Ban of friends

This story is rated pg 16
It’s Aaml, but there aren’t many shipping hints at the beginning of the story.
Don’t worry I’ll be updating “Hidden love soon. This idea just popped in to my head and I had to write it

Misty:14, Ash: 14, Gary:15, Brock: 16
Chapter one

“Shh, be quiet, they’ll hear you!!”

“Ash we can’t pull this off on are own, it’s too dangerous. We need more help!!” Misty cried out.

“NO..we gotta do this NOW”

The black- haired boy pressed himself against the trunk of a tree, trying to get a better look at the farmhouse lying half a mile ahead.

“I can’t get this damn flashlight to work” Brock whispered, tapping the side of it lightly.

“God, Ash, Misty’s right we need more help. We don’t have our pokemon with us. We don’t even have a flashlight, for Christ’s sake.” Gary muttered.

“You can’t expect me to leave these pokemon here to die, do you?” said Ash, looking back at his brown-haired friend.

“I thought of all people you would understand Gary!”

“I do understand…we all understand Ash, as much as you do, but we don’t have anything to protect ourselves with. If we get caught we’re as good as dead and those pokemon will still be there rotting in their cages”

Ash went silent and looked at his friends. Although it was dark he could still see fear written on their faces. He then looked back at the wooden house.
He sighed and with a determined face stepped out on to the high grass.

Misty, Brock and Gary looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to do.
Misty then shrugged and followed Ash. She still wasn’t okay with it, but she wasn’t about to let Ash do this alone.
Brock took a step towards the fading forms of Ash and Misty.

“You coming” he asked looking back at Gary.

“I guess so” he answered shrugging.
And silently they too stepped on to the grass and made their way towards their target.



“Hurry, Ash and Misty are already there” Brock whispered after a while of walking. They picked up the pace.

“Brock, I have a bad feeling about this”said Gary, watching Ash and Misty disappear behind the house.

“Dude, it’s too late for fear now”

“It’s just…”

“Shh, be quiet or they’ll hear us” Brock whispered, interrupting Gary.

They stooped under the window, making sure the pokemon thieves wouldn’t catch a glimpse of them and then walked slowly towards the dim lit backyard were the pokemon were held captive.

Ash and Misty were already pulling at a few locks.

“Poor, baby” Misty whispered looking at the wounded horsea.
Brock walked over to Misty to examine the lock she was clutching.

“These locks are pretty rusty” he whispered, bending down to pick up a rock.

“I think if I…YES” he whispered watching the broken lock fall to the ground, after smashing the rock against it.

Ash opened the rusty door with a loud squeak, making the four of them flinch.

“Ash, be more careful” Misty muttered taking the wounded horsea out of its cage and petting it.

“Ash, be more careful” Ash whispered with a mocking voice.
Misty gave him a dangerous glare and opened her mouth to say something back.

“Not now you two” Brock whispered. “Gary you got the pokeballs?”

Gary handed him his backpack.

“Gary and Ash, start breaking locks. Misty put all the pokemon in pokeballs”
The three younger trainers nodded in agreement.

“Common little guy, you gotta go in the pokeball. So we can get you out of here” Misty whispered. She took a pokeball out of the purple backpack and enlarged it.

The horsea didn’t try to escape, as it probably knew that Misty and her friends wouldn’t do it any harm. Meanwhile Ash, Gary and Brock had already managed to free four pokemon.

Ash banged his rock on the fifth lock and managed to break it.

“Oh god” he whispered, covering his mouth and nose.

“What’s wrong?” asked Misty while trying to get a stubborn ratata in to a pokeball.

“This one is already dead” Ash muttered, whipping away flies.

“What is it?” Misty choked out.

“It’s a pikachu” Ash whispered turning his back to them and wiping away the tears that have formed in his eyes. All three of them were looking at Ash in sympathy.

“Are you gonna be okay?” asked Gary a little too loudly.

“Yeah” Ash said wiping away another tear.

