Rocket's Fall by Ailennate
Part 2
I looked at the last gun. There was an engraving on it but I could that
it was in Russian so I could not read it. I then put the gun in my bag.
Hey kid! Get away from there! A woman in a blue miniskirt was
running over to me, This is a crime scene! It was officer Jenny. I
turned around and looked at her. She stopped. Richard Petrini, I
should have known youd be here. She said, shaking my hand.
Jenny, listen. Get all of the police and law enforcement out of here!
TR is behind this and I already have a hostage situation- And if I get
involved any further I risk the murder of countless people, yeah I
know. Jenny interrupted Howd you know? I asked, eyebrow
cocked. Two words: Your Father. Jenny said counting the words. My
dad was one of the CIAs top elite field agents. In other words, my
dads a spy. He told me to pass onto you that he agrees with your
plan and to get out in one piece. Jenny added, gesturing two fingers
into the victory sign. I then climbed over the steel beam and walked
towards the hall.
I walked out of the fitness complex and into the hall where Miranda
and Greg were waititng. What took ya so long? Miranda asked,
impatient. Officer Jenny I said, Miranda just nodded in
understanding. Cmon lets go to the hotel room Im tired. Greg said,
sighing. So we then went to the hotel room and promptly fell on our
beds, snoring.
[Flash forward to next morning]
I woke up. Not in the bed in the hotel room but in a cell. I
automatically knew. Pikachu piiiiiiii (youre alive!) Pinkachu said
rubbing aginst my arm. Are we the only one-
rrrrrggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I screamed in pain
as I tried to get up, I fell to the ground. I tapped a part of my glasses
and it automatically went into night-vision mode. I looked at my
hands, they were covered in blood, my blood. I pulled off my shirt, I
had large slice wounds from a blade, if I didnt cover the wounds
quickly I would die from blood loss. I was weak from the amount of
blood I had lost already. I felt my bag and pulled it off, that took all of
my strength. Pinkachu. I said weakly, Unzip my bag and pull out a
box with a red cross on it, then open it and put the-I was at the point
where I was fading into unconsciousness-put the bandages in the box
on my cuts quickly......... I had blacked out. I was down and out for a
period of time that must have been an hour. I opened my eyes. My
whole torso was taped up and the first-aid kit was opened up.
Pinkachu, you didnt have to use all of the bandage! I said, annoyed.
I then pulled out two small devices with straps at the bottom of them.
I strapped one device to each part of my leg that was broken. I then
pushed a button on the devices, I felt a surge of excruciating pain for
a few minutes. After that I took the devices off of my legs and put
them back in the kit which I then put in my bag which I then put on
and got up with no problem. Pinkachu, stay close to me until we find
Jenna, ok? I asked Pinkachu. Pika Pinkachu said nodding in
agreement. Now how to get the hell outta here. I said, thinking. I
looked at the walls, there seemed to be no entrance or exit door. I
looked at a strange white tile in a corner and walked over to it,
Pinkachu following me. A warp tile! I exclaimed. I stood on the warp
tile, nothing happened. I then noticed a control panel on the wall.
Hmmmmmmm, this must be the security controls for the teleporter.
I said, rubbing my chin, Its probably booby-trapped. I said, putting
down my bag and pulling out a large tub of my patented Almost
Everything-Proof Jelly Which could take anything except a nuclear
explosion. I rubbed it on. Jeez, I gotta get the stinging outta this
stuff! I said as I felt the sensation that I was getting blasted by a
flamethrower. Okay Pinkachu, this stuff is gonna sting do you want
me to- Pika Pika (Ill take the pain) Pinkachu interrupted, I knew
just as Jenna did that because of Pinkachus accident that he was
stronger. Anyway, I rubbed the stuff on Pinkachu and proceeded to
activate the warp tile when I decided not to. I looked around, I
noticed a vent that led to the air duct system. The only means of
escape readily available. I felt for my hoverboard. It wasnt there.
Dammit! I should have electrified my hoverboard! I said, annoyed. I
then remembered that my psidarts explode if they dont impact
something soft, so they would blow-up if they hit the grating. I hope
this works. I said to myself as I pulled out my gun, switched it to
psidart, and aimed it at the vent grating. I pulled the trigger, eyes
closed, and heard the psidart explode and the vent shatter into
pieces. I opened my eyes. Aight! It worked! I said in relief. Pika
Piiiiiiikaaaaa! Pinkachu said, backflipping with happiness. I know
just how to get us out of here! I said, pulling out my laptop. I
powered it up, and accessed my pokemon storage system. I called up
farfetchd, seconds later, my laptop shot out a pokeball and a
farfetchd came out. farrrrrr! The unusually large farfetchd said.
