All My Way, On My Own
By: Enja
Chapter: 15
I stood at the edge of camp, waiting for Kara to finish changing. We had about a day of traveling until we would be at the airport. It would be kind of lonely without anyone, but I’m sure I’d get used to it.
“Okay, Ash I’m done! Your turn!” I turned back around to walk back to camp, just through a couple trees.
As I reached camp, Kara came whizzing past me to the place I had been waiting for her to finish. “Thanks Kara…I guess.” Pikachu still lay asleep on top of my sleeping bag. What I have learned since I got Pikachu: Never ever wake up a sleeping electric rodent!
I took my bag and opened it. What first came into my sight were my somewhat new clothes. I stared at them and then shook my head. “My old self. Not my new self.” So I dug deeper into my bag, and found my old outfit.
I accurately stuck my league hat on my head and nodded seriously. “It kind of feels good to be back…”
“ARE YOU DONE YET, ASH?” Kara yelled sounding quite annoyed. I stole a nervous glance at an angry Pikachu.
“Uh-oh…OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!” A piercing surge of painful electricity ran through my veins. “PIKACHU! STOP!!!!!”
“Pik? Pikachupi…” (Huh? Oh, sorry Ash…)
“It’s all right, Pikachu. I’M DONE KARA!” Kara came striding through the bushes.
“Hey! Ash went back to his older outfit, yay!” I smiled and looked at myself again. I was back to my old self. Just one problem, my hair was still blonde. It was bound to come out sooner or later, but that would be awhile.
“Well, let’s go.”
*** *** ***
We had been clearly walking all day and I was getting very tired, I could tell Kara was too. It was time for a break. “Lets eat dinner and set up camp here, Kara.”
“Oh, all right, good idea.” Kara stopped walking and plopped on the ground, I did the same. A little break wouldn’t hurt anything, right? WRONG! Kara, Pikachu and I accidentally fell asleep!
It was now eleven thirty-two at night and we couldn’t see much of anything. Our stomachs made the concept worse. No firewood, no tents set up, and all we had that we could possibly eat that did not need to be cooked, was crackers.
“Well, this is inconvenient, isn’t it?” Kara asked as she sat up from her sleep.
“Very. I guess we’d better get our sleeping bags out and just go to sleep.”
“Pika…” (I guess…)
“Yeah, okay.” I pulled out the extra blanket that Kara had used the night before and my sleeping bag. I set them up and set the drowsy Pikachu atop of it. I smiled down at Pikachu and went over to my backpack. I searched until I found the cracker box. I took some and handed it to Kara.
“Here, it’s not much but it’s better than starving, right?”
After I finished my crackers, I aimed for bed, as I was getting tired once again. “Good night, Kara.”
*** *** ***
“Hurry Ash!” I sped up my pace trying to catch up with Kara. “We have to be in Azul by tonight! My plane leaves tomorrow morning, at 6:45!”
“Okay, okay! I’m coming!” We were two miles away from Azul and we had to be there soon, according to Kara even though we had plenty of time. It was now two in the afternoon and we had to be there before five. It would only take about an hour to get there. I guess there was something Kara wanted to do. “You know, Kara, it will only take about an hour to get there and it’s two in the afternoon!”
“I know! I just want to eat!” Was it I, or was she getting to be more like me?
It was sooner than expected when we arrived at the front gates of Azul. It was actually a very pretty city, everything was blue, even the streets. I looked at Kara and smiled. “Let’s go! Right Pikachu?”
“Pi!” (Yes!)
"Prepare for
"And make that double!"
"To protect the world from ugly people!"
"To unite all make-up within our nation!"
"To denounce the evils of boring fashion!"
"To extend our reach to the top shelf!"
"Team Rocket blast off at the speed of sale items!"
"Surrender now or prepare to get a ugly fashion!"
"We love beauty, that's right!"
A/n- okay, so shoot
me. It took me forever to update! I PROMISE I will get the
next chapter up within five days!