,
thank you."
Maybe if I just grinned and nodded this would all be a
"But there is more, and in order to live you must learn this
well, Dear Heart...There are different types of Lineage."
His eyes fixed
upon me with the burning purpose that his speech seemed incapable of conveying
"This may be the hardest to understand but it is essential. Milo
here is of Charmander Lineage."
In the mist of these words I saw the boy
get to his feet and with a swift flex of his mighty biceps and the grind of
straining fabric, large copper colored wings unfurled themselves from the
outline of his body. The same wings from what I supposed was only a misty
hallucination hours ago, now happened to be stretched out to their full-length
before me, knocking over a couple chairs with their muscular wingspan. Each wing
by itself was a marvel to behold, like one half of an eccentric european-style
dragon lovers self-made hang glider. But the flesh strung below the sinewy
humerus and wing radius, and running down upon the thin nearly invisible two
phalanx (that allowed for the wings flexible stability) was far too alive and
pulsing with a bizarre mixture of tiny aquamarine colored scales, and porous
lightly haired humanlike flesh, to ever be mistaken for an artificial
Whatever he was, or what his people (my people?) called him,
those wings could have not been merely grafted onto his body in any way I can
think feasible with the considerable amount of knowledge I had obtained in my
many Pokémon and human relation physical biology classes.
This couldn't
be possible...
The idea of vampires existing alone was hard to grasp with
a sane mind, but adding to the mix the mythical idea idea of...
human crosses... were the stuff of fables written for toddlers... stories
can still remember my great grandmother's heavily lined face looking down at me
with a bemused expression over half moon spectacles.
I was four, wearing
my favorite sunflower print dress, and looking down in turn on the picture book
she held with all the questioning power of a tiny ruler of my own domain of
fairy tales.
"Grandmére, why did the Abra man die?"
Her voice in
reply was gravelly and weighted down with a history of living I would never come
to know fully.
"Sweetheart, he died because he was a lazy and wouldn’t
listen to the hard-working rattata-man when he told him a long winter was
coming. He had no food left to eat and starved."
"But why? Why did he
have to die? Why didn't Rattata-Man share his food with him?"
understand where you're older. The world isn't really that kind to the lazy or
weak, Evie. No matter how much we think it is
we.. both... are Zubat Lineage."
Nathan’s hand grasped my own, and
silently, like a puzzle snapping into place at a gradual, yet reassuring, rate I
knew the nature of those luminous eyes.
Purple. The natural pigment
of a poison pokémon venom before being exposed to the oxygen and carbon dioxide
levels outside the body...
My mind attempted to reach for logic,
grasping at what a little I could draw upon something,
"But..aren’t those Charizard wings?...And if he is..made by
you..shouldn’t he be a Zubat lin..e..age to?"
Milo groaned and lay back
down on the bed, folding his wings, now outside of their confines of fabric,
into the neat triangle shape of a kite at rest.
"Oh, how I hate
hatchlings so early in the
so there it was, plain as the day light streaming through my open bedroom
I was a vampire, a vampire pokémorphic ish thing called a
I raised my hand to watch the sunshine bounce off each
curvature of my fingers and was greeted with no smoking, first-degree burns, or
spontaneous combustion like those supernatural movies were so fond of. I checked
my consciousness briefly: no urge to wear black clothing, no frightening change
of taste toward listening to heavy metal music, no craving to put on three
shades of non-matching dark makeup or sleep in a wooden box.
So far so
good.I don’t even look very different from all I can tell,
That is when the smell finally hit me. It could not have
been anything suddenly new in the last five minutes, maybe my troubles had been
blocking it out on some unknown level.
Whatever the case, it happened to hit me just then with all the odorous force
of a semi containing X-defend powder doing ninety on a slick winter
"Oh Nickel, what did you DO?"
Meowth urine has a very
distinct smell. Some specialized normal type nurses often say that male Meowth
have a tendency to spray furniture and carpet in cases when their owners have
been absent for long periods, due to high stress levels. I'd never experienced
it before now firsthand, and I had been absent for a very long
"Bad kitty, very bad kitty, I knew I should have gotten you
"I hear neutering saves lifes you know. The life of the cat who goes
everywhere but outside and irritates their owner most of
The smell turned out to be much worse than I had thought. After
five minutes of vigorously scrubbing the carpet with a heavy-duty sponge soaked
with white vinegar and my trusty pink rubber gloves, the many stains had won the
It was funny; the strong ammonia scent of urine had never really
gotten to me before in all my years of caring for Pokémon, yet after only a few
minutes of being exposed to it now my head reeled and pounded with a headache,
while the roof of my mouth felt as raw and dry as if I had the beginning of a
sore throat.
But, anything was a better subject to focus on now than the
ones swimming around imposingly in my mind about whatever future my newly
acquired form might bring.
I knew my next door neighbor must have been
feeding Nickel all this time via his Skitty shaped plastic flap mini doorway
into the hall, but you would have never guessed for the way he tore into the
salmon flavored cuisine...
I mused over the joyful feline face who seemed
to be ingesting pokéchow faster than he could breathe between gulps.
At the
ripe old age of ten years old, Nickel was only half grown in the meowth terms.
Back at the time I had gotten him as a birthday gift it was still
popular for anyone who is anyone to get shiny metal coverings for their meowths’
head koban.
Gold plate was of course the medal of choice, but my parents
were going through hard times back then and could only afford a second rate one
made out of silvery polished nickel.
So, in my nine year old wisdom,
that became his name.
I wonder why he's not running away from me or
something? I would think I smelled different... then again, Meowth don't
normally have much natural interaction with Zubat in the wild as the hunter or
the hunted...Thank goodness for small DNA related favors.
I could see
it all now if it had been any other way:
A half human, half zubat
girl, was eaten alive yesterday by her own pet Pokémon from childhood.
Investigators arrived at the scene late last night to discover the apartment
empty and a satisfied smirk on the Meowths' lips as it sat batting at a lone
remaining index finger...
A chill ran down my spine as I watched
Nickel wash his face in contentment with a forepaw.
Hm, food. There was a
subject worth concentrating on now. As if in acknowledgment my stomach growled.
Of all the subjects Nathan had confided in me, how often I had to eat was not
one of them.
Great, he tells you you’re now a member of a species
unknown to human science and you don’t even have the common sense to ask about
what is needed to keep yourself alive?
I couldn't really exist on
blood... could I?