Having given Reith a Rend Healant shot and a shock suppressant to stabilize
him, Penny called him into a Medi`Ball, as OCley spotted OLie and Co. emerging
from the passage.
"Are you good to go?" the
Operations Chief shouted inqueriously to him.
OLie felt like laughing riotously, but controlled that urge and simply
responded, "Oh yeah, Sir!"
*\"TDT, it's time you 'flair' and pull back,"/* came OCley's
voice from the comm. unit. Two Dash Two heard the queue indistinctly over the
noise around him and thought, 'Thank the Goddess! It's about time!'
If he and Everett were pulling back, he had to help Liza knock that
darrigen out of commission; entuned or not, the eelza was having a magmar of a
time subduing it.
What he didn't know and what Liza could tell him, was that most of the
darrigen's scales were waxed against electric attack.
He hated to be so cruel, but he felt he really had no other option ~ He
took careful aim and squeezed off a last shot.
The darrigen collapsed with a moan, and Liza cautiously moved in to
hazard it ~ Two Dash Two hoped she would be careful and not try something that
would bring the Guards to the darrigen's defense.
He turned and rolled forward onto his feet with one fluid motion, and
grabbed at his Lowi as he took off down the rubble's rain-slicked and jarringly
uneven grade.
When he had good angle, he flashed the Lowi ~ having adjusted it to
'widest pin-point' 'max candle power' ~ over
'He looks as comfortable as that ATTA-G looked before all the
noise started,' he noted with some envy. He himself got tense during a
munitions exchange; good for some ~ it kept them on their toes and wide awake ~
but hazardous to the health of others. For them, tension meant hair-trigger
reactions, and hair-trigger reactions needed instinctive judgment; which
usually meant if you didn't have good judgment, you didn't survive these
hitchingly twisted missions.
He couldn't spare a glace at his subordinate as he loped with proper
caution down the incline of ruins, but he could listen for the trailing of the
younger man's footsteps. He heard Everett lay a cover of five 'blooms' with the
Acquizen, one after the other, after which the 'kid' was probably drawing back
with all proper haste and following in his wake.
Neither of them gave much thought to those they were leaving behind.
There were no worries about collecting the loosed P-teamers; the HoCra had a
DistantRecall system installed inboard, and it was good for up to five miles.
As TDT had expected, he became aware of
Surprised at the 'command halt',
"Put some of the grainite on the lookout ridge up in the air, before
we can see the whites of their eyes," came the suggestive command from his
More dust and chips were the result they got ~ indeed the one they were
wanting ~ and they both moved to retreat again, TDT offering his hand to help
Everett up from his half-kneel.
"Get some rounds out of the Acquizen and see if you can manage to set
them for timed detonation at from five to twelve seconds delay," Two Dash
Two ordered his subordinate, and went on to explain needlessly. "We'll set
them along the next ridge and hope the ATTA-Gs don't want to run a
Between them, they rigged seven rounds for safely timed detonation
increments, and planted them cautiously about ten feet apart: three on the
approach side of the ridge, and four on the retreat side.
His four charges reposing securely, Everett stood still near the last one
and noticed something while he waited for Two Dash Two. The HoCra was in sight,
and he read the message that someone within it was flashing towards them.
He turned back to see Two Dash Two hustle over the ridge's crest and into
sight. Surprisingly enough, not to the sound of shots from the Guards and their
resulting ricochets.
"New orders,"
Running now, beside him,
Two Dash Two snorted disgustedly and rejoined sarcastically, "Now
why didn't we think of that?"
The first thing they didn't think of, went off behind them ~ as they ran
for the HoCra ~ with a concussion that would have riled a shattah; the first, independently
armed round Two Dash Two had attempted to place, he had lost down into the ruins
only-the-Goddesses-knew how far.