Farfetchd Pinkachu and I will climb onto your back and you will fly
us to that vent grating, ok? I asked. Fetchd fetchd! It said in
agreement. Pinkachu and I got on Farfetchd and he immediately flew
towards the vent. When he got to the vent, Farfetchd clamped onto
the frame of the vent while Pinkachu and I crawled off of Farfetchd
and into the duct system.
When Pinkachu and I got into the duct system, I pulled out my laptop
and recalled farfetchd. I noticed that the air duct went straight ahead
to an opening and then it branched off to the right. I pulled out my
gun, in case someone was guarding the room that the opening led to.
So, quietly, Pinkachu and I crawled to the vent at least 50 feet ahead
of us.
When we reached the next vent, I could already tell that Miranda was
the one locked up there. I jumped in with only my first-aid kit and an
extra shirt torn so that it was a huge bandage. I ran over to Miranda
and saw that she had the same exact injuries that I did. I quickly took
off her shirt and wrapped the shirt I had tightly around her chest and
stomach and put her shirt back on then put the devices I had used on
my broken legs on hers (They're called fusers). I checked to see if she
still had her bag, she did. I waited for just half an hour for Miranda to
wake up. "you're awake" I said as I removed the fusers. What
happened to my chest and stomach? Miranda asked as she woke up
probably feeling a bit tight there. You had large slice wounds from a
blade there, I had the same thing only worse. I said as I lifted up my
shirt, exposing my taped-up chest and stomach which was now a
huge, bloodsoaked slab of bandages, If I hadnt subdued Pinkachu
then Id be dead for 20 minutes now. Well how did you get the
bandages on me? Miranda asked, curious. Thats my secret. I said
winking. What are we waiting for, lets get the hell outta here.
Miranda said, clearly bored.
So what do we do now? Miranda asked. Well, since probably only
three of the fifty people who were kidnapped have their gear on them
then we will have to raid their weapons room so that we have some
weapons to use I said, And I know you dont like guns but we have
no other way of getting out of here other than in a body bag, there is
NO turning back now. They tried to use us for rare pokemon but
instead they got a nasty shock so they decided to get rid of us. well
then what are we waiting for, lets kick these weedheads asses!
Miranda said, hyped up after my little speech. Right in front of us was
another air duct opening, Miranda kicked it open and we both hopped
in. Pinkachu, find the lightswitch in this room quickly, ok buddy? I
asked Pinkachu, since I wasnt his trainer. Pika pika (no problem
amigo.) Pinkachu said in acknowledgement as he hopped out of my
bag and immediately ran towards a wall and flipped a switch. Light
flooded the room. Bingo! I said as I stared at the amount of
weapons in the room. Rich I knew youd save everyone! (smooch)
Miranda kissed me. To this day, I do not know if that was a
spur-of-the-moment thing or Miranda really meant it, because I
fainted right on the spot. Richard? Miranda said as she knelt over to
try and see if I was OK. I woke up a few minutes later. Whyd you do
that? I asked. I love you. Was all Miranda said. I do too, lets do
this so that we can enjoy this later. I said and had already slipped
myself into a suit of body armor and gave one to Miranda then gave
her a headset. I then pulled out all of the Uzis that I had giving two to
Miranda and pulling two Desert Eagles with silencers attached to them
and picking out a 12-gauge shotgun. Miranda picked an MP5K. We
then looked around for a big storage bin so that we could carry the
rest of the guns. I found a hovering one that we put EVERYTHING in
and I easily controlled with my wristwatch. Pinkachu immediately
pulled out his electric blanket, hopped into the crate, and promptly
fell asleep. Lets kick some ass! I said as I cocked my shotgun. I
kicked down the door and we ran down the hall straight ahead. We
didnt have to wait very long to find TR members. Miranda and I
crouched behind the Hovering crate. Huh? Whats that thing doing
there? One of the five rockets asked his buddies. They all then
moved slowly towards us, M-16s drawn . Now. I whispered to
Miranda. Ka-ching ka-ching PLOOM! My Shotgun responded as to
why this crate was here, killing two of the rockets. I then ducked
behind the crate to reload, not seeing how they fell to the floor.
Miranda, who should have been up there firing with me, was still
behind the crate. Why are you still here? I asked Miranda. My guns
jammed! She said. Use the Uzis switch to bullets! I yelled back.