“Not after I’m threw with you!!”

Ash, Misty, Brock and Gary turned around, fearing the worst.
There in the doorway stood a grubby-looking man in overalls with a shotgun.
His greasy hair stuck to his face and he spoke with a strong southern accent.

“Hey Bobby. Come an’ take a look at what we got here” he called out, grimacing.

“Comin’ Billy” came a male voice from inside the house. He too spoke with a southern accent.

“Well, well, well. Looks like you caugh’ yourself a few ratatas, Bill” said the slightly younger, but equally dirty looking man.

Misty gulped and took a step backwards towards Ash.

“What you reckon we do with them, Bill?” he asked eying Misty excitingly.

“I reckon I kill the three males and have me a little fun with the gal. You know how I love me a redhead”

“Don’t you dare touch her, you filth!!” Ash shouted, walking towards Misty.

“Don’ worry, Bobby here can have a little fun with you too” said Billy, grinning.

“Youz sure is purtty” said Bobby, making a smooching motion with his lips towards Ash.
Ash gulped heavily.

“You’ll have to get threw us first” growled Brock.
Both he and Gary took a step towards Misty and Ash.

“Fine, then I’ll just hav’ to shoot yah.” Said Billy pointing his gun in the direction of the two older trainers.

“NO” Misty and Ash screamed in unison.

Ash threw the lock he had in his hand towards Billy. It hit him on the head with a loud thud, making him let go of his gun.

“You fuckin’ kids” he screamed out, falling to his knees. Bobby hurried to his side.

“Run!” Ash screamed running in the direction of the forest. Misty, Gary and Brock ran after him.

“Don’ just stand there yah nitwit, folow’em. An’ make sure yah shoot’ em all.” Billy let out throwing his gun at Bobby.

“Sure thang, Billy” Bobby exclaimed, running towards the forest as well.

“I’m gonna get yah you fuckin’ kids” .
Bobby stopped running and began to shoot towards the shadows that were making their way towards the safe embrace of the trees.

“Guys we’re almost there…keep running” Ash hollered at his friends behind him.
Bullets were barely missing him, often falling near his feet or soaring pass his head.
Finally they left the open grass field and jumped behind a huge tree.

“Oh god” said Misty closing her eyes and gasping for air.
Gary leaned against the tree, sighing lightly.

“Urggg!!!!” Ash let out, punching the trunk of the tree. “We left all the pokeballs there, damn it!!”

“Ash?” Misty whispered with a hoarse voice, after a while of silence.

“What?” he asked disappointed at himself.

“Where’s Brock?”

Ash looked up at Misty, who looked terribly frightened.
He then looked at Gary, who looked equally scared.

“He was right behind me” he exclaimed, looking back at the dark grass that rustled in the soft wind.

“Oh god….BROCK!!” Ash screamed walking back towards the dark field.

“Shhh, I hear voices” muttered Gary in fear, holding Ash back.

“Billy I got me one, I got me one” Bobby exclaimed in glee, just nearby the tree they were hiding behind.

“Well, all the devils you did get yah one”

“Please don’t, please leave me alone” a third, weaker voice whispered.,

The three friends recognized it as Brock’s voice.

“Oh no, we gotta help him” Misty whispered, taking a step towards the dark field.
Gary held her back too.

“No, they’ll shoot you” he whispered.

“No, please. Just leave me alone!!” they heard Brock plea again.

“Kill’em” said Billy’s voice coldly.

“No” Ash whispered trying to break free from Gary’s grip.

“Please don’t, please, plea…”
Bobby fired the shotgun twice and then…..everything went silent.
Misty covered her ears and buried her face in Gary’s shirt, whispering. “O god, O god” over and over again.

Ash’s face screwed up in horror.
Tears filled his eyes, as he heard the two men that had murdered his friend chuckle.

“Leave him to rot here, I don’ want that waste on me property”

Reviews please.
Don’t worry this is Aamrn. It just has a darker edge to it