

In his moment of miscomprehension, One Dash One hurriedly switched the heating system off, his eyes fixed at the point at the bottom to the windshield, where the heap of stones had disappeared. They didn't reappear.

Instead, he heard a thunderous roar, and a sheer wall of water shot upwards, just about five feet in front of the bluntly rounded nose of the hovercraft.

Following closely were vibrations which would become tremors beyond his position.

Startled by the noise and sight, and slightly off-set by the close-in vibrations, he recoiled in the pilot's seat and yelped in his fright.

All that water had descended back to earth, five seconds later, as he unclipped his Lowi-light from his E-belt, and moved to exit the hovercraft, thinking, 'What the hellion was that all about?'

He had a good idea, after seeing all that water burst skyward, that wasn't the hovercraft that had RISEN ~ of course ~ but he still checked to make sure there was something to step out of the hovercraft and directly onto.

From where he stood on the step-up of the HoCra, he could see that there was jumbled ruin for him to step out upon ~ Right in front of him.

Just twelve feet farther on to his right, maybe three of them beyond the nose of the HoCra, the ruin field abruptly ended, and he could clearly hear the churning of settling waters, somewhere beyond and obviously below that point.

Figuring that 'what was gonna go had gone', he made his way to the lip of the newly formed cauldroneous zone, and peered downwards with the aid of his Lowi-light, to inspect its depth and surface dimensions.

The collapse's depth was at least twenty-five feet, he judged with fair accuracy. Then he swept the light's beam to the far, side-wall of the sunken area ~ adjusting it to its widest 'pinpoint' setting ~ and he realized the immensity of the collapse's zone. It was better than thirty yards wide, and fifty long.

'Oh Sheowti,' he thought with wide-eyed awe, 'that could not have been good for OLie and Co.!'

He turned to skip quickly back to the hovercraft, and leaped up into it. Reaching for the comm. mike, he thought grimly, 'OCley is DEFINITELY going to hear about this ~ Posthaste!'


There was a stunned silence amid the four near the four near the passage entrance, as the unexpected spout died a quick death.

OCley realized after several seconds, that the comm. unit was still on, but there was no sound from down below, to be heard from it.

He looked at the unit. feeling numb in his heart, and saw what he fully expected to see, but wished he didn't. The 'link attempt' light was blinking and the 'link established' light ~ which had been on just moments before ~ was darkened. He knew that meant the Operation Leader's unit was out of commission. And if the circuitry of OLie's unit had been compromised, it was because of unexpected ~ or unexpectedly HIGH ~ levels of down surging waters in the lower depths of the passage.

Still shocked, Everett said slowly, disbelievingly, "If any of that water flowed down with just half of the fury it came up with..."

There seemed little point in finishing the needless observation, so he stopped himself from doing so, and amended silently instead, 'But there was no water...'

They were all having visions of those down below, floating unconscious in the deepest chamber, or trapped in scanty pockets of air, completely surrounded by the deadly volume of water which must have flowed down the passage. Certainly, OLie and the others must not have been prepared for the sheer surge there was little doubt had occurred.

OCley turned on Rendal suddenly and ordered despairingly, "Do a track ~ Find out if they are still alive!"

But the tocus shook his head sorrowfully and replied, [I am deeply sorry, Master, but rescuing One Dash Two has tapped my energy out dangerously. Even if I risked my own life to try and detect any of the survivors there may be, they are most certainly too deep.]

OCley's open mouth snapped shut, and he reminded himself silently, ' 'No needless or useless risks'.'

And then he said aloud, raging in impotent fury, "What bloody went wrong?"

The obvious answer was that there had been some hidden pressure-zone, or a large amount of water that had been released from somewhere.

But none of them were thinking with any clarity, and only Everett knew about the lack of water at the excavation's terminus. Hence, it didn't occur to any of them to wonder where the spouting water had come up from. Or what had caused the tremors.

The answer to OCley's rhetorically spoken question was not long in coming.

The second link-indicator came on for the second time in five minutes, and they heard One Dash One make his grimly succinct report; *\"ODO, Sir. About a fifteen hundred square-yard area of the ruins in front of me, has just caved downwards, to a seemingly settled depth of about three stories."/*

There was a pause, and then the man inquired hopefully, *\"Has there been any word from OLie?"/*

OCley couldn't snap at his subordinate for being concerned ~ besides there was no chance of OLie's successfully contacting him ~ so he replied mildly, "No, no word. But I will inform you when there is."