She then chucked her jammed gun at the three remaining rockets.
She then popped up and sprayed the hall with bullets.
bombombombombom! *SCHULUCK* Uhhhhhhhhh! One of the
rockets groaned his last groan as the barrage of bullets from
Mirandas Uzis blasted through his neck, spraying blood everywhere.
Ahhhhh! I yelled in pain. It had been four hours at that point, the
gel wore off. Whats wrong? Mirand asked, but got her answer when
she saw the blood coming from my shoulder. I used my good arm to
bust a cap into the two remaining rockets heads. TAKE THAT
PLOOM! Ka-ching ka-ching PLOOM I pumped two shotgun blasts into
the rocket that shot me in the arm. Miranda had to forcibly stop me
from getting a machine gun and blasting the guy into tons of body
parts. I was PISSED OFF! Miranda and I then leaned up against the
crate and she fixed up my bullet wound. Its gonna get worse up
ahead and we might have to kill pokemon. Ya think ya can handle
it? I asked. Hell yeah! Miranda said, more fired up than I was.
We kept walking down the hall until we saw two warp tiles. Stay here
and guard. I said to Miranda as I stepped onto the first warp tile.
When the white lights disppeared I got off of the warp tile and saw
three people: Ash, Misty, and Brock. Ash was waking up so I moved in
closer, Desert Eagle in my good arm so that I was prepared if this was
a trick from TR. He got up, saw me and put his hands in the air. Yo,
man put your hands down if you arent with TR then I am here to get
ya outta here. I said, So you must be Ash. Yes thats my name,
how do you know it? Ash asked I talked to Brock in the fitness
center, were friends. I responded, Cmon we have to get out of
here. You pick up Misty and Ill take Brock. Ash nodded and picked
her up. I picked up Brock and we walked to the warp tile and got out
of the cell.
We got to where Miranda was in seconds. Ash and I put Brock and
Misty down next to the crate. I handed Ash body armor, and a
headset. Whats this for? He asked. We have to use guns against
these people and, if necessary, their pokemon. I said. I then handed
him two 9mms and a pair of Uzis. Hey! Where are my pokemon?
Ash asked to no one while he was jumping up and down like a
mankey hopped up on sugar. [note: Arent I just the most obviously
twisted freak? *Someone yells HELL YEAH!*] TR took them along
with your gear. Miranda said, still standing guard, when almost on
cue, Brock wakes up and goes into supermodel mode. Drooling all
over Miranda, but I didnt get pissed off because: 1) Brock didnt know
Miranda that well. 2) I have seen what happens when Brock sees a
Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, or a really beautiful (putting it as lightly as I
can :| ) girl. 3) Miranda looked out for herself. GET AWAY FROM ME!
EWWW! HIYAAAAAAAAA! Miranda yelled at Brock as she spinning
roundhouse-kicked him into reality (OUCH!!!!!). [ Expect her to to use
a mallet? Well, sorry to disappoint you mallet fans, but why would
someone like Miranda, Jenna, or Rebecca need that especially because
they know martial arts pretty well. *Barely misses getting his head
smashed in by a brick then flips off and raspberries the person who
threw it at him, person gets up and tries to punch him but gets
uhhhhh... a lot of bones broken.* And to get it off my chest: BOY
BANDS SUCK! (well, some of the songs are OK but they basically
can we just get going? I said annoyed, but no one did anything so I
got pissed-off and my head exploded to 200 times its normal size,
After I had finished my rant, the two gym leaders did as I told them
to. But things were about to get f***ed up. Surrender now or die! A
voice threatened from above. Then, 20 Rocket Elite rappelled from the
ceiling, machine-guns drawn. I already had my Uzis drawn, and I
wasnt gonna go down without a fight. LETS F*** THIS PLACE UP! I
yelled my battle cry as I backflipped into the air dropping
smokebombs and opening fire on the Rocket Elite that were
surrounding us. When I landed I could hear the sound of my friends
landing punches on the confused Elite. I simply turned a screw on my
glasses and I could see through the smoke, I was seeing in infrared. I
put away guns and walked up to the nearest Elite I could find that
wasnt gettin a beatdown. I kicked him square in the chest
accidentally, I was actually aiming for the stomach. But it had to land
in the place that make the move pure death. It was to late to retract
the kick. I landed it and he fell to the ground, dead (do NOT try this
on someone unless your life depends on it. This move actually works I
am NOT kidding. If an object, such as a leg or a lacrosse ball, hits the
chest with enough power while the heart is in between beats, the
heart explodes, causing instantaneous death.)