After marveling for five minutes at the condition of the passage at the
stopped up point,
'Almost like the water is being sucked down the passage, at this
blocked section,' he decided finally. 'Which means that for some reason,
pressure in the bottom half of this passage is trying to equalize.' It did
follow logically. 'Which also means,' he realized uncomfortably, as he
backed away from the obstructed area before him, 'that this is probably not
a good place to be, right now.' He knew as he thought this that 'probably'
was definitely a massive understatement, if the lower parts of the passage were
trying to take a 'breath'.
'Oh, dear Goddess, please take the lead out of my feet!' he
prayed, as he turned and flew towards the first set of stairs he had to climb.
He was in the midst of climbing them, when OCley's warning reached his
ears, the echoes bouncing off the dirty stone surfaces of the passage and
giving the sound of his superior's voice a freakish quality.
"Thanks for the warning," he said breathlessly, as he hustled
faster than he would have believed possible ~ under normal circumstances. The
grateful acknowledgement was meant, too. He might very well have been standing
back there stupidly, when the warning had reached him.
As he tore recklessly around the first one of the passage's five
ninety-degree angled turns, with the first of two one-eighty switch-backs
coming immediately into sight ahead, he wondered how the Operations Chief knew
about the equalizing effect.
' 'Run for your life'?' he quoted silently. 'It sounds like he knows
something I don't instead of the other way around.'
He was around that first switchback before the answer came to him. 'He
must have gotten a 'watch' word from OLie,' he reasoned. 'So he decided it was
even less safe down here, than we first figured. Still,' he thought incredulously.
' 'Run for your life'?' He chose to disregard the fact that he was pretty much
doing just that, and buckled down mentally to really think this through.
'If OCley got word from OLie that the blockage is trying to breath, then
they must have either moved or been moving back down lower. The carbon dioxide
level in the air will be higher the lower they go, so their time is getting
shorter with every step downwards they take. They must think, like the rest of
us were, that there is a goodly amount of water collected down at this side of
the terminus, so everyone thinks the forgeers and the detennons are out from
this end, like the grubbles still are.'
'No help from us to speak of, their oxygen getting critical right now or
very soon, and a call for me to get clear of this passage 'flaming fast' ; OLie
must be making a move from their side of things. Oh, and the equalizing
pressure,' he amended. He frowned suddenly, as it finally struck him. 'Why is
there negative pressure down below?' he wondered uneasily. He was running a
little faster now, despite the fact that he was beginning to get winded. 'Water
must be escaping from the chamber, somehow,' he concluded. 'And that means the
negative pressure will continue to build until the blockage breaks up and
allows equalization ~ Which I am not going to want to be in the passage
He wasn't exactly right about just why he was running for his life, but
what he thought he understood was sufficient to give him new impetus, as he got
his second wind and passed what he mentally calculated was roughly the halfway
point of his flight to the safety of ground level.
'OLie, I know you and the other guys are tense and eager to get loosed
from your prison,'
He hoped it didn't seem he was being unreasonable or selfish to any of
the goddesses whose hands his fate was in, at this particular moment.
He was mounting the second of the three sets of stairs, with two more
nineties and the second switchback still to go, and he was getting a sinking
feeling in his gut; he didn't think he was going to make it.
'On the bright side,' he allowed himself to think pessimistically. 'If I
survive this, it's doubtful I'll consider taking up a thrill-sport ~ Ever!' And
he reflected with grim humor, that it seemed even less likely ~ at the moment ~
that his heart-rate would drop back to normal in anything less than a full month.
OLie Three almost asked Dee Two where he was going, but the rest had
heard OCley's command and someone had to try and get word to the seznak to hold
off for a few minutes.
The brave man left his teamers without a backward glance, and raced to
the upwards archway of the passage. He grabbed hold of the alternately jutting
corner-stones of the arch ~ to break his momentum ~ and hurriedly thrust his
head around the corner.
"Reith! Hold off!" he bellowed at the top of his voice.
"Hold off, hold off, Reith! Hol-"
Thirty feet away from the passage's topside entrance and to the left of
it, the trio of Penny, Rendal and OCley, were standing in tense silence.
OCley was holding the comm. unit up in front of his face, watching the
link indicators like an expectant father, so when one of them popped on, he
assumed it was OLie Three down below.
But it was the voice of One Dash One that emitted from the unit, to his
agitated dismay. His was a commander's unit, and there were six indicators for
to indicate an open link with another unit.
He realized when he registered who the unexpected voice belonged to, that
it was the second link-indicator in the bank of them, that was lit.
There was a unit mounted in the cockpit of the hovercraft, and One Dash One had
decided to report at this inopportune time.
*\"This is One Dash One, Sir,"/* the designated pilot
identified himself dutifully, sounding almost thoughtful. *\"I finished
weatherizing the HoCra. Is there anything else I-- "/*
He was cut off as OCley switched the master link key in on his unit to
the frequency setting the hovercraft's inboard unit broadcasted on, and barked
a reply before he could finish.
"Yeah!" OCley began sharply, figuring he knew what One Dash One
was asking about. "You can stay off of the air!"
He switched frequencies again, and his anger slackened somewhat when he
saw the number two link indicator wink out hastily. His agitation didn't
lessen, however.
"No good news from OLie,” he said frustratedly. "He would have
buzzed me by now, if they were able to catch a hold of the seznak." He
shook his head despairingly and declared, "If One Dash Two doesn't get
clear in the next ten seconds, he's likely gonna get caught."
[Master!] Rendal cried urgently. [I'm rested; should I--]
"My Goddess! Don't ASK ~ do it!"
OCley thundered at him.