*\"Thank you, Sir,"/* One Dash One responded in guarded tones, and then the link indicator went out.

There was a moment's silence, during which they all factored in the news they had just received, and then Everett began to ask, speaking to OCley Two, "So what should--?"

He cut himself off, as they became aware of someone rapidly approaching them. It was Two Dash Two, who they realized was agitated, when he got close enough so they could see his face in the whisper of Penny's Lowi-light.

"I won't ask what the tremors were about," he said anxiously ~ obviously unaware of the waterspout that had been ~ "but I can't promise the same of those in the camp, over yonder."

He hitched his thumb over his shoulder, and added, "Most of the tents are lit, and there are a couple of flashlights bobbing around, on the ruin side of the encampment."

That meant they had no time, but that didn't stop OCley from not wasting it. He grabbed Penny by the shoulder of her rain cover, and said in his 'command' voice, "Three Dash One, I want you to--!"

She knew what it was he intended, that he didn't want her to do, and didn't let him finish. "HECK NO!" she interrupted him determinedly, "I'm coming with you."

Not surprised by her words, but chagrinned nonetheless, OCley unclipped his Lowi-light from his waist, and tossed it to Rendal, who caught it deftly, despite being unprepared to do so.

"The YOU go and flash the 'all clear' bait," he master ordered him shortly. "Set the Lowi on 'median pinpoint', 'whisper', and send the signal from the top of that look-out we've been using."

[I take it the rest of you are going down the passage as far as you are able,] Rendal stated with his usual insight into his master's mind. And then he added before he turned to perform his assigned task, [Be quick, but be even more careful.]

"I hope you're up to another run," OCley said to Everett, as his tocus departed.

"I'm still standing, aren't I?" the young man responded grimly. "Let's get moving!"

Only three of them did.

"Sir." Two Dash Two didn't have to shout; his voice held a magnetism which made the trio of the others hold back from taking more than a first step towards the passage entrance.

"What TDT?" snapped OCley impatiently, and informed his subordinate with careful stress, "Time is short!"

The thick-set man's face darkened, and he hissed through clenched teeth, "I swear that I will follow you down into that passage, if that is where you shall lead me."

He paused and took a breath, then continued in the pained tones of a man doing his duty as he saw it, but not liking it. "But there IS no time! We CANNOT get down below fast enough to accomplish anything useful, and we can rightly expect company from next door shortly. OLie and the others won't waste time getting topside if they are still alive, so the most helpful thing ~ but not necessarily the only thing we can do ~ is buy them the time they need to get clear." He finished with an interrogative, "Sir?", and lifted his eyebrows.

"Potshots at them?" OCley ventured in response, speaking of those that might approach the ruins uncomfortably close. He raised his own eyebrows right back at Two Dash Two.

The man nodded confirmation and pointed out, "It will make them duck their heads and stay away, I'll wager."

"Little doubt," OCley agreed dryly.

He turned his head with a decisive nod, from Two Dash Two, and ordered Penny and Everett, "I want the two of you to head for the HoCra. Tell One Dash One to fire it up, and one of you should lead him in as much farther as you can. The other can load the ShoRi with clips, and bring it to Two Dash Two at the lookout point."

All three of his teamers began to move, but he stopped them with an urgent sounding, "Wait!"

"You go ahead, Three Dash One," he told Penny quickly, and she did, as he held out his hand to Two Dash Two. "The binoculars," OCley demanded of him.

The man set them into his superior's outstretched hand, and OCley signaled he could leave.

"I guess I won't be needing them," Two Dash Two observed humorlessly. "They'll have flashes I can't miss." Then he took off for the look-out position.

OCley passed the binoculars to Everett and explained, "Someone at or near the HoCra can use these to keep an eye on things here. When I give a wave, I want its cushion-level props cranked up to full rpm, and One Dash One to have it next to the passage's entrance in no longer than thirty seconds. Kapishe?"

Everett didn't bother to answer; he just turned and struck off for the hovercraft at a cautious hopping trot.
