Greetings cultured art types!

When someone wins the Golden Pokeball Award, this is a permanent award. It cannot be revoked, but you can shout to the world that you rock! The winning artists and artworks are listed here because their peers felt they were the best of the best of The Pokemon Tower.

So, good art purveyors, select your artist/artwork of choice and enjoy.

Congratulations to all the winners! You should be proud of your accomplishment!


Golden Pokeball

Silver Pokeball

Bronze Pokeball

August 2011

No winners as there weren't enough contestants

Topic: The End of Summer

August 2010

No winners as there weren't enough contestants

Topic: Ash Meets His Father

April 2010

No winners as there weren't enough contestants

Topic: Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

December 2009

by Ooshii Kurai

by Partyhat Pikachu

by Raichu

Topic: Under The Mistletoe

August 2009

by Aspendragon

by Partyhat Pikachu

by Raichu

Topic: Play Time, Kids!

April 2009

by Ooshii Kurai

by Sonezaki

by Partyhat Pikachu

Topic: Wake Up! It's Morning!

December 2008

by Mistygemmy

by Holly

by Mistaria Ketchum

Topic: Under The Mistletoe

August 2008

by Ooshii Kurai

by PartyhatPikachu

by Jormel

Topic: The Agony of Defeat...

April 2008

by Ooshii Kurai

by PartyhatPikachu

by C.A.A.T.

Topic: How To Be The Best Rocket

December 2007

by PartyhatPikachu

by Rupert Francisco

by AbsolDrone

Topic: Pokémon From Around the World

August 2007

by Tinanit Enozym

by Pichu Lover

by Intense Innocence

Topic: Better Than You!

April 2007

by Kara-Yasuragi

by Chatsy

by Soccerpixie

Topic: Pokemon Training Humans!

December 2006

by Robby Bevard

by Moya

by C.A.A.T.

Topic: "The Pokemon Tower Mascot!"

August 2006

by Robby Bevard

by The Pokemon Creator

by MasterGiovanni

Topic: "Pokemon Summer Olympics!"

February 2006

by Squirtle'sGurl07

by Robby Bevard

by Chatsy

Topic: "Ash's Toughest Battle"

August 2005

by Robby Bevard

by Wydinel Sheergale

by Holly Indigo Jadethorn

Topic: Team Rocket Succeeds and Celebrates!

February 2005

by Robby Bevard

by Moya

by Water Mistress 7

Topic: Where my fav Pokemon character(s) is(are) ten years in the future.

August 2004

by Topaz

by Tinanit Enozym

by Aspendragon

Topic: The caption reads: "My Hero!"

Feburary 2004

by Moya

by Crimson Flame

by Angelical Proportions

Topic: Movies With The Pokemon Cast!

August 2003

by Holly

by C.A.A.T.

by Hikaru

Topic: Summertime Fun -- Rocket Style!

February 2003

by Emotwo

by Crimson Flame

by Usagi Tuskino

Topic: Discovering Love

August 2002

by Crimson Flame

by Moya

by McWizardX

Topic: Officer John Harrison and his K-9 partner, Striker from Growlithes in the Real World

Voting Results -- Past and Present:

December 2009

December 2008

April 2009

August 2009

December 2007

April 2008

August 2008

December 2006

April 2007

August 2007

August 2006

Feburary 2006

August 2005

February 2005

August 2004

February 2004

August 2003

February 2003

August 2002

The next Golden Pokeball Award voting will start:
December 18th, 2009

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